Super Best Friends Thread 17: I don't have Bloodborne or Monster Hunter... Uhh...

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Woolie has me looping the Diebuster OP. Thanks woolie.
Man everytime anyone posts the chorus for Libera me From Hell I have this irresistible urge to reply by posting the lyrics to Fight the Power.
Whatchoo whanna do is
whatchoo gonna do just,
break the roof and you the truth uh huh,
this is the theme of G commin thru baby,
That is the problem with unconsciously existing in a collective hive mind. Our hosts only have so much knowledge that can be exploited.

You're not wrong, human beings are just like NPC's in an RPG, unless a new event happens, they will just keep repeating the same dialogue points over and over again in a pattern.


I love series where there is a machine where the creator says (Never go past X) yet they made it so the machine can go past X...
That is the problem with unconsciously existing in a collective hive mind. Our hosts only have so much knowledge that can be exploited.

If we were an on topic thread, we'd be way way more circular Sushi.
You're not wrong, human beings are just like NPC's in an RPG, unless a new event happens, they will just keep repeating the same dialogue points over and over again in a pattern.


If we were an on topic thread, we'd be way way more circular Sushi.
What we need is a good old fashion TV show shake up. Someone needs to get teen pregnant or pick up a drug habit or something, introducing new characters hasn't been as successful as hoped.
We're not?

Pretty much.
Well, when we're on topic we are, but we're hardly on topic enough to be called that.

What we need is a good old fashion TV show shake up. Someone needs to get teen pregnant or pick up a drug habit or something, introducing new characters hasn't been as successful as hoped.
I could introduce you to my family, there's a lot of that going on.

I'm dying

I'll go get drug pregnant for you guys, I'll just take one for the team.

We need a R63 Matt mind break, impregnation doujin.

Where you at indonesianbob?
Woolie has me looping the Diebuster OP. Thanks woolie.Whatchoo whanna do is
whatchoo gonna do just,
break the roof and you the truth uh huh,
this is the theme of G commin thru baby,

As the rhythm designed to bounce
What counts is that the rhymes designed to fill your mind
Now that you've realized the pride's arrived
We gotta pump the stuff to make us tough
From the heart it's a work of art
To revolutionize make a change nothing's strange
People, people we are the same
No we're not the same cuz we don't know the game
What we need is awareness we can't get careless
You say what is this
My beloved, lets get down to business
Mental self-defensive fitness
Bum rush the show, you gotta go for what you know
Make everybody see, in order to fight the powers that be
Let me hear you say FIGHT THE POWER
Just had interesting conversation about the economics of buying digital hentai/ecchi on Twitter. The TL;DR is that you get screwed by credit card companies and PayPal, thanks in part to high chargeback rates on porn.


Woolie has me looping the Diebuster OP. Thanks woolie.Whatchoo whanna do is
whatchoo gonna do just,
break the roof and you the truth uh huh,
this is the theme of G commin thru baby,

So I'm like 5 glasses of wine and very little food in and this shit is the greatest
just catchy tune, catchy tune, and then BAM!
Shirtless divekicks.
I need to see this show.

Also hey everyone, I've been too busy spring breaking to post, or even lurk. What did I miss this week.
Just had interesting conversation about the economics of buying digital hentai/ecchi on Twitter. The TL;DR is that you get screwed by credit card companies and PayPal, thanks in part to high chargeback rates on porn.
That's actually really interesting.
So I'm like 5 glasses of wine and very little food in and this shit is the greatest
just catchy tune, catchy tune, and then BAM!
Shirtless divekicks.
I need to see this show.
It's a sequel to Gunbuster made wayyy after, iirc. I've been going through Gunbuster.
Why the fuck would you buy porn?
If one of my favorite hentai artists' stuff became legal to buy, I wouldn't mind putting down some money for that, since they did some good work and deserve to be rewarded for that.

But yeah, most porn isn't worth paying for or is impossible to pay for (all that Comiket only stuff that'll never make it here unless someone scans and uploads it).
That's actually really interesting.
For ecchi stuff, it can also get screwed by vendors like Comixology and Amazon, who simply won't host it for whatever reason (this is why there's no digital Monster Musume, for example).
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