Super Best Friends Thread 17: I don't have Bloodborne or Monster Hunter... Uhh...

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But he's so pretty.

Not as pretty as Dio

Hey, guys, I said this last night, but it was like the middle of the night, so only a few people saw it:

Tabletop Simulator ($15 on Steam) has online capability, and has a fuckton of games, including both Metal Gear Risk, and Cards Against Humanity (with all expansions, including a Canadian one I didn't even know existed)

It's kinda great.

Thanks for the heads up, that seems really cool. I'll probably grab it if it goes on sale again.


I didn't know it was in Paris, else I would've gone.
Not really, I'm not that into the fitegames

The tournament itself is good but i am talking about the eSportsness and all the anime intros. Ghost in the shell is playing and NGE themes were playing too. It is amazing.


The tournament itself is good but i am talking about the eSportsness and all the anime intros. Ghost in the shell is playing and NGE themes were playing too. It is amazing.

I was pleasantly surprised when I heard those. This is my first fighting game tournament stream and it's pretty decent.


I was pleasantly surprised when I heard those. This is my first fighting game tournament stream and it's pretty decent.

I hope you check out more.
You can feel the hype and can be overwhelmed by it which is great.
I have seen too many streams that i lost count years ago.


There's so much salt on screen, it's amazing.
I'll check out more if I have the time.

There are weekly streams but it is easier to watch the major tournaments. Start with those. You dont have to dedicate time on a weekly bases and you can get alot of entertainment out of it.
Higher stakes too and the salt flows deep.
I think most people have zero patience to look for stuff in the game nowadays.

There's looking for secrets and then there's having to burn every tree in a section of the map.
But I don't know where to bomb walls and stuff UT.

Not everyone is good at old school stuff. Its probably why I would be rubbish at P2

P2 IS is easy as fuck. Only P2 EP is hard and that's more artificial difficulty than anything.
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