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Super Best Friends Thread 7: FRIENDER65

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yep according to 4chan the server has OKed ORAS stuff
you can even trade Latiasite and Latiosite now
oh man if those tumblr leaks are true this might be the best Pokemon game ive ever played(still need to play BW and BW2)
If anyone wants to give Korra a Indian hat that'd be awesome. I already have something lined up for Christmas time.



I feel bad about her as well but I just feel super bad for that cat meowing out the window trying to get someone's attention.

Do you mean a Vita?

It's finnee

No, I actually mean VitaTV Portable. You'll understand eventually.

Not me. I really like the OG Vita design.

We gotta step up our game and ask the hard hitting questions.

I just like how dumb it is, since woolie would actually benefit from it. EVEN THOUGH it would be cheaper just to buy another vita.

Liam's a scrub, so he's not.
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