People may not be able to handle leveling up ZA WORDU social link
The best thing that comes out of the modern Personas are hyping up the world Arcana. Atleast in 2 you can get the world personas easily by levels.
People may not be able to handle leveling up ZA WORDU social link
Any particular reason? or is more of the X&Y non fun happening
Any particular reason? or is more of the X&Y non fun happening
I'm sorry to say this but...Shhh.. I'm having fun playing X&Y!!For some reason I'm compelled to catch every pokemon in each area and at least have one.. I have no idea why.. And i've gotten so little progress.
You misspelled ZA WARUDO so you have to be exiled.
Man, X&Y are so boring, it's depressing.
I know ;_; I just have this completionist attitude of wanting the rare pokemon to make a good team.I'm sorry to say this but...You won't be able to catch them all in that game.
X&Y would be more fun if Luminose city wasn't a trainwreck to navigate in.
Yeah that is pretty awful, attest the march was good.
This is you right nowI have failed DIO sama.....
I must go commit sudoku now
Everything on Aksys store is gonna be 30% tomorrow.
Wonder if that goes for XRD pre-orders as well.
Shhh.. I'm having fun playing X&Y!!For some reason I'm compelled to catch every pokemon in each area and at least have one.. I have no idea why.. And i've gotten so little progress.
Man, X&Y are so boring, it's depressing.
Thanks for the link, I'll have to look into the Xrd pre order hopefully that is the caseEverything on Aksys store is gonna be 30% tomorrow.
Wonder if that goes for XRD pre-orders as well.
Hey, nerds! Vote for Tagline 8!
Everything on Aksys store is gonna be 30% tomorrow.
Wonder if that goes for XRD pre-orders as well.
I did that with B&W and it was great, X/Y didn't have the same feel
B&W are the best pokemon games objectively.I haven't even touched B&W yet. So, you say it's better?
B&W are the best pokemon games objectively.
Hey, nerds! Vote for Tagline 8!
I actually perfer Touhoumon since it has music from the games converted for the GBA sound system. It even has a sound test room.Those aren't Moemon.
Yeah that is pretty awful, attest the march was good.
This is you right now
Nah... this is more like me
Go get the actual Manga panel scrub. That shit's more brutal
I haven't read the manga. Started watching it when the frienders pushed it
Is this it though?
http://s34.photobucket.com/user/taleran/media/Dio Brando/Part 1/JOJO-v01-c01-p031.png.html
Because.... I am tempted to buy a framed picture of it..... maybe the holiday cards as well
I haven't even touched B&W yet. So, you say it's better?
Yeah. Thats it. Poor Danny.
I think it is yeah, the fact that there's a whole corner of the region that you can't access till after the elite 4 is good, and it's full of higher level pokemon so it's not boring, and also before the elite 4 all the Pokemon avalible are only the new 150 so it's not like you've already seen half of them, even if some of those designs aren't great. I dunno I really enjoyed B&W, far more than X&Y
also I'm mad pissed at the current trend of giving away free shiny Pokemon or making them far easier to catch, it kinda defeats the point of them, as makes me mad salt about having my legit ones mean almost nothing now
They should only give away the shitty ones like Scizor. Its super ugly. Stuff like shiny Metagross should have been the original design. The blue looks way better on him. I wish we do get more different palette swap pokes tho.also I'm mad pissed at the current trend of giving away free shiny Pokemon or making them far easier to catch, it kinda defeats the point of them, as makes me mad salt about having my legit ones mean almost nothing now
No. RIP Danny.Would a holiday card cheer you up?
They should only give away the shitty ones like Scizor. Its super ugly. Stuff like shiny Metagross should have been the original design. The blue looks way better on him. I wish we do get more different palette swap pokes tho.
No. RIP Danny.
Guys, I need help staying out of this Zelda thread. I can't stop, these people are just so ridiculous!
B&W are the best pokemon games objectively.
wow.... I am not thrilled by any of these titles....
Then again, as if I could come up with anything better.
