But they did it, Aonuma and Miyamoto did it to themselves.
They wanted a shitty excuse to write the same story over and over again, they now have plot armor to use Zelda as a money printer.
That's not right. I want a resolution to the hero of time! Enough of Ganon!
Oh fuck off.
It doesn't even matter what the canon is for zelda.
Their quality for the playstyle is something unmatched, and this money printer idea is made assuming each of the games isn't GOTY quality in terms of design and sheer polish. We've had, what, one bad one so far?
And it played pretty damn good once you got past the tutorial. Ancient cistern was easily the best water temple the series has had(in 3d at least), and a bunch of the others weren't too shabby either. It was the free roaming through an empty world that sucked ass(which, admittedly, was incredibly disappointing.) But I felt that even with that, the quality of the new combat systems and the level design for the dungeons and boss design for the bosses that weren't the sealed or whatever it was was pretty goddamn top notch. It was a bad zelda game, but it was a good game overall.
No one plays zelda for the story, because story is not what zelda is good at.
Zelda is good at being zelda, with gameplay and charm.
What good would a technical plot resolution do us? Ganondorf is a rad villain, and I really don't mind him being made the honorary villain forever. They're still free to mess around with their Vaatis and their Ghirahims, and they are also free to have him be different people with different motivations every time. What he is does not always because of the will of demise. Sometimes it can just be because of the incarnation's own personal motivations. It just means that not everything is a continuation of the struggle. Maybe some stories happen between resurrections, like skull kid. Skull kid happened immediately after the defeat of events of OOT, and was not the reincarnation of Ganon. That's still a thing that can happen.
And speaking of ganondof, he still has the potential to be cool as fuck like in OOT, where he was Ganondorf Dragmire, the greedy ass Desert King. That wasn't just a representation of Demise's lingering hatred, it was still a dude who became the king of evil. Maybe his Ganon form was that, but the question is what does that actually change?
Most of the Zelda games's reasons for fighting him is because he's evil and you're the destined hero chosen by the gods anyways. Hell, OOT just tells you that right off the bat.
So in conclusion, I'm going to get and play Zelda 2015. I am probably going to love it, because it looks hype as fuck. Because I like Zelda games for reasons other than their sub-par levels of lore. You are free not to like them, and not to play them.
Goddamn I'm not sure if I'm so salty because I'm tired, or if being this salty is making me tired. I apologize for the contents of this post, but jeez there needed to be a proper rebuttal to this group shitting that was occuring before my eyes, including lore things that are just wrong. And since none came, we have to make do with this. I will welcome my title of zelda apologist with open arms.