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Super Best Friends Thread 5: There's a Skeleton Inside Each of Us

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I did. Nobody noticed.

You guys talking about the realities of the Wii U are talking truth that I'm not prepared to accept yet.

This current gen will probably be my last console cycle gen. After this, no more of it.

I can't keep spending money on games I can barely afford and keep up with all of the stuff that comes out. This gen is my final one of being a gamer and afterwards I think I'm calling it quits.

I've been feeling this way for awhile now and seeing all of the cool looking stuff but not being as hype as I used to be, my optimism has diminished and became cynicism. I can't keep up with it and I'm prepared to jump into other interesting hobbies I've neglected.
I won't try and change your mind, but I think you're letting GAF get into your head a little. Just step back and play what you like, when you like. There's no rule saying you have to dedicate yourself to stuff. Heck, you can be a gamer today if all you do is play PS2 games, don't let all the current gen tomfoolery make you feel like you should just give up.

If that advice doesn't apply to you, then that's fine. Don't keep doing anything you dislike.
(This is going to overshadow Dok's post pretty hard. )
You guys talking about the realities of the Wii U are talking truth that I'm not prepared to accept yet.

This current gen will probably be my last console cycle gen. After this, no more of it.

I can't keep spending money on games I can barely afford and keep up with all of the stuff that comes out. This gen is my final one of being a gamer and afterwards I think I'm calling it quits.

I've been feeling this way for awhile now and seeing all of the cool looking stuff but not being as hype as I used to be, my optimism has diminished and became cynicism. I can't keep up with it and I'm prepared to jump into other interesting hobbies I've neglected.

Forget current gen. Go play some of the older games you've missed. That's what I'm doing. There's a endless ocean of great games that you probably haven't played yet. You should go play them. That's what helped me when I was in a similar position.


That's true. DBZ is alot bigger. Long and there's alot of cool action and character development. They always manage to have some story to actually care about. Might alsp be alittle of watching it as a kid when naruto was a kid and relating? Or nostalgia? Idk.

It's alot less dumb i'll tell you that.. bleach with its deep "story"

I usually just keep up with the Manga, it might be nostalgia, but I do think Part 1 of Naruto had much stronger writing then part 2. It was somewhat different then most Shonen, and the entire Sasuke retrieval arc also kind of broke some Shonen norms. Mosty because everyone completely failed at the mission.
GGs everyone. Trainer, your Liz is pretty good. We should play again sometime.

Nah I'm actually pretty garbage. I don't fire my laser beam at all and don't hit confirm my Bufudyne. I'm finally getting used to fighting against fast characters like Yosukue as the mix ups are real. Your Yosuke's combos are really good. A little bit more mix ups and I would have no chance.


Every body should play Chrono trigger at least once.

Still trying to convince my brother, there is no reason not to play at least some version of it.
Forget current gen. Go play some of the older games you've missed. That's what I'm doing. There's a endless ocean of great games that you probably haven't played yet. You should go play them. That's what helped me when I was in a similar position.
Same, I just played Demons souls for the first time in last month.

As it is I've pretty much stopped buying so many games. The money just isn't worth it most of the time. I still play the big games that matter to me and I will continue to do so probably forever, but I just don't have the time or money for keeping up with all of it. It's not worth the headache.


You guys talking about the realities of the Wii U are talking truth that I'm not prepared to accept yet.

This current gen will probably be my last console cycle gen. After this, no more of it.

I can't keep spending money on games I can barely afford and keep up with all of the stuff that comes out. This gen is my final one of being a gamer and afterwards I think I'm calling it quits.

I've been feeling this way for awhile now and seeing all of the cool looking stuff but not being as hype as I used to be, my optimism has diminished and became cynicism. I can't keep up with it and I'm prepared to jump into other interesting hobbies I've neglected.

It's fiiinneee. You don't have to play all the new games. Just pick and choose or even play old games until you have enough money to play new games.

Other hobbies such as?

I usually just keep up with the Manga, it might be nostalgia, but I do think Part 1 of Naruto had much stronger writing then part 2. It was somewhat different then most Shonen, and the entire Sasuke retrieval arc also kind of broke some Shonen norms. Mosty because everyone completely failed at the mission.

Part 1 had alot more comedy from the little bits i remember. Woah spoilers. Jks idc.. it was different also had a huge audience in japan and then a pretty big push in america with dubbing and everything.
Nah I'm actually pretty garbage. I don't fire my laser beam at all and don't hit confirm my Bufudyne. I'm finally getting used to fighting against fast characters like Yosukue as the mix ups are real. Your Yosuke's combos are really good. A little bit more mix ups and I would have no chance.

