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Super Best Friends Thread 7: FRIENDER65

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Here, French Prison School will help you!
Woof Prison School, woof!

Adult only.
Ah, ok thanks for clarifying.
It's sad that the AO rating never caught on, not that it needed to. Just slap an M rating or don't even localize the game is just fine.
It's also sad that some people don't even know what it is.
Pretty small list if you ask me: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_AO-rated_video_games
Watch_Dogs Wii U stealth release today.

Please be excite understand.
You gotta use what GAF gave you


Woof Prison School, woof!

It's sad that the AO rating never caught on, not that it needed to. Just slap an M rating or don't even localize the game is just fine.
It's also sad that some people don't even know what it is.
Pretty small list if you ask me: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_AO-rated_video_games

You gotta use what GAF gave you

I'm pretty sure that full on sex isn't allowed in a game at all. Which would explain the lack of AO games, at least on consoles. I'm sure there are plenty of games that would fit that specification on PC


Am I the only one that noticed a few Subtle changes from the smash demo to the full game. Like KOing people is a lot harder in the demo and sometimes matches can go to 120-140% with only really a single KO.


Am I the only one that noticed a few Subtle changes from the smash demo to the full game. Like KOing people is a lot harder in the demo and sometimes matches can go to 120-140% with only really a single KO.

Well there has been three updates to the game that tweaked characters for balance sake. Of course it would be different


I'm pretty sure that full on sex isn't allowed in a game at all. Which would explain the lack of AO games, at least on consoles. I'm sure there are plenty of games that would fit that specification on PC

I looked up some of their games...
I shoudn't have.
Like I said, don't even localize that shit.
Oh yeah, I understand how today's consumers would react to sex in games. Just look at how much shit the Bioware games get for sensual montages.


Yeah, games really aren't mature enough as a media to have that sort of thing in them without being thought of as strictly porn. hell, most people think VN's are all strictly dating sims.


Yeah, games really aren't mature enough as a media to have that sort of thing in them without being thought of as strictly porn. hell, most people think VN's are all strictly dating sims.

To be fair sex is pretty immersion breaking for a lot of people, I think it's better when it's implied.


To be fair sex is pretty immersion breaking for a lot of people, I think it's better when it's implied.

Eh...it mostly depends. I wouldn't write a sex scene, but I'm not saying they shouldn't be in any media like Books and what not, a lot of people find it jarring just skipping something like that and you get little to no emotion from it as a result.


I was listening to Pat going on about how Dragon Age: Inquisition was an actual good game. I was lamenting the damage he would deal to my wallet with his godlike shilling skills.

Then he mentioned Skyrim. Thanks for saving my wallet Pat!

To be fair sex is pretty immersion breaking for a lot of people, I think it's better when it's implied.

Yep. Persona 4 did it right.


Eh...it mostly depends. I wouldn't write a sex scene, but I'm not saying they shouldn't be in any media like Books and what not, a lot of people find it jarring just skipping something like that and you get little to no emotion from it as a result.

I dunno I have yet to see a sex scene in a game that wouldn't be better if it was implied. It's not like you're going to get serious character development during or anything. I think the best I saw was in Fate/Stay Night and even then I skipped half of them, even though the act of sex was important to the plot I didn't need to read it.


I dunno I have yet to see a sex scene in a game that wouldn't be better if it was implied. It's not like you're going to get serious character development during or anything. I think the best I saw was in Fate/Stay Night and even then I skipped half of them, even though the act of sex was important to the plot I didn't need to read it.

Maybe, but I don't think it's something we should shy away from depicting in media. I would argue extreme violence is something like this as well, yet we really don't mind showing things like that most of the time.

Like I said though, Video games are really the only time this is really talked about now since a lot of other media just have a sex scene and rarely is the movie or book lambasted as a result of it.


Maybe, but I don't think it's something we should shy away from depicting in media. I would argue extreme violence is something like this as well, yet we really don't mind showing things like that most of the time.

Like I said though, Video games are really the only time this is really talked about now since a lot of other media just have a sex scene and rarely is the movie or book lambasted as a result of it.

Putting in implied sex isn't shying away, it's the only way to tastefully do it. Most of the time it just comes across as pornographic otherwise.


