Calm down. This doesn't mean anything. Yet.
Konami has been a walking, festering corpse for a greater part of a decade anyway.
He could have always made a non MGS game. Kojipro is mostly independent, because of how much power he truly holds at Konami.
There was no MGR2 teaser, and if he leaves Konami, that doesn't mean he takes the IP with him. Konami still owns Kojipro and Metal Gear.
This is probably just Kojipro being rebranded, and Kojima taking a larger leadership role. Or he could leave. Or retire. Who knows.
I might be naive here, but I dont think he holds THAT much power at Konami.
If he did he wouldn't have been essentially forced into making MGS4 or the various PSP games, or now MGS5.
I really would like a Policenauts or Snatcher return to the current market. Telltale has nailed down the formula for making those games work on console.