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Super Best Friends Thread 17: I don't have Bloodborne or Monster Hunter... Uhh...

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It's probably for the best they postponed the Unseen Village after the tension they built up at Byrgenwerth, though. I mean, Nightmare Frontier isn't without its frustrations (hai Winter Lanterns), but it honestly it probably would have been terrible if they continued to follow the critical path without being refocused and ready for some steaming horseshit.

Nightmare Frontier is kind of supposed to be done at this point. I didn't find the Tonsil Stone on my playthrough, so I just encountered the area way later. I was wondering why it was so easy, but due to some assumptions and talking with people I found out it could be done earlier. They should have little problems doing the area now. Cept rocks.

Actually I was thinking of Castle Cainhurst, that's certainly the easiest option available to them now.

I would say Nightmare Frontier is pretty tough if you want to complete the whole thing, because you have to deal with valley/blight/gutter ver.4
Oh god, it's a good day to back down.


I spent both too long and not enough time on this


Actually I was thinking of Castle Cainhurst, that's certainly the easiest option available to them now.

I would say Nightmare Frontier is pretty tough if you want to complete the whole thing, because you have to deal with valley/blight/gutter ver.4
I don't think Nightmare Frontier is any harder than the upcoming area. It's easier to me at least. The worst part is rocks. Cainhurst could also be done now probably. I consider most of the enemies there pretty easy. I hear some people have trouble with the boss, but I didn't have any trouble. Wouldn't be surprised if they mopped up NF and Cainhurst before moving on with the story.
Cranky's on Patreon now. Already got $140 from it.

Plague is a patron even though Cranky is a patron of his Patreon. Collusion?

Someone needs to pull out their money somewhere considering that's just throwing money at Patreon at that point.

Bloodborne Part 34- True Ending is a go then hopefully. Hopefully they actually run through the game with that new armor set and never change. NF is cool with all of its invasions and rocks too. I imagine they'll finish it within the next episode or two. I didn't find it to be that long of an area, but I don't think I explored all the goop that well. I'm also glad Woolie reminded Pat to try and not state things as a fact. I don't get severely annoyed when Pat tries to divine game systems or other things out of thin air, but I know there's a few people who have stated their annoyances with it before. Hopefully this will satisfy those people.

Castlevania Aria of Sorrow Part 2- The sword whip is real. Liam continues to be super good at video games and he has all the tech/strats available. I know nothing of Aria's glitches so shit like the shop glitch is amazing and crazy to me. Also more zingers like his poison joke. It's too good.


Back Down 6 - Back Down to Back Up
Back Down 7 - The Final Back Down
Back Down 8 - Back Down Strikes Back

Oh god I couldn't find this thread and thought it was gone.

If someone made me choose between spider lady and reverse spider lady I'd just end myself
or pick Spider-Woman because dayum.


Un Rama
It's the nature of text. Yours has always come off as more angry to me due to the constant mentions of slow woolie or cowardliness.

I also have nothing against criticism. I don't really consider much of what I say criticism since it's just pointing out shit and that's really it. I'll point out how they misinterpret something or whatever else, but I don't really think of it as true criticism when it's just me lazily pointing at a thing they fucked up. I've said it before, but I also walk through these games slowly to observe the area. I rarely have a problem with Woolie's slowness due to that. I think his main problems come with aggression in combat more than slow walking through areas.

Edit- Thinking about it more and I guess I don't see it as very good criticism maybe? It's criticism all the same, but I don't really care to point out it's criticism. I'd feel like it would need more thought put into it to be good criticism or it would need to have something on how they could actually improve besides go faster. Well thought out constructive criticism and all that. If I were to jab at Woolie's slow playstyle I think the primary offenders are his lack of aggression in combat and his spin2win strategy. If he went more balls to the wall with attacking he could stagger more, recover more health, and waste less vials. A lot of the time he hits once and let's off as if we're doing Dark Souls 2 pokes. I'd like to see rely less on an enemy walking into range and him charging that R2 as well. People have said these points before, but I guess I felt like restating them for a poor example of trying to be constructive or something.