God dammit Yoshida, why must you keep making me need to play Final Fantasy 14, payment options in Aus without a credit card are messed up so I haven't played.

But now it's getting Triple Triad encompassing the whole of Final Fantasy characters, I specifically remember saying 14 needed TT when I saw the card stuff in the old original version of 14.


Putting in implied sex isn't shying away, it's the only way to tastefully do it. Most of the time it just comes across as pornographic otherwise.

I don't know, a lot of people would say it would be a waste of time to even mention it if you aren't going to show it. I'm not saying every story needs it, but my enjoyment of Watchmen wasn't lowered because of the sex scene.

I hate the Saw movies, but even I know that the imagines and ideas behind it wouldn't be as potent if they just cut away during all the violent parts.
Putting in implied sex isn't shying away, it's the only way to tastefully do it. Most of the time it just comes across as pornographic otherwise.

Video games are not ready for full sex scenes. The medium is filled with children, both physically and mentally.

QTE Implication vs hot coffee mod? QTE Implication is the only way.

But I have hope it'll happen. If 50 shades of grey can be made into a feature length film...


That's because people like incorrectly portrayed glorified fanfiction.

To be fair, the original fic had so little to do with Twilight. (Actually it had nothing to do with the books at all) That the author probably should have just wrote it as an original piece in the first place.


I don't know, a lot of people would say it would be a waste of time to even mention it if you aren't going to show it. I'm not saying every story needs it, but my enjoyment of Watchmen wasn't lowered because of the sex scene.

I hate the Saw movies, but even I know that the imagines and ideas behind it wouldn't be as potent if they just cut away during all the violent parts.

Who would say that? I think it's a waste of both time and resources to show you it.

Also Saw is gore porn, you watch it for the violence and gore like you would watch porn for the sex. It isn't trying to be tasteful.
I also enjoyed and beaten Crypt of the Necrodancer. In fact I've written up something about it when we were talking about Roguelikes... somewhere, and my problems boiled down to the rhythm forcing down complexity of the strategy.

It would depend on how the rhythm part is implemented, but I feel having most things tied to a beat would constrain the viability of actions, and many inputs used in traditional character action games are arrhythmic and reactionary (which is difficult to do when you're buttoning to a beat). If you put emphasis on the rhythm part (like actions just fail if you don't hit a button to the beat) then the action will be railroaded and it would soon turn rote. If you put emphasis on the character action part, then the rhythm part might not even be there because all it does is encourage suboptimal/slow play and discourage freeform inputs. Then at that point you might as well either make a pure character action or a pure rhythm game.

I can bring up some hypothetical examples if you like, but I might've gabbed on about this too much.
Really late reply, but if the enemies are attacking you to the beat, while you're unrestricted, it actually solves that problem, and would still be cool. In fact most character action games use audio and visual queues to tell you when to dodge, this would just be an extension of audio queues, sorta.
I visted the awesome fan art thread,
I feel like we can use this
All of the wats I cannot
I'm so confused right now


I don't know, a lot of people would say it would be a waste of time to even mention it if you aren't going to show it. I'm not saying every story needs it, but my enjoyment of Watchmen wasn't lowered because of the sex scene.

I hate the Saw movies, but even I know that the imagines and ideas behind it wouldn't be as potent if they just cut away during all the violent parts.

The torture porn and gore is the point of the Saw movies, everything else is just a convenient excuse to get to said torture porn/gore.

I can't comment on Watchmen though, since I haven't seen/read it, but unless there's some kind of key character development happening or character moment displayed during the explicit sex part, it can be done without. Usually sex scenes happen either for titillation or as a reward (see Bioware romances), which can be argued is a bad framework for the public perception of sex and related matters.

Really late reply, but if the enemies are attacking you to the beat, while you're unrestricted, it actually solves that problem, and would still be cool. In fact most character action games use audio and visual queues to tell you when to dodge, this would just be an extension of audio queues, sorta.
I'm so confused right now

That's a very superficial implementation though. I mean, ideally you'd want to bake the rhythm elements in to the DNA of the game otherwise it's not really worth pursuing.


Who would say that? I think it's a waste of both time and resources to show you it.

Also Saw is gore porn, you watch it for the violence and gore like you would watch porn for the sex. It isn't trying to be tasteful.

