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Super Best Friends Thread 7: FRIENDER65

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I'm posing the podcast question to people here, has anyone almost stopped playing a game but ended up loving the game after sticking with it?

My friend dropped Portal like a rock when he discovered there was no combat and so I basically tied him to a chair and forced him to play until it got fucked up and hilarious.


My friend dropped Portal like a rock when he discovered there was no combat and so I basically tied him to a chair and forced him to play until it got fucked up and hilarious.

Did he end up liking it? If I were him I would hate it out of spite, I don't like it when people force me to watch or play something

Does anyone want a free copy of The Witcher 2 on GOG?
Speaking of portal, its my least favorite valve game.
Its not for everyone I guess. I love it. Portal 2 was really disappointing outside of the Co-op puzzles.
While I'm indifferent to Portal, the "Cake is a lie" plague on the internet made me dislike it for a while.
Otherwise I quite enjoy the music, the opera being some beautiful business and I can't not get nostalgic over Still Alive even though I never played past the first couple levels.
Its not for everyone I guess. I love it. Portal 2 was really disappointing outside of the Co-op puzzles.

I'm one of those weird people who like portal 2 more then the first one.

Worse than Source?

I don't really count cs:s or day of defeat source as main line valve games to be honest. I consider them to be more along the lines of side projects.

Worst or your least favorite? Because there is a huge difference.

Least favorite. Its still a good game and I have 80 hours on it but I don't think it has the staying power of something like 1.6.


While I'm indifferent to Portal, the "Cake is a lie" plague on the internet made me dislike it for a while.
Otherwise I quite enjoy the music, the opera being some beautiful business and I can't not get nostalgic over Still Alive even though I never played past the first couple levels.
Yeah I'm not a fan of the whole cake joke either, but cave Johnson makes up for it. those quotes are hilarious
Aside from the Portals, I can stomach a single game of L4D now and then, but I get bored and fuck everyone over pretty quickly.

Fun-fact: Every game I've played I've been the only person to survive at the end. I always had the chance to save a team mate or two, but I had to get the fuck out!
It's baffling me how little love Valve is gettin from you guys. Do you just not like well-designed and well-polished games?

Never got into PC games until I picked up this laptop. I played some of the Orange Box on 360. But other than Portal I didn't care for what else is in there, and even then I don't hold Portal in such high-regard.
It's baffling me how little love Valve is gettin from you guys. Do you just not like well-designed and well-polished games?

I gotta say that I haven't played a lot of Valve games like HL series and CS, but Portal was the most well designed puzzle games I've played.

So, my weekly, (Have you read Tskihime yet?) Post.

Also, still playing EO4 and EOU

Haven't finished the Melty Blood story yet.
It's baffling me how little love Valve is gettin from you guys. Do you just not like well-designed and well-polished games?
Oh. So yes.

I don't like shooters at all. I played fifteen minutes of Spec-Ops The line last night and could not give a shit despite loving the idea of it.

Resident Evil is an exception for some reason, but only because it doesn't play like other shooters, and even 6 that did, had a large focus on melee and combos, so it was cool.


Oh, that's a shame. All I can remember reading a few months after it came out is "something something better than chie now".
I've beaten the game with kanji in my party, and he just kinda started being useless to me. In my experience, I never found a reason not to use yukiko, Chie, and naoto at all times.
I said no joke, I fucking love that game. I'm admittedly a huge Resident Evil fanboy, but I love it to death.
I can understand why some don't like it, but it's so much damn fun
I like valve games but FPS games can only be so good. I'll take broken interesting Deadly Premonition over super polished Half Life 2
I agree with this statement
It's baffling me how little love Valve is gettin from you guys. Do you just not like well-designed and well-polished games?
Basically all I played for a few years were Valve games (and Halo 1-Reach and CoD4-6). I've listened to all the developer commentary in the games, even played 40 hours of Hats despite not even enjoying it.

Portal 1 was my favorite game of all time a few years ago.
I've beaten the game with kanji in my party, and he just kinda started being useless to me. In my experience, I never found a reason not to use yukiko, Chie, and naoto at all times.

I can understand why some don't like it, but it's so much damn fun

My problem with fucking JRPGs, and is one of my biggest problems with P4, in that the healer should always be in your party, but Yukiko is the fucking worst. Healers need to be the most likable characters in every game.

And yeah, game isn't perfect, but goddamn so much fun.
I understand. I just want my favorite characters in one team, so I have to put Naoto and Kanji in my team. Can't put Chie in there because of it and I like Yosike (Note: Not at all) more than Yukiko, so it's probably going to be one of them. Wait, did Teddie get healing skills in this game?

Yeah. He's the second best support.
A well done shooter is pretty much my favorite thing ever. And Valve keeps up the quality, even though they haven't released anything lately that I'm interested in.
I've been reading and watching quite a few vampire series. First was Shiki's anime adaptation, which gets my recommendation, and now I'm reading Higanjima. I'm a dozen chapters into it and the art isn't super great, but the vampire has a really cool design. The story almost immediately has the characters find out about the vampire through what seems like guesswork.
Yu is the best healer. I'm planning on sharing the healing work with Yosuke.

But no, main character has to be primary damage dealer in my eyes. You can't mess with these conventions that I'd had in my mind since I was 4 years old. I also can't accept a healer that isn't a girl. I know that's dumb, but that's how it is!


My problem with fucking JRPGs, and is one of my biggest problems with P4, in that the healer should always be in your party, but Yukiko is the fucking worst. Healers need to be the most likable characters in every game.

And yeah, game isn't perfect, but goddamn so much fun.
Valid complaint. I for one don't mind yukiko as much as the other people on this thread, but not having her in the party is a disadvantage because she's the only fire user (besides naotos 1 fire move) and she's the best healer. It shouldn't be like that.
I understand. I just want my favorite characters in one team, so I have to put Naoto and Kanji in my team. Can't put Chie in there because of this and I like Yosuke (Note: Not at all) more than Yukiko, so it's probably going to be one of them. Wait, did Teddie get healing skills in this game?

Yu is the best healer. I'm planning on sharing the healing work with Yosuke.
Yeah teddie has healing skills, and I guess you can use your MC as a healer too. But Yukiko gets the Divine Grace skill which is super god damn useful. Again, you'd be crippling yourself not use her, but then again persona 4 isn't really the hardest game out there anyways. Use your favorites and don't worry about it.
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