That's pretty whiteI'm too white to get this joke.
I love both of them, but I could argue that Alpha Protocol is the better game. They're both great though, and I love them both.
I really hope that gets localized.
There is only one way. Find it all on YouTube or Vimeo, unless you can do that then this isn't happening.
or someone could just upload the full thing on youtube
Da fuck is this? A skeez simulator?
Fuck that, Alpha Protocol is an amazing game, and is extremely underrated. I love it. I still think New Vegas is great, though.Way to be wrong, Foxhound
Game of the Year. Just waiting for the localization announcement
I have the DVD. It would take me a full day and a half to encode and upload it to YouTube.
I'm too white to get this joke.
.this is as close to pokemon snap 2 as we're going to get isn't it
So that's what zed looks like.
...I need this game now all of a sudden.
Weirder things have happened. I wouldn't say it's impossible. Even if it doesn't get localized, i'll just import it. I'm going to play this, one way or another.
I can't wait till they impliment the selfie option you can have while holding...I need this game now all of a sudden.
It won't be Metal Gear redefining the stealth genre, it'll be fucking this.
We can find a way!
Were nerds. Collectively we can come up with something can't we?
...I need this game now all of a sudden.
It won't be Metal Gear redefining the stealth genre, it'll be fucking this.
Fuck that, Alpha Protocol is an amazing game, and is extremely underrated. I love it. I still think New Vegas is great, though.
Took me literally seconds
You know what really sux about Doc's situation...HE CAN'T EVEN HAVE PIZZA
As a console player with a shitty laptop, mods have no bearing on my opinion of a game. I fucking wish there were mods, though. I've seen some cool shit that I can't experience.I'm not saying that Alpha Protocol is bad, just worse than New Vegas. And the massive amount ofnudemods for New Vegas agrees with me
Wait what? Did I miss something?You know what really sux about Doc's situation...HE CAN'T EVEN HAVE PIZZA
Wait what? Did I miss something?
As a console player with a shitty laptop, mods have no bearing on my opinion of a game. I fucking wish there were mods, though. I've seen some cool shit that I can't experience.
So sad...You know what really sux about Doc's situation...HE CAN'T EVEN HAVE PIZZA
It doesn't sound like chipmunks to me?Welp. They sound like chipmunks but it's a start.
T-minus 48 Hours until the Face Off Instasynch!
I'm excited!
Oh right. I forgot lent was a thing.He gave up Pizza for lent.
So Saturday 10pm EST? If so that's perfect for me.T-minus 48 Hours until the Face Off Instasynch!
I'm excited!
It doesn't sound like chipmunks to me?
What is Schwarma tho?
I thought it was just like meat your supposed to give up? Sorry for my ignorance. It's been a while since I did the whole 'catholic' thing.I gave up wheat for Lent. I can't have anything that is made from wheat, including Pizza.
Nope, never have. It'd be an easier question if I had mods, but I don't. And honestly, as much as I love New Vegas, i'm going to give it a break for a while. I've been playing it a lot lately, and i'm starting to get burned out.You saying you haven't played NV with Project Nevada? Well no wonder this is even a question.
Ah, i didn't notice. Never watched face off, so ehh.Dialog is sped up slightly and cropped.
You'd notice it if you watch the DVD version
Maybe I should gift you a copy, along with Con Air. Fuck that anime bullshit. Join the church of Nic Cage.
I thought it was just like meat your supposed to give up? Sorry for my ignorance. It's been a while since I did the whole 'catholic' thing.
So Saturday 10pm EST? If so that's perfect for me.
I thought it was just like meat your supposed to give up? Sorry for my ignorance. It's been a while since I did the whole 'catholic' thing.
No, the best way to watch face off is to not at all.Objectively the best way to watch Face/Off.
Nope, never have. It'd be an easier question if I had mods, but I don't. And honestly, as much as I love New Vegas, i'm going to give it a break for a while. I've been playing it a lot lately, and i'm starting to get burned out.
You're required to sacrifice meat every Friday and Ask Wednesday all the way up to Easter Sunday, but most Catholics also give up something else to discipline themselves during the 40 days of Lent.
You can give up whatever is a vice in your life, including sex, like poor Josh Hartnett did.
So Johnny Cage's new fatality is possibly my favorite of all time. That's fantastic.
I gave up wheat for Lent. I can't have anything that is made from wheat, including Pizza.
Who needs bread anyways?You aren't gonna eat bread?
You aren't gonna eat bread?