Thanks to everyone for all their support. My RealGAF thing worked out.
My mom was waiting on a cancer diagnosis and she's in the clear.
Thats great. My mom gets to come home from the hospital tomorrow.
Thanks to everyone for all their support. My RealGAF thing worked out.
My mom was waiting on a cancer diagnosis and she's in the clear.
Thanks to everyone for all their support. My RealGAF thing worked out.
My mom was waiting on a cancer diagnosis and she's in the clear.
Thanks to everyone for all their support. My RealGAF thing worked out.
My mom was waiting on a cancer diagnosis and she's in the clear.
Thanks, Frienders!
In unrelated news. I'm watching Predator for the first time.
Was Jessy the body Ventura gay with Mack?
I entered Paradigm X but do not know how to get out. I saw the blimp with the exposition dump. What do I do next?
Thanks, Frienders!
In unrelated news. I'm watching Predator for the first time.
Was Jessy the body Ventura gay with Mack?
Go towards the blimp in the shady backalley of the virtual world. Nothing can go wrong...
FP dungeon crawling isn't that hard...
Good. I lost my maternal grandfather to cancer before I was born so I never got to personally see how awesome he was, apparently.
Well, shit. My dad got back, and he's still pissed that our car broke down. He's still screaming, unfortunately, which is bound to annoy our neighbors. I'll have to go smooth things over with them tomorrow. While they hate both of my parents, they like me, and since they're also our landlords, I can't afford to have them annoyed with us anymore than they already are.
Oh I back where you started and go to the building south.I already did that
Yo nice, that's great news.Thanks to everyone for all their support. My RealGAF thing worked out.
My mom was waiting on a cancer diagnosis and she's in the clear.
I have a little over a year left before college. This is one of the reasons why i'm looking at colleges with on campus housing.Damn man, when are you able to get out of there?
That's some seriously good new.Thanks to everyone for all their support. My RealGAF thing worked out.
My mom was waiting on a cancer diagnosis and she's in the clear.
I am learning some new tech
OH god why do I make spelling errors in these things, and only notice when I am done.
I am learning some new tech
OH god why do I make spelling errors in these things, and only notice when I am done.
Easily the best part of the show.
Well it seems my father has passed out again. I'm going to take this opportunity to go to sleep. My father is a loud guy who seems to be unable to ever stop talking, so it's hard to go to sleep when he's awake.
Is John Cena a Predator? We can't see him. He has respect. Loyalty. Hustle.
I think I just cracked this case.
That was hype
Fuckin spoilers! Maybe someone else hasn't seen it!Is John Cena a Predator? We can't see him. He has respect. Loyalty. Hustle.
I think I just cracked this case.
how do I add words to my gifs?
this image pretty much sums up Seth Rollins' reaction
how do I add words to my gifs?
FUCKI'm using photoshop and adding it frame by frame
if this is a sincere question and not mocking sjay for fail
there's two ways: one, you just add the words to every frame of the GIF. this gets expensive in terms of filesize fast and is not recommended
two, you set the type of animation to add or additive or cumulative or something like that (whatever the opposite of replace is) and delete everything under the letters in every frame after they appear
You could use Gifcam to make the gif. They have built in tools to add text.
how do I add words to my gifs?
Too bad we already saw that spelling error.Fixed
when you nico nico nii but not really feelin it
I don't know this feel. I'm always into the nico nico nii.
It's just like real life actually. A few people dressed like idiots surrounded by people who dress normally.Oh god the mix of normal clothes with FF style clothes is so jarring...
Too bad we already saw that spelling error.
when you nico nico nii but not really feelin it
I am learning some new tech
OH god why do I make spelling errors in these things, and only notice when I am done.
I guess I am already a demon
The day I Nico Nico Nii is the day I kill myself.
That font makes it look like "stay" not "sjay"
Omae wa mo nico nico nii