WOAH WOAH WOAH WOAH WOAH WOAH WOAH woah woah woah woah...
Did Liam just imply that yu yu hakusho's dub is "arocious?" cause we need to sit this boy down and watch the entiree shwo dubbed, it is one of the best dubs for its time and even for today's standards, the first episode or so had soem background actors that were bad, but that changes very quickly.
That dubbed OP is so good though.
Well gunshots are somewhat normal occurance sorta, but they never appeared this close to me
That scares the shit out of me. I've never even seen a gun before except that time I went to a carnival and there was an army tent where they let you hold some of the rifles and LMGs (those guns are heavy as shit). Guns just aren't a part of my life so even a gunshot would set me on edge.