Super Best Friends Thread 17: I don't have Bloodborne or Monster Hunter... Uhh...

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There are a lot of barber shops in the world

Do they put those in Barber Shops? I had no idea. I want a half chub while some dude is cutting my hair, sounds great.
I'm sure someone will be disappointed that I didn't take this opportunity to shit on Newfies but they're just called rednecks here as well. I wouldn't call them that though, they are just standard tweakers.
They can be dissapointed, I'm not around them enough to learn the lingo of what people call them.

I talk to you people, and Mercy..that's it.


I wonder if there is any books I want to buy...

Oh man this Xenogears video is great.

You're damn right we are. And I could
and might
link you to one.

But there is no excuse for owning any porn book before you own a copy of the complete Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy. Everyone should own a copy of that goddamn series, because it's the greatest

I can't wait to get to Xenogears, but I'm in the middle of a Indigo Prophecy watch right now


Fakku is a site that hosts a lot of pornographic fan comics of different anime, manga and videogames. You can buy physical copies of certain ones from their store.

Nah man, just start beatin it while he's working. That'll give him a good laugh.

You guys are weird assholes. No chocolate cookies for you! As in all chocolate, not just the chips. Specifically Peppridge Farm chocolate cookies. THEY'RE SO SOFT AND CHEWY.
This thread right now.

If I was going to buy one it'd definitely be physical but then I'd feel bad that the only book I own is porn.
I'll put it with this one volume of Berserk I have.
Really though, it comes down to just actually liking the work enough to want to give money for it. If Hirame published a thing I'd get it immediately too.
I wonder if there is any books I want to buy...
You guys are weird assholes. No chocolate cookies for you! As in all chocolate, not just the chips. Specifically Peppridge Farm chocolate cookies. THEY'RE SO SOFT AND CHEWY.
What's a fakku book? Porn?
Hentai that you can buy physically or digitally (depending on the title). The digital stuff is DRM free (which is a fucking miracle since these guys are working with the Japanese) and all seems to be at a $9.95 price point for anthologies, which isn't a terrible price considering how retardedly inflated eBook prices are.


Jokes on you, I don't like cookies.

Ew, I hate those kinda cookies.

The family guy joke was great. They're legit good cookies.
They have Korra stuff...

Hentai that you can buy physically or digitally (depending on the title). The digital stuff is DRM free (which is a fucking miracle since these guys are working with the Japanese) and all seems to be at a $9.95 price point for anthologies, which isn't a terrible price considering how retardedly inflated eBook prices are.

So basically the same as rule34.


This thread right now.

Hey PG what's the source for your avatar.

I'm trying to change the topic
Hey sKLa what's the source for your avatar
God I hope someone unaware reverse image searches mine
Rep dat hentai wit pride boi.Be like "Yeah that's right I peek some'a dat Korean cartoon porn!"
Don't do that tho.

I aint' dat brave or bold
I'm da worst batman der eva wuz
Hey sKLa what's the source for your avatar
God I hope someone unaware reverse image searches mine

I aint' dat brave or bold
I'm da worst batman der eva wuz

What are you stupid? Retarded or something? You're the goddamn Batman.
God fucking damnit Frank Miller.
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