Super Best Friends Thread 17: I don't have Bloodborne or Monster Hunter... Uhh...

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It was fraudwil?

I got stunned but she never attempted to slit my throat like my friend said she does.
She got me with that every time, right as they were both nearly dead. It's a proximity thing I think.
Learning I could mash out of the stun before they could get off the grab made it fine.

1V1 Rival matches are hype

I think this a serious contender for my favorite Megaten game
I just now discovered the other bath messenger shop in the hub that lets me spend insight to buy items. 20+ hours in. I feel kind of bad about lowering the difficulty like this for myself, but fuck it I'm taking as much advantage of this thing as I can with my just under 100 insight.

God I hate Evangelion.
It's extremely overrated. Only good mecha series Gainax made was Gurren Lagann (Gunbuster is majorly flawed outside of that amazing final episode).


I only now realized that the Tumblr account doesn't belong to a random SBFP fan. It all makes sense now.

I recall Pat mentioning that his GF watches Retsupurae. I should have put two and two together.
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