Super Best Friends Thread 17: I don't have Bloodborne or Monster Hunter... Uhh...

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Comparing the Goku vs Vegeta fight and Gohan vs Super Buu Fight with Goteenks adsorbed. You can really tell Gohan lacks experience. Considering the moment things look rough he starts to flail around.
My deal is it just comes from literally nowhere. And besides,
how could stocking possibly be a demon? She lived in heaven for a while yeah? Don't you think someone would've noticed a demon walking around?

It's a stupid noncanon joke that by its very nature makes no sense. And love it or hate it, that's the exact right way to end that show.
Finally beat
that hunter on the bridge at Nightmare of Mensis.
Now to continue moving through the level.

Also, my mind is constantly returning to the Dark Id's LP of Xenogears as I watch this video...and hearing Pat get super salty because of Woolie and Liam is putting a big smile on my face.


Xenogears video

There's nothing cool about the Hero
Liam: Except his hair

No Liam, his hair is not cool, it's fucking dumb.

Tied back long hair on males is nearly always ridiculous looking to me, unless they are old as shit.


Xenogears video

There's nothing cool about the Hero
Liam: Except his hair

No Liam, his hair is not cool, it's fucking dumb.

Tied back long hair on males is nearly always ridiculous looking to me, unless they are old as shit.
I can see the stink lines of how much you love it, off of your avatar


DO IT. Squaresoft's best game.

Xenogears video

There's nothing cool about the Hero
Liam: Except his hair

No Liam, his hair is not cool, it's fucking dumb.

Tied back long hair on males is nearly always ridiculous looking to me, unless they are old as shit.
You're totally right. When I had long hair, I tied it back, and damn did it not look good.
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