Yeah, you should use that laser beam a bit more. You can stuff my 5Ds pretty easily with that. My Yosuke's alright. I need to be a little more aggressive and learn some higher damage combos. Oh, and mixups like you said.

Every body should play Chrono trigger at least once.

Still trying to convince my brother, there is no reason not to play at least some version of it.

I'm playing through it right now. It's pretty good so far. Easy, but still good.
Other hobbies such as?

I'm gonna start Judo next year with some people and when I move to Portland I know people who play tabletop games, so I'm gonna drink and play those with people. Combined with anime stuff and wanting to cosplay while going to school full time and keeping up with writing, games will probably take a considerable backseat.


It's fiiinneee. You don't have to play all the new games. Just pick and choose or even play old games until you have enough money to play new games.

Other hobbies such as?

Part 1 had alot more comedy from the little bits i remember. Woah spoilers. Jks idc.. it was different also had a huge audience in japan and then a pretty big push in america with dubbing and everything.

I think part 1 just showed the characters better and what not.

That being said, Naruto got twisted in terms of story telling, but it's not particularly bad and if they cut down on the filler. (Even in the Manga) It would be fine. I think the characters just hit the right crowd and right areas to appeal to a large portion of the fanbase.

Which is kind of funny, because I felt that Bleach went that route, but collapsed in on itself trying to show them all. Considering they pretty much tripled the cast with a single story arc.
You guys talking about the realities of the Wii U are talking truth that I'm not prepared to accept yet.

This current gen will probably be my last console cycle gen. After this, no more of it.

I can't keep spending money on games I can barely afford and keep up with all of the stuff that comes out. This gen is my final one of being a gamer and afterwards I think I'm calling it quits.

I've been feeling this way for awhile now and seeing all of the cool looking stuff but not being as hype as I used to be, my optimism has diminished and became cynicism. I can't keep up with it and I'm prepared to jump into other interesting hobbies I've neglected.

Nothing wrong with that. If games aren't interesting to you anymore then its not a big deal to stop playing. And if you don't feel the craving to come back after a while then just give up and move to something else. Plenty of other great hobbies out there
just don't get into figure collecting.
Every body should play Chrono trigger at least once.
Still trying to convince my brother, there is no reason not to play at least some version of it.

It's still a very good RPG. Tell him there's a robut that punches shit and a frog that uses a sword.

As it is I've pretty much stopped buying so many games. The money just isn't worth it most of the time. I still play the big games that matter to me and I will continue to do so probably forever, but I just don't have the time or money for keeping up with all of it. It's not worth the headache.

Keeping up with everything is the biggest headache, plus all of the great games that feed into my compulsive buying...

It's fiiinneee. You don't have to play all the new games. Just pick and choose or even play old games until you have enough money to play new games.

Other hobbies such as?

Part 1 had alot more comedy from the little bits i remember. Woah spoilers. Jks idc.. it was different also had a huge audience in japan and then a pretty big push in america with dubbing and everything.

Hobbies like hunting(that's not a very popular one on GAF), hiking, rock climbing, archery, basically getting out of my city lifestyle and living a rural lifestyle, or at least on the weekends. traveling is another neat one and I'd like to have money to travel vs playing so many goddamn games.

So, I'm wondering. Do you guys want Matt and Pat to Snake Eater sing along with us or not?

WOULD I?!!?!?!


Games are expensive, and a lot of hobbies are cheaper. Even now games only take up a fraction of my day. Hell I spend more time here and writing then actually playing games now for some reason.
Personally, I've lived and breathed games my whole life. I don't think any other hobby really compares for me, the closest being music.

I will still play games consistently, but I've already dropped off from most of the current stuff. I'd rather spend $60 on other things than 8 hours of more Assassin's Creed. Persona, MGS, big shit is the shit I'll keep playing.
You guys talking about the realities of the Wii U are talking truth that I'm not prepared to accept yet.

This current gen will probably be my last console cycle gen. After this, no more of it.

I can't keep spending money on games I can barely afford and keep up with all of the stuff that comes out. This gen is my final one of being a gamer and afterwards I think I'm calling it quits.

