Bloodborne Part 38- Blahblah more Endurance, never Strength. I'm more surprised by how Pat is now Woolie in terms of the thing the thing, where's the thing, what's going on, everything is happening at once. Inability to handle the idea of blowdarts or ladders or not skipping sentences in item descriptions or doing his exterior collisions for Woolie's sake. Wonder if he's trying to be fastborne now. I also don't know why he thought he must of been too quick for that enemy so it wasn't an ambush. Yeah, it doesn't have back attacks, but it only dropped after you walked ahead at a normal pace to pick up the item. You had the camera backwards and the enemy is just simple, so it's not surprising it was a shitty ambush.
The fact that the guys have now completely tapped out from any feedback (actually weeks and weeks ago) means that all of this is even more worthless now.
Leveling vit and end is fine till they hit the softcap/hardcap.
Everything is worthless because we're all going to die one day and none of it matters.
I'll still continue to talk about shit they fucked up.
Why do they have 90 insight now?
Maybe Pat ran chalice dungeons with Patsworth since for a little bit of time he was being picky and didn't want to use a character in the second slot. They also had 18k souls when they left last episode with 4k or something.
They've confirmed it's done a while ago on the podcast.
Do you actually have the podcast number for that? I relisten to the podcasts a lot and don't remember them saying anything like that within the past month. Last thing I remember is them being all Cainhurst and Castlevania.
Hey best friends GAF I got a Wii U entirely for Splatoon and now I'm thinking I should get more games. Any suggestions for the best games of the Wii U?
3D World, ZombiU, Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze, Pikmin 3, Mario Kart 8, Bayonetta 2,
The Wonderful 101, Hyrule Warriors, Nintendoland eh, Smash, Captain Toad, Kirby and the Rainbow Curse, Wind Waker HD, NSMB U, and whatever else I can't remember available on the eshop.