If DMC tries too hard, then Bayonetta should be in the try hard Hall of Fame.DMC tries too hard to impress me so preferring Bayonetta is an incredibly easy choice.
If DMC tries too hard, then Bayonetta should be in the try hard Hall of Fame.
C'mon son.
The only thing going through my head right now is that DMC 5 has the potential to be better than Bayonetta. That thought is bringing me to tears.
It's the specific way that Dante tries too hard. I stopped giving a hoot about the franchise after he rode around a room on a rocket going "Woo!" like an idiot in 3. If 5 is real, I'm glad a quality franchise can live on but I'm not interested in it myself.
Bayonetta does a much better job at trying.
Yeah, but that was a level in Bayonetta. And it was as dumb.It's the specific way that Dante tries too hard. I stopped giving a hoot about the franchise after he rode around a room on a rocket going "Woo!" like an idiot in 3. If 5 is real, I'm glad a quality franchise can live on but I'm not interested in it myself.
Bayonetta does a much better job at trying.
I will always, Always love DMC series more than Bayo, not that I dislike Bayo. But DMC world just seems more coherent and interesting. Despite more shit being in Bayo's world, it always felt odd strange, not a lot of story possibility
Yeah the DMC world is more interesting to me too but Bayonetta has better gameplay in my opinion
DMC4's combat is still unmatched.Yeah the DMC world is more interesting to me too but Bayonetta has better gameplay in my opinion
It doesn't help that the cut scenes in bayonetta are so boring. Shit I need to finish DMC4
DMC4's combat is still unmatched.
I wish I could say what made it feel better for me, but since I can't, I'll just say that DMC4 is the best feeling character action game I have ever played.
The change in DMC4 to game feel, with hits feeling less meaty/crunchy than DMC3 is my main complaint about DMC4. When you DT it feels great, but I wish normal hits were more satisfying.DMC4's combat is still unmatched.
I wish I could say what made it feel better for me, but since I can't, I'll just say that DMC4 is the best feeling character action game I have ever played.
The change in DMC4 to game feel, with hits feeling less meaty/crunchy than DMC3 is my main complaint about DMC4. When you DT it feels great, but I wish normal hits were more satisfying.
DMC3 is pretty easily my favorite action game ever though, even on a pure gameplay level.
On a pure level, DMC3 is 1b. It's near perfection.The change in DMC4 to game feel, with hits feeling less meaty/crunchy than DMC3 is my main complaint about DMC4. When you DT it feels great, but I wish normal hits were more satisfying.
DMC3 is pretty easily my favorite action game ever though, even on a pure gameplay level.
I DMC3 is my favorite action game to date. The special addition just has so much more content and being able to play though the full game as either Dante or Vergil was amazing.
If DMC4 had the option to play all of the levels as either Dante or Nero once you finish the game I would probably love it more. That and the enemies in DMC4 are far more interesting than the ones in DMC3
I'm back from the tournament. I got 5th. Fucking Ness is the worst match for DK. I lost both times to the same Ness. It was a decent sized 35 man tournament.
I'm back from the tournament. I got 5th. Fucking Ness is the worst match for DK. I lost both times to the same Ness. It was a decent sized 35 man tournament.
I'm back from the tournament. I got 5th. Fucking Ness is the worst match for DK. I lost both times to the same Ness. It was a decent sized 35 man tournament.
Yeah, but that was a level in Bayonetta. And it was as dumb.
I have always said that Bayonetta is a bigger, dumber DMC.
That's better than what I would've gotten. Good job, mate.I'm back from the tournament. I got 5th. Fucking Ness is the worst match for DK. I lost both times to the same Ness. It was a decent sized 35 man tournament.
My problem with Vergil is that he feels like half a character and tacked on. In DMC 4 Dante and Nero are so in depth that it's overwhelming, especially Dante. I get the problem with level design but that's not an issue when all I play is Bloody Palace.
You just reminded me of the fact that genderbent Bayo exists.That's the exact reaction I had to the game (DMC3)
I suppose it comes down to the gender of the characters. If Broyonetta had a body suit made of curly hair and a bulge to match I'd think twice before picking it up.
It was a level used to help establish scale and Bayonetta was too busy shooting shit to draw anymore attention to herself by screaming
It was a level used to help establish scale and Bayonetta was too busy shooting shit to draw anymore attention to herself by screaming
I don't like Nero. He wasn't fun in the cutscenes, he was really fun to play, but not as fun as Dante, who was also more fun in the cutscenes, and just when you get enough of his skills to use him properly, you switch to Dante and have to start over, then, just when you get what you need from Dante you have to go back to Nero for a little bit.
4 would be way better if it was one or the other, but I would like it way less if it was just Nero.
But I wanted to win though. I knew I had a better chance of beating the guy in grand finals then the Ness player. But you guys are right 5th ain't that bad.Damn, 5th is pretty is impressive tho man
It was a level used to help establish scale and Bayonetta was too busy shooting shit to draw anymore attention to herself by screaming
No that level was used because Kamiya loves Space Harrier
To be fair, that level is legit awful and unfun on repeat playthoughs. Doesn't help one of the best bosses is behind it.
Devil May cry had the decency to usually have bosses either be their own mission or have a mission near the end where you fight though them all. DMC flat out lets you pick any boss you want.
But I wanted to win though. I knew I had a better chance of beating the guy in grand finals then the Ness player. But you guys are right 5th ain't that bad.
I don't see how Dante acting silly early on, in a scene that isn't really any goofier than Bayonetta getting her clothes ripping and moaning in the opening scene of Bayo1 and 2.
Being equally goofy doesn't save it from being a different kind of goofy.
Being equally goofy doesn't save it from being a different kind of goofy.
What's wrong with goofy, exactly? I love how much of a dipshit Dante is.
Best (or worse in some iterations' case) part about Dante is that he never stays the same between each game. First one he's cool, cheesy guy the way Kamiya knows how, 3 has him being a young punk ass who experiences some legit character development, and then by the time 4 rolls around he's got so much experience under his belt that everything's a fucking joke to him.What's wrong with goofy, exactly? I love how much of a dipshit Dante is.
Holy shit Persona Q's battle music is so good. I can't wait to hear the boss theme.
Game is super easy even though I'm playing on hard.
Holy shit Persona Q's battle music is so good. I can't wait to hear the boss theme.
Game is super easy even though I'm playing hard.
I'm glad that those battle themes are in ultimax too. They're so hypeHoly shit Persona Q's battle music is so good. I can't wait to hear the boss theme.
Game is super easy even though I'm playing on hard.
I've walked by two but haven't bothered fighting one yet.I was afraid of that, have you encountered your first FOE yet?
I couldn't help myself.
Hopefully Amazon can get off her thick hips and get me my PQ
I'm understanding how it's a different kind of goofy. Oh well.Being equally goofy doesn't save it from being a different kind of goofy.
then by the time 4 rolls around he's got so much experience under his belt that everything's a fucking joke to him.
I love it.