A lot of people in the old writing thread stated that shying away from it, especially in a romance novel or where romance is a heavy feature is pointless. If they are main characters and they are falling in love just skipping past it disconnects the reader. Thus it's more funny than emotional when they talk about it later.

You don't get to see the event so the event just becomes something they did.

You can imply it a lot times, not every story needs a sex scene, not an action movie and what not.

Even PG13 movies and R movies at least show the basic start of intercourse. Because just mentioning it can go dangerously in telling and not showing.


Does Persona 3 have stuff like S-links? Or is all of that daily stuff a P4 only thing?

To be fair, the original fic had so little to do with Twilight. (Actually it had nothing to do with the books at all) That the author probably should have just wrote it as an original piece in the first place.

And? What's your point.


A lot of people in the old writing thread stated that shying away from it, especially in a romance novel or where romance is a heavy feature is pointless. If they are main characters and they are falling in love just skipping past it disconnects the reader. Thus it's more funny than emotional when they talk about it later.

You don't get to see the event so the event just becomes something they did.

You can imply it a lot times, not every story needs a sex scene, not an action movie and what not.

Even PG13 movies and R movies at least show the basic start of intercourse. Because just mentioning it can go dangerously in telling and not showing.

Writing, movies and games are very different. The problem with putting it in a game, as demidar said, is that it becomes a reward or titillation, both of which are not a mature representation of it.


Does Persona 3 have stuff like S-links? Or is all of that daily stuff a P4 only thing?

And? What's your point.

Well, I can't really classify it as Fanfiction really, it's awful sure. But even then it must have done something right for it to get that popular, and despite it being shitty the fact that something with that content can become somewhat popular shows subject matter is surprisingly irrelevant if people have interest in the story.
Really late reply, but if the enemies are attacking you to the beat, while you're unrestricted, it actually solves that problem, and would still be cool. In fact most character action games use audio and visual queues to tell you when to dodge, this would just be an extension of audio queues, sorta.
You two's conversation basically summarized the entire challenge I've had trying to figure out this game concept for years now.

Though of course, I specifically said "with music elements" rather than "with rhythm game elements." There is a slight difference there.


Well, I can't really classify it as Fanfiction really, it's awful sure. But even then it must have done something right for it to get that popular, and despite it being shitty the fact that something with that content can become somewhat popular shows subject matter is surprisingly irrelevant if people have interest in the story.

Sex sells its as simple as that. Why 50 shades over other smut? Luck, most likely


You two's conversation basically summarized the entire challenge I've had trying to figure out this game concept for years now.

Though of course, I specifically said "with music elements" rather than "with rhythm game elements." There is a slight difference there.

What do you mean by that then? Maybe you'll provide a new way to discuss this.


Writing, movies and games are very different. The problem with putting it in a game, as demidar said, is that it becomes a reward or titillation, both of which are not a mature representation of it.

The reward portion is something that Movies do very often as well. Though less so than games, but I would argue that if you aren't at least going to attempt to show them a little then remove them completely.

With all that said, it also goes back to games are different media anyway. And I think they are art on the virtue of their gameplay more than their story. (I thought the last of us was okay, because it was okay with its gameplay)

The problem is that people want others to view games as Art though their writing and story telling despite it not actually wanting to tackle a lot of issues that both movies and books do.

With that said, I think Mario world and Sonic3&K are as much art as the Last of Us.


The daffy one looks like new Dante.
You ruined everything.


you love it
Really late reply, but if the enemies are attacking you to the beat, while you're unrestricted, it actually solves that problem, and would still be cool. In fact most character action games use audio and visual queues to tell you when to dodge, this would just be an extension of audio queues, sorta.
I'm so confused right now

You would play a video game with them in it, I would .

That was my exact reaction. I thought it was supposed to be donte fan art until I scrolled down.

You love it though

You would play luney tunes may cry because he's daffy would automatically be 8 billion times better than donte.

Daffy is best loon toon


Sex sells its as simple as that. Why 50 shades over other smut? Luck, most likely

I think that's over simplifying things, you could argue that the book is indeed pure smut that it was package in a way that people don't feel embarrassed from reading it. (Like I said, it's still awful, but it package itself well enough that it wasn't called flat out porn)
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