I wouldn't say its anger per se, more frustration. Woolies style of play is frustrating to watch and one of the only real problems this LP has. My biggest problem of his walking style is that taking it slow is a viable way to do it in a normal setting. But this is supposed to be entertainment. And when we get 30 minutes a day of footage and Woolie only makes 10 minutes of progress then we have a problem. So I think the slowness is a legitimate complaint. We already have 80 odd episodes of Dark Souls 2 so watching Woolie play this like that is naturally going to be frustrating and boring. Plus like you I usually just point out snail woolie then move on. Especially as I think episodes have been getting better recently.

What could I say to be more constructive? Woolie moving at the regular walk speed means they'd make more progress in a shorter amount of time and him being more aggressive during fights would be more interesting and would also lead to more progress ultimately making the play through more rewarding to watch.

The way Woolie plays and the way Pat plays is night and day right now (apart from when Pat backed down)

I do wonder If the second Pat backed down he knew he'd catch fire for it hahaha.


I wouldn't say its anger per se, more frustration. Woolies style of play is frustrating to watch and one of the only real problems this LP has. My biggest problem of his walking style is that taking it slow is a viable way to do it in a normal setting. But this is supposed to be entertainment. And when we get 30 minutes a day of footage and Woolie only makes 10 minutes of progress then we have a problem. So I think the slowness is a legitimate complaint. We already have 80 odd episodes of Dark Souls 2 so watching Woolie play this like that is naturally going to be frustrating and boring. Plus like you I usually just point out snail woolie then move on. Especially as I think episodes have been getting better recently.

What could I say to be more constructive? Woolie moving at the regular walk speed means they'd make more progress in a shorter amount of time and him being more aggressive during fights would be more interesting and would also lead to more progress ultimately making the play through more rewarding to watch.

The way Woolie plays and the way Pat plays is night and day right now (apart from when Pat backed down)

I do wonder If the second Pat backed down he knew he'd catch fire for it hahaha.

Frustration or saltiness was the tone to me and I find that to be a subset of anger sort of, but I get what you're feeling. I'm able to detract myself enough that I'm able to understand this is Woolie's first time playing and that makes his playstyle understandable. I don't feel the drive to want him to move faster since his walk speed is similar to mine. I don't feel like I can fault him for wanting to take his time so he doesn't get ambushed since I feel like I do the same. I might just be being too passive and accepting of his fault too. I don't really feel like I need an LP to be constantly moving for it to be considered good entertainment, but I might be in the minority. It's been a few weeks of Woolie, so maybe I just forget the feeling of Pat taking the reigns or them actually progressing through an area faster than Woolie speed. Also sure, maybe the most constructive thing at this point would to be just to tell Woolie to push the stick more than not at all. I also agree with the aggression like I already mentioned before. He's becoming too docile with the way he actually attacks. Spin2Win and Pat telling him not to pump strength probably helped lead to this.

I also feel like I've typed this same idea of not faulting him since I do the same like 3 times, but fuck it. I just can't get mad at the guy for walking slow since it's his first time playing the game.

It'd be nice to see Pat not immediately eat shit too each time he gets hands on the controller. Shit worm hitboxes, Rom, invaders, and all that. It would be nice to see him live once just for a change of pace at least.


Un Rama
Yeah, I said a few pages ago I'm not expecting Woolie to hold the sprint button and run everywhere. Just to hold the stick down so he moves faster than a slow walk.Christ yes this whole vit build no strength thing is the most perplexing thing of all. Especially when they complain about not quite dealing enough damage to one shot weaker enemies.


I was originally going for that, but when I gave up on sonic characters the girl was too bland.

I don't remember, were they going to do the chalice dungeons in the playthrough? Else they won't get to hear the best boss track.
It is amazing. Dude looks like he is really into checking out how hard Liam is rocking that tanktop. Would be hilarious if the tanktop had Castlevania on it and the dude was wearing a punisher hat.

They are gonna be a breeze if they do it end game but i hope they do atleast some.
Maybe this way the game will be more on their level with the difficulty lol. Just kidding but i don't remember if they said they will do it or not.
If they do Chalice Dungeons they pretty much have to do a supercut or something. There's no way to make that much ultra-repetitive content viable in full LP form.

