Man I really hope my GS is having a midnight release for Bloodborne or I might cave and just buy it digital and physicial ;_;
Pretty cool thing from a DBZ Artbook, I usually enjoy it when stuff you don't normally see in a series is given to you officially by other means.
I used to read all the time in High School when I had a lot of open blocks but since entering the real world I have moved on and would rather spend my free time with video games. I still enjoy sitting down and reading a book but it is a lot harder to do so now.
The feeling I have is akin to being really hungry and being told I can only eat in two days.
Well those are a givin
Man I really hope my GS is having a midnight release for Bloodborne or I might cave and just buy it digital and physicial ;_;
The feeling I have is akin to being really hungry and being told I can only eat in two days.
Man I really hope my GS is having a midnight release for Bloodborne or I might cave and just buy it digital and physicial ;_;
Pretty cool thing from a DBZ Artbook, I usually enjoy it when stuff you don't normally see in a series is given to you officially by other means.
I'll eat that private dick pulp like water.
Man I really hope my GS is having a midnight release for Bloodborne or I might cave and just buy it digital and physicial ;_;
Yo is SMT Nocturne a good SMT game?
Nah its the worst. Pick up SMT1 on iOS instead.Yo is SMT Nocturne a good SMT game?
Yo is SMT Nocturne a good SMT game?
Tell me this cover doesn't make you wanna drop everything and read this right now
Animorphs' covers are so bad
That looks like ICO. That's... I need this.
One of my favorite games in general.Yo is SMT Nocturne a good SMT game?
If the Americas was getting the same LE as Urope, I would have doubled dipped.
All about that Wal Mart. I might go see if I can trick an old lady into selling it to me tonight.
Or you can just go digital and never look back
Yo is SMT Nocturne a good SMT game?
All it does is make me wanna play Bloody Roar.
Yo is SMT Nocturne a good SMT game?
Me too...fuck.
I don't care if the graphics are super meh, it will scratch my Team Ico itch
Nah its the worst. Pick up SMT1 on iOS instead.
Yes its a good game.
one of if not the best by popular consensus.
One of my favorite games in general.
I miss Primal Fury, just pick Yugo and...
Well someone's gotta shill for it. Its still a great game.No shut up tho
I rented Bloody Roar Primal Fury and played the hell out of italone.... ;__;
Well someone's gotta shill for it. Its still a great game.
I miss those games, I remember going over to a friends house and playing that, Xenogears, and a 4 player co-op game called Champions: Return to Arms, we got a lot of miles out of that multitap.
I rented Bloody Roar Primal Fury and played the hell out of italone.... ;__;
The two Champions games on PS2 were great, I loved those games.
Shoutouts to squishy, we have a alternative to instasync that seems pretty fucking rad. It lets us all watch hulu, netflix, or Youtube- and supports voice chat.
Shoutouts to squishy, we have a alternative to instasync that seems pretty fucking rad. It lets us all watch hulu, netflix, or Youtube- and supports voice chat.
Whats the name of the artbook?Pretty cool thing from a DBZ Artbook, I usually enjoy it when stuff you don't normally see in a series is given to you officially by other means.
Well someone's gotta shill for it. Its still a great game.
We don't have to use voice chat, but it could be fun.Nope
*Heavy breathing*That sounds rad.Bring on Bible Black night
It is in JaypaynIf only SMT2 was on there ;~;
Shoutouts to squishy, we have a alternative to instasync that seems pretty fucking rad. It lets us all watch hulu, netflix, or Youtube- and supports voice chat.
Shoutouts to squishy, we have a alternative to instasync that seems pretty fucking rad. It lets us all watch hulu, netflix, or Youtube- and supports voice chat.
Don't be afraid Jack
Shoutouts to squishy, we have a alternative to instasync that seems pretty fucking rad. It lets us all watch hulu, netflix, or Youtube- and supports voice chat.
Shoutouts to squishy, we have a alternative to instasync that seems pretty fucking rad. It lets us all watch hulu, netflix, or Youtube- and supports voice chat.
Nobody has to use it.Nope
I don't think it matters because of the way it works. Once we try watching something we'll find out.Oh shit! Does it work internationally?
Imagine the madness...
Yoooooo dudes, check this out. Damascus Gear: Operation Tokyo for the Vita. Stealth announced a couple weeks ago, coming out Tuesday for $14.99. It's basically isometric/top-down Armored Core.
I'm ALL OVER this shit.
.... yeah and If....If only SMT2 was on there ;~;
Shoutouts to squishy, we have a alternative to instasync that seems pretty fucking rad. It lets us all watch hulu, netflix, or Youtube- and supports voice chat.