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Super Best Friends Thread 7: FRIENDER65

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This Giantbomb Sonic Boom Quicklook is fucking amazing
Kid Icarus is a game I regret buying since I can only really beat 3 levels before I put it back for months because I'm tired of it. If they were going to have that control scheme make the levels 5-10 min at max. Not 15-25 min.
Git Gud
It's okay, we're here for you


those drowning sound effects tho lol. Also they were spot on about Knuckles' design. He doesn't look buff, he looks like he got hit by some radioactive shit

Yeah, he got irradiated with Xtreeeme Beams, giving him a sick new look and a 'tude to match!
Next you'll be telling me to visualize kicking a wall while I have a toothpick in between my toenail
I had a physical reaction reading that. It's not quite that bad, but you need a CPP if you're left handed.
I perhaps mispoke
was wrong
when I used the word bind. There are options in the controls to set the aim to the second circle pad.

Ohhhh. Well. That sounds better for the on foot sections. I knew that you needed a CPP to play left-handed, but the option is nice. Might have to do that sometime.
It doesn't change much of anything. It just makes the game easier to play for lefties. It doesn't give you dual analog control or anything like that.

Conflicting information oh noes

Seraphis Cain

bad gameplay lol

I have one now because of Monster Hunter, but what does it change? What do I rebind?

It doesn't change much of anything. It just makes the game easier to play for lefties. It doesn't give you dual analog control or anything like that.

I perhaps mispoke
was wrong
when I used the word bind. There are options in the controls to set the aim to the second circle pad.

I don't think this is correct.

EDIT: Yes, you can set aiming to the other circle pad, but you then have to use ABXY to move.
I mean this objectively, Smash is a bigger hit than any of Kamiya's games. I personally love his games more but that's purely subjective.

I guess there is a level of subjectivity and a matter of perception. I dislike how Sakurai complains that people are playing it wrong when they play competitive no item rules or that people just don't get it when it comes to the controls of Uprising. Its the way he comes off that irks me. Kamiya has a IDGAF attitude which you can take or leave.

I have enjoyed plenty of his work like the great Melee and Kirby Superstar.


My friend just told me a great story. At his university, they have a smash club where students come together and play smash.

They were going to have a tournament.

Apparently this local tournament player of melee came to the tournament, even though he is not a student, and blew everyone up.

Now the club has a no "non-students" rule.

McMaster Smash Club is salty.
My friend just told me a great story. At his university, they have a smash club where students come together and play smash.

They were going to have a tournament.

Apparently this local tournament player of melee came to the tournament, even though he is not a student, and blew everyone up.

Now the club has a no "non-students" rule.

McMaster Smash Club is salty.

I think I want to do this...
My friend just told me a great story. At his university, they have a smash club where students come together and play smash.

They were going to have a tournament.

Apparently this local tournament player of melee came to the tournament, even though he is not a student, and blew everyone up.

Now the club has a no "non-students" rule.

McMaster Smash Club is salty.

"Talk trash, get Smash" McMaster. Git gud


I wish my university had a smash club.

All we have is a steam club and a pokemon one.... and I don't play games on PC and am kinda out of it on pokemon. Cancelled my ORAS pre order because I just don't feel like playing pokemon this year.
I haven't played Fez yet or heard much about Phil Fish.

Why do people hate him again?
Dumb bullshit he says on twitter because he lacks any thick skin to handle criticism.

I honestly feel kind of bad for him, because outside of people mentioning the stuff he said on twitter, my only exposure to Phil Fish was on one of Giant Bomb's GDC After Hour vids, and he was pretty chill and civilized there.

That and I enjoyed Fez, or at least I enjoyed the part where everyone was scrambling to decipher ever last puzzle and hidden messages and shit in that game.
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