Super Best Friends Thread 17: I don't have Bloodborne or Monster Hunter... Uhh...

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So, I was chatting with some of my friends and two of them are PC gamers. One of them bought a PS4 for bloodborne and other stuff. The one who didn't is saying he is going to wait for BB to come to PC. My other friend then sent us this

Well I hope you explained to him how BB is in the Demon Souls situation, especially since those two games share lore connections.
Sounds like PSG was good. It's too bad I was busy, it's been in my backlog for a while. I'd be down to watch FLCL. Haven't seen that either.
It's great all the way up till the very end.
It shoulda ended with those jpeg legs squishing what's his face.
Or hell, just take out the last minute or so. That'd ne fine too.


Not everyone agrees with you and me on that one bro

I assume people just don't like it due to
a feeling of unresolvedness? It's been quite a few years since I've seen FLCL, but if I remember right that's the feeling. Makes sense with the series direction, but I guess people could be annoyed at that too.
The thing I find hilarious about people being upset at Panty & Stocking's ending is that, in a series entirely devoted to being as bizarre and crude as possible that they would expect an ending to be anything remotely sane or tone appropriate. The fact that it's following off of the studio's history with ending their shows on the worst note possible (Evangelion being the biggest offender), them taking the Gainax Ending up to 11 purposefully is just icing on the cake.


The thing I find hilarious about people being upset at Panty & Stocking's ending is that, in a series entirely devoted to being as bizarre and crude as possible that they would expect an ending to be anything remotely sane or tone appropriate. The fact that it's following off of the studio's history with ending their shows on the worst note possible (Evangelion being the biggest offender), them taking the Gainax Ending up to 11 purposefully is just icing on the cake.

I am not too bothered by it.
The thing I find hilarious about people being upset at Panty & Stocking's ending is that, in a series entirely devoted to being as bizarre and crude as possible that they would expect an ending to be anything remotely sane or tone appropriate. The fact that it's following off of the studio's history with ending their shows on the worst note possible (Evangelion being the biggest offender), them taking the Gainax Ending up to 11 purposefully is just icing on the cake.
My deal is it just comes from literally nowhere. And besides,
how could stocking possibly be a demon? She lived in heaven for a while yeah? Don't you think someone would've noticed a demon walking around?


The thing I find hilarious about people being upset at Panty & Stocking's ending is that, in a series entirely devoted to being as bizarre and crude as possible that they would expect an ending to be anything remotely sane or tone appropriate. The fact that it's following off of the studio's history with ending their shows on the worst note possible (Evangelion being the biggest offender), them taking the Gainax Ending up to 11 purposefully is just icing on the cake.

I know why they did it...but Goddamn it! It doesn't help I didn't think the joke in particular was funny.


So for FLCL the sub I can find seems to cut off a bit of the ending of each episode. Other than that there is the dub which I remember the SBF saying it wasn't bad on the podcast though I haven't watched it.


So, am I crazy or has it been kinda slow here, this thread? Just a random question.

Well, I know I'm generally crazy, I mean over this specifically.

Half were watching anime and the other half went to play 3rd strike.
Secret other half playing BB and another sleeping or about to.
Well would you look at the time. We lose an hour in a few minutes. Looks like I missed the PSG watch, well i'll watch it on my own at a later date.


My deal is it just comes from literally nowhere. And besides,
how could stocking possibly be a demon? She lived in heaven for a while yeah? Don't you think someone would've noticed a demon walking around?
Yeah its pretty random.
The only thing that alludes to her being a demon is when she starts to go out with that other demon I guess.

Yeah it is.

GG rean. I almost died when I thought the Katana Jesus hit.
Haha GG Trainer

I need to train more with Chie, Naoto, and Aigis.


^Mara this should answer you.

So for FLCL the sub I can find seems to cut off a bit of the ending of each episode. Other than that there is the dub which I remember the SBF saying it wasn't bad on the podcast though I haven't watched it.

The dub is the only way I've seen it. It's a great dub.


And you're still missing the point of my salt.
The issue isn't it fitting in with the tone of the show or anything. In fact, there is no issue. It fits perfectly and it succeeds at what it set out to do. Rather, it's that an intentional shit ending is still a shit ending, hence the salt.

They achieved the extremely unfunny, terrible joke of an ending they wanted and fully managed to turn the erect hype of the show into a confused, flustered and flaccid one. For that, I congratulate them.

Pretty much this.
I don't think the joke was worth it. Considering people consider Gainex endings a BAD THING.
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