I'd like to think that my criticisms come off as more constructive and not from a hateful place. I also think that criticism has its place. This place would be a massive circle jerk if all we did was praise everything they did. At the end of the day this is entertainment and if they aren't being entertaining them criticism should be okay. My distaste for Woolies style of play is definitely not hyperbole hahaha.
It's the nature of text. Yours has always come off as more angry to me due to the constant mentions of slow woolie or cowardliness.
I also have nothing against criticism. I don't really consider much of what I say criticism since it's just pointing out shit and that's really it. I'll point out how they misinterpret something or whatever else, but I don't really think of it as true criticism when it's just me lazily pointing at a thing they fucked up. I've said it before, but I also walk through these games slowly to observe the area. I rarely have a problem with Woolie's slowness due to that. I think his main problems come with aggression in combat more than slow walking through areas.
Edit- Thinking about it more and I guess I don't see it as very good criticism maybe? It's criticism all the same, but I don't really care to point out it's criticism. I'd feel like it would need more thought put into it to be good criticism or it would need to have something on how they could actually improve besides go faster. Well thought out constructive criticism and all that. If I were to jab at Woolie's slow playstyle I think the primary offenders are his lack of aggression in combat and his spin2win strategy. If he went more balls to the wall with attacking he could stagger more, recover more health, and waste less vials. A lot of the time he hits once and let's off as if we're doing Dark Souls 2 pokes. I'd like to see rely less on an enemy walking into range and him charging that R2 as well. People have said these points before, but I guess I felt like restating them for a poor example of trying to be constructive or something.
Good to know they're on track for the true final boss. One of the items they need can still be fucked up and permanently missed though, right?
They don't have much chance to fuck it up at this point.
I really hope this makes it on the next podcast. Pat is gonna be really surprised at the numbers where there's very little Xenogears or Front Mission 3.
WTF at Rugrats: Search for Reptar?!
Xenogears and FM3 not being up there is entirely unsurprising to me. I'm more surprised FFT and Legend of Dragoon came anywhere close to it.
Wow, they're doing Nightmare Frontier first?
...Pretty ballsy =p
Nightmare Frontier is kind of supposed to be done at this point. I didn't find the Tonsil Stone on my playthrough, so I just encountered the area way later. I was wondering why it was so easy, but due to some assumptions and talking with people I found out it could be done earlier. They should have little problems doing the area now. Cept rocks.