Banana Aeon
Well, here's a tip: Don't go to Tumblr.Well I saw it on Tumblr so I was thinking it was a complaint about how hes not a black transgendered homosexual person.
Well, here's a tip: Don't go to Tumblr.Well I saw it on Tumblr so I was thinking it was a complaint about how hes not a black transgendered homosexual person.
Well, here's a tip: Don't go to Tumblr.
nope decided to look up the guys twitter account alot of SJW stuff on it.
Then search tags, or go to the boorus or Pixiv.but theres cool fan art on it :<
Of course there are people who only want to press X to win, that's just stating the obvious, but it's not my point.
There's more details and stuff.. if you care.I mean there isn't much more to say it's just upsetting and shit
Nope, you gotta make a new set with new High Rank parts.They have way better armor skills and defense than the low rank versions too, so I recommend you go right for them.I like asking my stupid monster hunter questions here because I feel like I'd get speared for being such a scrub in the OT.
So armor. Lower sets can never upgrade into the higher sets, correct? For example, you couldn't keep upgrading the Jaggi into a Jaggi S set.
I like asking my stupid monster hunter questions here because I feel like I'd get speared for being such a scrub in the OT.
So armor. Lower sets can never upgrade into the higher sets, correct? For example, you couldn't keep upgrading the Jaggi into a Jaggi S set.
No, unlike swords armour doesnt upgrade into better versions. It only upgrades the stats.I like asking my stupid monster hunter questions here because I feel like I'd get speared for being such a scrub in the OT.
So armor. Lower sets can never upgrade into the higher sets, correct? For example, you couldn't keep upgrading the Jaggi into a Jaggi S set.
I like asking my stupid monster hunter questions here because I feel like I'd get speared for being such a scrub in the OT.
So armor. Lower sets can never upgrade into the higher sets, correct? For example, you couldn't keep upgrading the Jaggi into a Jaggi S set.
Yeah it's fucking shitty as hell RIP in peace silent hills and Rising 2
Tetsu S is the best early High rank set by far.
The OT is full of stupider questions by the way.
good luck making a game without kojima
Kojima didn't work on rising 2
He still wrote the story for it
On one hand I'm glad Kojima is leaving Konami.
good luck making a game without kojima
Kojima didn't work on rising 2
Who fucking gives a shit about the story in that game?
He was the one who seemed interested in a sequel. Though, if Konami likes money maybe they'll give it back to P*.Kojima didn't work on rising 2
I do, like I care about the story for everything MGS related.
Kojima didn't work on rising 2
Without Kojima's backing, Konami likely won't make an MGR2.
Well then...
I guess that makes sense. Or they will give it to someone else.
I guess that makes sense. Or they will give it to someone else.
The funny thing about this is that now Kojima can say that Phantom Pain is his last Metal Gear game and have it fucking mean something.
Konami might be in fire sale mode now. Kojipro was their last standing monolith, and like the the rest of thw them, they burnt that bridge.
So it's confirmed...
I dont think so.Konami might be in fire sale mode now. Kojipro was their last standing monolith, and like the the rest of thw them, they burnt that bridge.
I'm really glad Kojima gets to do something new and hopefully nothing like MGS.
I'm really glad Kojima gets to do something new and hopefully nothing like MGS.
I know Konami likes sitting on IPs, but let's be forreal. They ain't sitting on Metal Gear.Without Kojima's backing, Konami likely won't make an MGR2.
That was the best thing about Silent Hills and I was gonna fanboy super hard if it was shown off to be amazing.yea like silent hill plz
That'd suck, but he's been burned really hard. He always talks about going into movies, but considering his senior team got fucked too, I wonder if they'd all stay together afterwards.I hope he doesn't leave video games...
I know Konami likes sitting on IPs, but let's be forreal. They ain't sitting on Metal Gear.
That'd suck, but he's been burned really hard. He always talks about going into movies, but considering his senior team got fucked too, I wonder if they'd all stay together afterwards.
Wow. I hope Koji Pro sticks together under a different name.
Why can you not get that a cardgame can't keep a massive third party developer afloat at it's current size??
yea like silent hill plz
Prolly.Metal Gear for iOS: Because FUCK IT.
Nah, they're like Pat. They love new people.
Pat types fucking paragraphs to teach you if you ask, but he also gets buttmad when you fuck up.Yeah if my experience last night was anything to go by he just loves scrub players.
He was chill enough to go along with it at least.
Cause it probably makes more money than MGS. Unlike a video game you cant buy one structure deck, you gotta buy shit load of them, you gotta buy so many booster packs and you gotta buy that 100 box and hope you get that fucking Ultra you need, and if you need a set you gotta buy another 100 dollar box, I know people who spend shit loads of money on yugioh alone.