I've been feeling this way for awhile now and seeing all of the cool looking stuff but not being as hype as I used to be, my optimism has diminished and became cynicism. I can't keep up with it and I'm prepared to jump into other interesting hobbies I've neglected.
Quit your bitching.
I say that with bro love.
Don't worry, it's natural to feel that way. I super neglected video games for awhile because I just grew tired of it as well. Then I started playing after a long hiatus and fell in love again.
Yeah, Video games have been a part of my life since I was 3. Calling it a hobby would be an understatement. Besides that it's anime/manga, but it doesn't even come close to the vidya.
Personally, I've lived and breathed games my whole life. I don't think any other hobby really compares for me, the closest being music.

I'm the same way and it's carved a particular part of my personality, so giving it up is a huge sacrifice for me, but I want to try other stuff I couldn't do under my parents house, stuff they would consider dangerous.
Did you eat them so they could be a part of you too?
I will still play games consistently, but I've already dropped off from most of the current stuff. I'd rather spend $60 on other things than 8 hours of more Assassin's Creed. Persona, MGS, big shit is the shit I'll keep playing.

Well, I don't plan on playing garbage anyway :p Being a PC guy makes buying new games on sale way later easy too.
I'm the same way and it's carved a particular part of my personality, so giving it up is a huge sacrifice for me, but I want to try other stuff I couldn't do under my parents house, stuff they would consider dangerous.

3edgy5me. If that's what you wanna do though, it's up to you.
Games were big enough for me to try and get into games journalism. But my experiences with that are part of what soured me on mainstream AAA games and most of the shit surrounding games. I just can't bring myself to care.
You know you want it.
I don't think I could ever give the hobby up. I still enjoy it too much, even though the bullshit around the business sucks. I just try to focus on the good, and ignore the bad. And stay realistic.

Tbh, being in-the-know of what's going on with gaming and the industry can be fun, but it can totally ruin things for you as well. You end up with all of these expectations that you otherwise wouldn't have had and it becomes hard to be genuinely suprised by a game. Sometimes I feel like I've already seen half of a game before it even comes out.

I don't think there are a lot of industries where the audience is as interested in and/or as involved with the industry as with gaming and while this might be a good thing overal in the long run, it can really suck short term. For all the cool things you get to know there is just as many straight up disgusting shit as well.
Games were big enough for me to try and get into games journalism. But my experiences with that are part of what soured me on mainstream AAA games and most of the shit surrounding games. I just can't bring myself to care.

I have enough of a backlog from years of games I've missed and consistently awesome indie stuff. Maybe I'm just a bit young and optimistic; Liam-esque.

I grew up on SNES. I love Videogames to bits.
Quit your bitching.
I say that with bro love.
Don't worry, it's natural to feel that way. I super neglected video games for awhile because I just grew tired of it as well. Then I started playing after a long hiatus and fell in love again.

I think a break would be very good for my health. There's plenty of stuff I never fully tried yet, like those Persona games, that I'd fall in love with instantly(P3 is really good too), but I have limited finite time working 6 days a week and planning to go back to school.

I've had other things I really want to try and I'd like to do them and see if I like it.

We talking about games?
I've been gaming since I was like 4 on my Atari 2600. It's a pretty big part of my life.

OG Mannnnnnn. I've tried an Atari 2600 once; at a video game museum in NYC. I was spoiled on the NES. I don't know how gamers could enjoy those blips and boops on the Atari.
Honestly, my first major game console was the PS2... Before that, I only played Majora's Mask on my cousin's Gamecube and Pac-Man Pinball on the GameBoy... I came across video games pretty late... Even so, I couldn't stop playing even if I wanted to. It's just an enormous part of my life.

College life's gonna be rough... I'll probably just bring my 3DS and/or Vita until I know it's safe for me to bring a console to my dorm or appartment (if I get one later on).


I'm gonna start Judo next year with some people and when I move to Portland I know people who play tabletop games, so I'm gonna drink and play those with people. Combined with anime stuff and wanting to cosplay while going to school full time and keeping up with writing, games will probably take a considerable backseat.

Yeah, that's alot you want to do and you have to not do some of those things. You'll probably find a few games that peak your interest or maybe get back into games when other things die down, like school.

I think part 1 just showed the characters better and what not.

That being said, Naruto got twisted in terms of story telling, but it's not particularly bad and if they cut down on the filler. (Even in the Manga) It would be fine. I think the characters just hit the right crowd and right areas to appeal to a large portion of the fanbase.

Which is kind of funny, because I felt that Bleach went that route, but collapsed in on itself trying to show them all. Considering they pretty much tripled the cast with a single story arc.

