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Super Best Friends Thread 16: You thought Woolie was the Liar, but it was me Patrick!

Man this entire discussion is fucked.

Quick question: how robust would a multiplayer-only game have to be in order for it to be worth the $60/40 pounds? For some people, I don't think there's EVER a satisfactory answer to that question...

Robust all depends on what you consider content.

Some people can get by with just CS:GO or CoD.

The simple solution to this would be to add an offline multiplayer mode against bots.

Easily my favorite thing about Perfect Dark and UT 2004.


Robust all depends on what you consider content.

Some people can get by with just CS:GO or CoD.

Easily my favorite thing about Perfect Dark and UT 2004.

CS:GO is great because it has a lot of content and only costs £12. Why should I buy another shooter that's 4X the price?


dammit dammit dammit dammit!

The ECLIPSE is tomorrow, and nobody is selling those glasses!
Everyone knows that the eclipe comes after the golden age, and now I'll miss it!


Liam will be the Casca, Matt will be Griffith, Pat will be Guts, and Woolie is puck.

it took me so fucking long to find this bullshit THANKS TUMBLR


Star Wars: Battlefront is debuting in April. Will it live up to the previous battlefront games? Probably not. Still, I hope it's a decent shooter. I need a new shootbang in my life.

It's going to be battlefield with a Star Wars skin, I don't imagine it's going to be good but I don't like battlefield so I'm probably biased in that

Even more so since its being marketed as the BIG PS4 exclusive.

Well then people need to know what they're buying, or suck it up and git gud
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