Voted foron time top 10's
I think it is yeah, the fact that there's a whole corner of the region that you can't access till after the elite 4 is good, and it's full of higher level pokemon so it's not boring, and also before the elite 4 all the Pokemon avalible are only the new 150 so it's not like you've already seen half of them, even if some of those designs aren't great. I dunno I really enjoyed B&W, far more than X&Y
also I'm mad pissed at the current trend of giving away free shiny Pokemon or making them far easier to catch, it kinda defeats the point of them, as makes me mad salt about having my legit ones mean almost nothing now
I just stopped going to gaming gaf in general now. This place is my exile. My dagobah.
Hmm.. Ok. I'll play it after X&Y
Ehh... I guess. You could at least put something. I always think mine are always awful since they're not even remotely funny.
Damn, that seems really interesting.. For some reason I really fell off Pokemon after pearl and diamond. I'm sad i missed black and white.
I know, but at the same time, it makes me really want to get them ;_; the thirst is real. The real shinies still matter since depending on which one, some were never given away. I do wish they made them different colours just to make sure they were "fake" shinies.
I didn't even know we were accepting suggestions now. Anyways, it would have been something about the amish
I didn't even know we were accepting suggestions now. Anyways, it would have been something about the amish
My favorite thing about GAF is that OT and Gaming both hate the other one for being insane, while simultaneously being completely insane.
I kinda don't post much in either anymore, it's rarely worth it since an insane person will inevitably argue with you based on some innocuous statement that they disagree with.
Nah it should have been more about racism. Two podcasts in a row forpro racism.
You must've missed the earlier posts about it being available for suggestions. No worries, OT9 will come around soon. Yours would've been remotely appropriate since it'll be thanksgiving for a few days..
You are giving me good reason to stop caring about pokemon like I did with sonic.
I think AC is next.
Its painful when someone shits on something you enjoy..... but you can't dispute them because they are absolutely right
They should only give away the shitty ones like Scizor. Its super ugly. Stuff like shiny Metagross should have been the original design. The blue looks way better on him. I wish we do get more different palette swap pokes tho.
It's not my intention, but I guess facts are facts? I love Pokemon but I feel annualising it is slowly killing it for long time fans, much like the constant rebooting of sonic
also I can't tell if AC means assassins creed or animal crossing, which shows how much I care about one of those franchises nowstopped caring about ass creed about 30 mins into AC3
Different palettes or apparent gender differences would be cool, but shinys should stay in their rare exclusivity place, they have no meaning if everyone has them or they're stupidly easy to get, just like that red gyrados that everyone has and it's not special anymore
Guys, I need help staying out of this Zelda thread. I can't stop, these people are just so ridiculous!
Show it to me
This guy is saying that he doesn't want Link to be a girl. He doesn't care if the main character looks exactly like a female Link, has the Triforce of Courage, is the Hero of Legend, saves Zelda and fights Ganon, as long as she's not named "Link."
This guy is saying that he doesn't want Link to be a girl. He doesn't care if the main character looks exactly like a female Link, has the Triforce of Courage, is the Hero of Legend, saves Zelda and fights Ganon, as long as she's not named "Link."
It would be pretty cool if there was a Zelda that rescues a link. Would buy day 1.This guy is saying that he doesn't want Link to be a girl. He doesn't care if the main character looks exactly like a female Link, has the Triforce of Courage, is the Hero of Legend, saves Zelda and fights Ganon, as long as she's not named "Link."
post the thread
This guy is saying that he doesn't want Link to be a girl. He doesn't care if the main character looks exactly like a female Link, has the Triforce of Courage, is the Hero of Legend, saves Zelda and fights Ganon, as long as she's not named "Link."
Double and even triple posts be damned it seems.I am gunning for the wall of shame now.
I stopped playing Pokemon after Sapphire but bought Y to give the series another shot and didn't really enjoy it, the movement felt weird and the game didn't seem to run very well for me. After I beat the Elite 4 I wandered around for a bit and was disappointed by the end game content. Kinda just repeating things you guys have already said but that's my take on it, I got a few hours out of Y but didn't really enjoy it. Night Frienders.
Double and even triple posts be damned it seems.