Sometimes you need filler as a break. Bleach had action in every corner and then they just added tons of crap.. things that didnt even make sense and yeah also make the cast explode in size.

Keeping up with everything is the biggest headache, plus all of the great games that feed into my compulsive buying...

Hobbies like hunting(that's not a very popular one on GAF), hiking, rock climbing, archery, basically getting out of my city lifestyle and living a rural lifestyle, or at least on the weekends. traveling is another neat one and I'd like to have money to travel vs playing so many goddamn games.

Compulsive buying is bad when you're tight on money. Gotta fix that.

Hunting is nice. Venison is great for dinner. Gotta get those social links up when you max your gamer social link. Traveling would be fun. You have an idea of where you'll go?
Honestly, my first major game console was the PS2... Before that, I only played Majora's Mask on my cousin's Gamecube and Pac-Man Pinball on the GameBoy... I came across video games pretty late... Even so, I couldn't stop playing even if I wanted to. It's just an enormous part of my life.

College life's gonna be rough... I'll probably just bring my 3DS and/or Vita until I know it's safe for me to bring a console to my dorm or appartment (if I get one later on).

It's fiiiiiiinnnnee. Bring something that plays smash or sports games and you'll be cool. Consoles are socially acceptable in the college dorm. You get cool guy points if you bring a console you all grew up with (I brought a N64 for OG Smash).

Compulsive buying is bad when you're tight on money. Gotta fix that.

Hunting is nice. Venison is great for dinner. Gotta get those social links up when you max your gamer social link. Traveling would be fun. You have an idea of where you'll go?

I'd like to see Japan, Amsterdam, UK, Spain, and Switzerland.
I have enough of a backlog from years of games I've missed and consistently awesome indie stuff. Maybe I'm just a young and optimistic; Liam-esque.

My backlog is too long for me to ever finish, with games from all generations. Doesn't help that I only play a couple hours a week(Smash may change this).
But yeah, I'm hype about it because I'll always have something to play, and I'm excited to experience them.

I was a PC kid, yucking it up in King's Quest 1, then going through my first real game Shining Force (That I still love so). Eventually I Gamecube'd and loved Ninty ever since.


I think Bleach would have been a lot better if they focused in Ichigo and his friends rather than the whole Soul Society, because at that point, every named character from every named fraction is going to have to get their time to shine. This slows down the story, with constant cuts to other action scenes and what not.

I don't hate bleach and enjoy their character designs, but it really needed more focus.
Tbh, being in-the-know of what's going on with gaming and the industry can be fun, but it can totally ruin things for you as well. You end up with all of these expectations that you otherwise wouldn't have had and it becomes hard to be genuinely suprised by a game. Sometimes I feel like I've already seen half of a game before it even comes out.

I don't think there are a lot of industries where the audience is as interested in and/or as involved with the industry as with gaming and while this might be a good thing overal in the long run, it can really suck short term. For all the cool things you get to know there is just as many straight up disgusting shit as well.

Gaming is such a wonderful business. The economy around it is beautiful, and watching sales trends are great. I stay in the know, so I can have a better understanding on the business and processes.

It can suck the joy out of some, but for me, it's part of the fun.

I think Bleach would have been a lot better if they focused in Ichigo and his friends rather than the whole Soul Society, because at that point, every named character from every named fraction is going to have to get their time to shine. This slows down the story, with constant cuts to other action scenes and what not.

I don't hate bleach and enjoy their character designs, but it really needed more focus.

I have said this exact thing so many times. It's one of the larger gripes I have with the manga.

The anime gets it worst, but that piece of trash deserves to be ignored.


You guys talking about the realities of the Wii U are talking truth that I'm not prepared to accept yet.

This current gen will probably be my last console cycle gen. After this, no more of it.

I can't keep spending money on games I can barely afford and keep up with all of the stuff that comes out. This gen is my final one of being a gamer and afterwards I think I'm calling it quits.

I've been feeling this way for awhile now and seeing all of the cool looking stuff but not being as hype as I used to be, my optimism has diminished and became cynicism. I can't keep up with it and I'm prepared to jump into other interesting hobbies I've neglected.

This is one of the saddest things I've ever read :(
This is one of the saddest things I've ever read :(

Why??? It's a hobby, like anything else you do with your free time.

I'm only trying to ween myself into other hobbies that can consume some of my free time.

Matt, pat, Liam, and Woolz have enough hype for me to enjoy my hobby without actively consuming all the time. They've gotten me into games and genres I'd never give a second glance too. I bought a bit of my recent collection because of their track records on games.
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