So is there a reaction gif of Pat and Liam vibrating on the couch during the FF7 announcement?
During LP's it's mostly fine because when Pat is yelling there's either subtitles or nobody cares about the story, also he's pretty funny when he's drunk. During these conferences it seemed like (especially Liam during Sony and Matt during Nintendo) the other people got pretty annoyed by him constantly yelling, and I can't say I blame them.
Super Mario Maker/NieR 2.I would have been totally on board with them being drunk during EA and Ubi watches(if they had done those) as those were dumb as fuck but the big 3 conferences are pretty major so yeah.
Anyway, what's your Game of the Show Frienders?
I would have been totally on board with them being drunk during EA and Ubi watches(if they had done those) as those were dumb as fuck but the big 3 conferences are pretty major so yeah.
Anyway, what's your Game of the Show Frienders?
I would have been totally on board with them being drunk during EA and Ubi watches(if they had done those) as those were dumb as fuck but the big 3 conferences are pretty major so yeah.
Anyway, what's your Game of the Show Frienders?
Same here for XCOM2, but Deus Ex Mankind Divided fills the second spot for me, since I don't care about Bethesda's stable of IPs.I'm actually going to go off the beaten path on this one: XCOM2. As far as games in a solid, ready-to-play state goes it's down to this and Bethesda's line-up for me. I'm sure some of the games shown will ultimately turn out better when they're done baking, but in terms of fully-realized games this is the one I'm most immediately excited for.
Super Best Friends Watch Buffering AnimationsSuper Best Friends Watch Loading Screens
More art from L
More art from L
Didn't Pay buy like 3 Vitas?
Two Best Friends Play Ride to Hell (Part 1)
Small aside
Two Best Friends Play Ride to Hell (Part 1)
Quick Gif made of the vibration. I'll link it instead of embedding for the people who have still yet to watch the video.
I wasn't sure where to cut exactly or whether to include Liam's little fist pump before it started since the thing is already long as is though.
I have noticed they do seem to drink a lot more during LP's recently. I think its good as a one off but its not the kind of thing I watch this channel for.
I was actually about to post the same thing. I really hope this stops becoming as frequent as it's become lately (in both LPs and podcasts), since I can't say I like it at all.
Two Best Friends Play Ride to Hell (Part 1)
Don't suppose you can make a version that focuses entirely on the reaction cam? It would be good as a reaction gif.
Oh man that mystery box was too much for me. did anybody know that there was a Reign of Fire video game, because I sure as hell didn't.
Also hi, I'm new.
lol, have you guys seen this?
I cut out just Liam and Pat since I didn't particularly care for the other's non motion for this kind of reaction gif. I can leave them in if people want it and I can also cut it to where it's just the vibration and doesn't include the clapping. People smarter than me could also slap in "It's actually happening!" when Pat says it because it'shappening.gif and all that.Don't suppose you can make a version that focuses entirely on the reaction cam? It would be good as a reaction gif.
I did a rough count and it does seems longer than 15 seconds, but dunno. I assume I'm breaking the system somehow since I'm recording at 33fps with gifcam.Gfycat tells me it needs to be 15 seconds max, so I don't know how skrams got his on, but here is a gif or superior webm EDIT: webm is broken ¯\_(ツ_/¯
The gang back together again! They should go for a night on the town.
GuardianE, halp. I bought DMC4:SE on US PSN and want to stick to my guns so Capcom doesn't have any excuse for saying I didn't cast my wallet-vote. I need you to be my hands for the next four days. I need you to tell me Vergil is alright.
I guess I'll probably be okay because of the Steam sale, but this was the first time I woke up early to play a game when (I thought) it was unlocking, so now I'm all keyed up for a crazy party, but there's no booze and only one girl.
Man, it's all because of that damn thread title that was never updated with the US and EU release date. Hold firm! Rest assured that Vergil is definitely looking alright.
I want to see them hit as many game breaking glitches as possibleThe SBF short play of Ride To Hell actually made me look up another LP of the game just so I could see how bad it was.
I'm looking forward to this.
Holy shit this photo kicks asslol, have you guys seen this?
The SBF short play of Ride To Hell actually made me look up another LP of the game just so I could see how bad it was.
I'm looking forward to this.