Super Best Friends Thread 17: I don't have Bloodborne or Monster Hunter... Uhh...

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I hate that shit. It's even worse when the game has an abysmal map.
A lot of times I say I prefer linear games just because that stuff doesn't happen.
Metroid is a good exception because they show you what ability you need to get to X place very clearly in the 2D games, so when you get it you just have to remember where you hit those roadblocks. Plus the good level design doesn't get overwhelming. The biggest slight I have against Super is when there's a door
in the elevator room. I was stuck there a good hour if not two.
No Linux support tho.
Does that other one people brought up do that?
Fully voiced or bust.
I'm sure we can just splice shit together from videos, or we can get Pat to bug them
We pretty much have a gdd buried somewhere in the past threads.
Time to dig it up.
It might not actually be time to dig it up
Do we have an artist willing to draw the disgusting deeds we would partake in?
The other one's in Python and runs on everything, it's the same thing KS was developed in, it'd be on errythang. The thing is that that one on Steam is easy enough you don't need anyone to program the backside.
I just meant if that other program that was originally brought up had linux support. Also not sure why you took off the first part of your post lol
I keep forgetting that's a thing.
I wouldn't think that Iwatodai dorm was a good rhythm game song.


I was laughing about
how much of a chump she was and then I laughed even harder when my buddy couldn't beat her after like 5 attempts.

Your buddy is a chump

The only thing thats a curve ball in that fight is
when you realize there are actually two

And its still easy.

.... sorry for making fun of you, alf's buddy.
A lot of times I say I prefer linear games just because that stuff doesn't happen.
Metroid is a good exception because they show you what ability you need to get to X place very clearly in the 2D games, so when you get it you just have to remember where you hit those roadblocks. Plus the good level design doesn't get overwhelming. The biggest slight I have against Super is when there's a door
in the elevator room. I was stuck there a good hour if not two.

Metroid is the one series where I don't feel frustrated when I'm lost. The level design and map are just sublime. Also, I had a similar experience in Metroid Zero Mission where
you had to jump into a pool of fake lava in order to progress. It took me forever to figure that one out.

What's nonsense is that they don't have Unbreakable Tie in there.
Its not the same without the sticks and drums... If they sell the drums somewhere, I would definitely pick it up.

edit: They do

Yeah definitely, but I've been fiending for rhythm stuff since last night for whatever reason so it'll work. If only there were one that worked for PC. I mean you could get a PS2 one and buy an adapter but yeah
What's nonsense is that they don't have Unbreakable Tie in there.
Haven't gotten to that yet.
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