Puck is kinda lame. Maybe it's because I watched the anime first, but I never cared for him.Just like Puck
A bit unrelated ,but since I am watching D-Frag, let's talk about "cute" things.
This made me realise how much I love cute things, I wish everything would have a Chibi form. Just like Puck
I think I've been going to movies with the wrong people.
Dammit Aaron, it sounds like I'd have a blast bro-ing out at a movie with ya.
Most of my friends don't like going to see those type of films(common reason:it's so dumb).
Everyone is a film snob nowadays.
Well I just watched Log Horizon instead. Shit's popping off now, I'm back on board. Gimme gimme gimme gimme
Not to mention Yamamoto-kun and his adorable little sister.
I've seen enough hentai to know where this is going.
I don't think it can get any more phallic.
You should watch Kokkuri-san. Shit is goddamn adorable, one of the cutest shows I've watched in years. YEARS!
Not to mention Yamamoto-kun and his adorable little sister.
People don't appreciate dumb shit anymore. Everything has to be serious, there's no room for fun anymore. The types of movies I enjoy are dumb and fun, since that's just what works best for me in that format, and I like to have a good time in the theater, so I get into that shit.
Fuck that shit, Kohina is the greatest character known to mankind!
People don't appreciate dumb shit anymore. Everything has to be serious, there's no room for fun anymore. The types of movies I enjoy are dumb and fun, since that's just what works best for me in that format, and I like to have a good time in the theater, so I get into that shit.
Yo the Shadow the hedgehog opening movie is hype as fuck but the game is fucking awful
Why am I playing this
Thanks for that.
Squid tentacles are disgusting.
[Avatar quote Zen]
Cropped porn avatars are rather lazy, imo.
Speaking of getting old and shit, today's my 31st birthday.
Yay or something!
(Fuck everything.)
It could just be a cock.
Yo the Shadow the hedgehog opening movie is hype as fuck but the game is fucking awful
Why am I playing this
No.I wonder if you can you get more phallic than a cock?
Here we go buddy here we go buddy here we go here we goYo the Shadow the hedgehog opening movie is hype as fuck but the game is fucking awful
Why am I playing this
You're disgusting. Squid tentacles are the coolest. Some even have teeth hooks.
He's especially loves kissing Christopher Nolan's ass when it comes to film.
Teeth hooks are cool, just not on squids. Teeth hooks is something an alien would have. Or a Predator.
I love nature. That's from a colossal squid tentacle.
My favorites are Primitive and Skeleton.
I am already super scared of giant squids anyway, and any other massive abyssal sea life for that matter.
Colossal and giant squids are different. As may be implied by the name, colossal squids are larger.
How can you hate this little guy though?
With his creepy animal facts, I think Glitches might be Shin Plague
Colossal and giant squids are different. As may be implied by the name, colossal squids are larger.
How can you hate this little guy though?
With his creepy animal facts, I think Glitches might be Shin Plague
Oh man I'm actually kinda proud of that as a title. I shouldn't be, but then again I did watch copious amounts of slug sex for a project.
That thing doe is adorable but I'm pretty sure it can crawl into my dreams and kill me.
He's very cute, but I'm afraid that he might transform into a raging beast.
Sounds like my kinda project...
Ok that one is actually really cool. The basilisk from Dark Souls is scarier.Nah. This barreleye though...
The green orbs are essentially its eyes, which stare up through the top of the fish's head in search of prey.
The green orbs are essentially its eyes, which stare up through the top of the fish's head in search of prey.
Most of them are hermaphroditic so it probably is.
So he didn't know what he was talking about then?
You tryin' to say somethin', mate? I'll bust ya lip.
I told him Inception was a mediocre heist/dream movie and he lost his shit.
If you rewatch the Batman movies, especially the third one, you can notice some REALLY bad acting, especially from a certain French actress.
Suffice to say, he no longer majored in film and transferred to another school.
If you rewatch the Batman movies, especially the third one, you can notice some REALLY bad acting, especially from a certain French actress.
I'm just saying our interests probably coincide in a number of areas.
who needs pacing when you have anne hathaway in a latex bodysuitThe Dark Knight Rises makes 0 sense in its plot and has some of the worst pacing I've ever seen.
who needs pacing when you have anne hathaway in a latex bodysuit
There come a time in a mans life where you have to break free from your comfort zone. To step out and see the world. It's a big leap, and many have trouble taking that first step. Today however, is my day. I will face my bold new future with my face held high and the wind at my back. Nothing will get in my way. I will become a better person through this experience, and I hope I can pass on that courage to those who watch me.
There come a time in a mans life where you have to break free from your comfort zone. To step out and see the world. It's a big leap, and many have trouble taking that first step. Today however, is my day. I will face my bold new future with my face held high and the wind at my back. Nothing will get in my way. I will become a better person through this experience, and I hope I can pass on that courage to those who watch me.
on an unrelated note, swery continues to be the best motherfucker ever
you know, his account is like the polar opposite of kamiya's. he responds to everyone but is super friendly instead of throwing legendary insults at everyone
Sometimes, when I'm not seeing Bayonetta, KLK or Guren Lagen being talked about, you lot are entirely unrecognizable as a piece of the SBF "fanbase", it's baffling.
I donnu, a 20min tirade about fish seems appropriate.
o no my feelingsmiku is shit
Everything sorta tangents from that discussion, but now that's we're all so familiar we tend to just bring up random topics. I prefer it when it comes from prior conversation, but *shrug*. It's a good time.Sometimes, when I'm not seeing Bayonetta, KLK or Gurren Lagann being talked about, you lot are entirely unrecognizable as a piece of the SBF "fanbase", it's baffling.