Maybe skip straight to the mandatory Defiled Chalice, do a supercut of deaths to Amy and the Doge, then do long-form for the final progression Chalice (and thus
) only.


If they do Chalice Dungeons they pretty much have to do a supercut or something. There's no way to make that much ultra-repetitive content viable in full LP form.

Maybe skip straight to the mandatory Defiled Chalice, do a supercut of deaths to Amy and the Doge, then do long-form for the final progression Chalice (and thus
) only.

Seems like a possibilty. I would not be surprised to see post commentary either in the super cuts since there is way to much.

Hope Matt does an LP of Alien Infestation to show Liam that he ain't the only one with the metroidvania muscles. He must be good at it since i remember it was him doing the OT here before he got banned.


Un Rama
If they do Chalice Dungeons they pretty much have to do a supercut or something. There's no way to make that much ultra-repetitive content viable in full LP form.

Maybe skip straight to the mandatory Defiled Chalice, do a supercut of deaths to Amy and the Doge, then do long-form for the final progression Chalice (and thus
) only.

I'd like to see them do the Defiled Chalice without wanting to smash their fists into the TV. Bloodborne is easy compared to this bullshit.
I'd like to see them do the Defiled Chalice without wanting to smash their fists into the TV. Bloodborne is easy compared to this bullshit.

They'll have 99 VIT and 3 +% Health runes equipped by then, so they probably won't even notice. "I think the enemies here have more health," Pat will say.


Un Rama
They'll have 99 VIT and 3 +% Health runes equipped by then, so they probably won't even notice. "I think the enemies here have more health," Pat will say.

I'm level 170 on NG+++ and this defiled chalice is pushing my shit in so hard. Plus this dungeon half's your health from the get go so their vit build will be rendered obsolete.
I'm level 170 on NG+++ and this defiled chalice is pushing my shit in so hard. Plus this dungeon half's your health from the get go so their vit build will be rendered obsolete.

Eh, it's actually nice to have 30+ VIT and decent fire resistance so you don't get one-shot by the Doge, but I was mostly kidding.

I ran a bunch of Cursed Chalices for the gems, they're not that terrible. The selection of bosses for the Defiled Chalice is just a bit on the bullshit side. (Amy's final phase is really, really dumb with the health debuff; I usually ended up just resorting to ankle-biting.)


Un Rama
Eh, it's actually nice to have 30+ VIT and decent fire resistance so you don't get one-shot by the Doge, but I was mostly kidding.

I ran a bunch of Cursed Chalices for the gems, they're not that terrible. The selection of bosses for the Defiled Chalice is just a bit on the bullshit side. (Amy's final phase is really, really dumb with the health debuff; I usually ended up just resorting to ankle-biting.)

I'm just salty and buttmad due to how hard this is kicking my ass :lol: Stupid Dawg. The salt has removed my ability to recognise humour.
I'm just salty and buttmad due to how hard this is kicking my ass :lol: Stupid Dawg. The salt has removed my ability to recognise humour.

Don't give up, skeleton! Just remember, like all dogs he is terrified of being whipped. (The collapsed form of the Saw Cleaver works, too, but I prefer to fight him from in front so it doesn't have the range I need.)


So what's with those tombstones next to the doll in the abandoned workshop? Are people deliberately killing themselves in front of the doll just to fuck with people or something?


Probably just people putzing around with Chikage.
Not to mention all those bloodstains at the Hunter's Dream spawn point. Just players keeling over all of a sudden deciding they need a little nap.
Besides, you can't go anywhere in this game without stubbing your toe on a tombstone or ten.

To get back on topic, I heard that the Zaibatsu is attending Con Bravo.

I hope they give themselves a ton of extra time for travel, as the con falls at the same time the 2015 Pan-Am games are ending, and the Toronto area is apparently going to be crammed with tourists. It's why I'm waffling on attending despite being less than an hour's drive away.
The horrible schadenfreude when you hear Woolie and Pat talking about how you just have to rush the Winter Lanterns and kill them before the Frenzy hits, if only because we've all been down that particular path to pain before. Quite good luck the post-mortem Frenzy didn't end him, though.
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