I'm dying
This is too lewd
Plague you amazing bastard
That endgame sounds like a bad deal, Leon.
I'm dying
This is too lewd
Plague you amazing bastard
Make them settle it in a tables, ladders, and chairs matchJooseBawcks and VidulaSaix are still Juniors.
They got fight to the death to keep their accounts.
I'm okay with this.Why not just sacrifice both?
FTFYMake them settle it in a yapipa strap match
Why not just sacrifice both?
... I do. Add me to team shameless
Even better!FTFY
Then who the hell is gonna deliver the chocolate milk!? I didn't suffer through the junior hell hole for nothing! I know my rights, damn it!!!!!Into the fire they go then.
... I do. Add me to team shameless
Even tho he's a true friender, Plague will have to.Then who the hell is gonna deliver the chocolate milk!? I didn't suffer through the junior hell hole for nothing! I know my rights, damn it!!!!!
Wheres takamura when you need him?Help! Lewd police! Juniors are being murdered in the streets!
And on neogaf until they delete old threads.That thing is so dead.But it will live on in our hearts for the rest of eternity.
No! Stop while you are ahead!
That thing is so dead.But it will live on in our hearts for the rest of eternity.
Wheres takamura when you need him?
... I do. Add me to team shameless
No! Stop while you are ahead!
It's too late. The woolie hole has consumed another soul.
Yesmans avatar is contradictory to your statement....
It says shameless never dies.
Also, his shin pat thing cracks me up everytime I see his avatar. So yeah its still alive IMO
Also, I just got done going through all the song lists of every Dance Dance Revolution arcade version...man, the ways the song selection changed with each version got weirder in the context of what DDR started with. Also got to a point where the more standout songs are ones that got ported over from other Bemani titles, and actual anime OP or ED themes being in the games makes me go "no wonder they changed so much shit in the song list for the games overseas."
What a fascinating trajectory that series has gone through. Also further validated my position that the first 8 mixes are still the fucking best.
We need SWERY to join GAF already. I bet nobody delivers chocolate milk like that guyEven tho he's a true friender, Plague will have to.
We're all doomedIt's too late. The woolie hole has consumed another soul.
Even better!
Then who the hell is gonna deliver the chocolate milk!? I didn't suffer through the junior hell hole for nothing! I know my rights, damn it!!!!!
Not sure if you can get any lewder from that frame in that gif while still not getting banned.I've kept a lewd avatar.. i could just add tbe shameless logo and even if i dont it's still showing my shamelessness?
Next avatar will be a lewd one.. :3
He's busy directing the good games not like David CagehWe need SWERY to join GAF already. I bet nobody delivers chocolate milk like that guy
How bout we sacrifice all of Team Shameless so that Zach can finally post here.
How bout we sacrifice all of Team Shameless so that Zach can finally post here.
We're all doomed
Not sure if you can get any lewder from that frame in that gif while still not getting banned.
That mod saw it when you PMed him for the Doujin OT.Dude.. don't tempt me.. also i didnt post outside bestGAF so i didnt get reactions from anyone.. >_>
Naahhh, never gonna happen.And on neogaf until they delete old threads.
But it died, though, it really didYesmans avatar is contradictory to your statement....
It says shameless never dies.
Also, his shin pat thing cracks me up everytime I see his avatar. So yeah its still alive IMO
Now if I think about it... If we ever have a PG situation where he needed to focus more on his studies, we could just lend it to Plague.
That mod saw it when you PMed him for the Doujin OT.
Next avatar will be a lewd one.. :3
We shallOne word my friend:KidJunior-napping.
Get someunsuspecting foolnew respectable citizen of neogaf to visit this thread, then webagoffer him, or her, an invitaion to stayforeveras long as they choose.
Naahhh, never gonna happen.
But it died, though, it really did
I unironically say "YesManKablam" as a response when someone gets shutdown after pulling some bullshit IRL. He's best friender.
Maybe.Ehh.. i dont think that's possible within the terms and conditions
Yeah.. he saw.. and probably didnt take my uh.. question seriously..
We shalldestroywelcome every junior with open arms
Here is the first trailer for part 1 of TellTale's Game of Thrones:
Matt said they are LPing this game
Because I have no control over my life, I decided to find the first facebook post that called us "frienders." Here is the first one, and here is the first one where Pat said it was him. I'm disappointed we never got the thing Pat was talking about. Unless he was talking about the RE2 LP.
We shalldestroywelcome every junior with open arms
Because I have no control over my life, I decided to find the first facebook post that called us "frienders." Here is the first one, and here is the first one where Pat said it was him.
I'm disappointed we never got the thing Pat was talking about. Unless he was talking about the RE2 LP.
I'll go ask again along with my idea for a dakimakura OT.
I am ready to give my flesh to appease our cat overlords...
No I am not. Benny is cooler
Why would you sacrifice my beautiful self so some dumb cat can post here?
I don't know if you're talking about the writing or the release schedule or what. Because only TWD S2 suffered from mediocre writing and both games' release schedules were fine after the initial gap between episodes 1 and 2.We will throw them a god of war 2 launch party.
Not a GoT fan... but I am considering buying the season pass for this.
Not really a fan of Borderlands, but Tales is surprisingly good. Hope both don't end up like Walking dead 2 and Wolf among us
Here is the first trailer for part 1 of TellTale's Game of Thrones:
Matt said they are LPing this game
Because I have no control over my life, I decided to find the first facebook post that called us "frienders." Here is the first one, and here is the first one where Pat said it was him.
I'm disappointed we never got the thing Pat was talking about. Unless he was talking about the RE2 LP.
Did the mods step in or something?
I used to be a casual user of the Best friends thread until I decided to exile my self here around thread 6.
I stepped in once and had no idea why everyone had ahegos for avatars.
We stopped it like mature adults because it took up too much place in the thread and drove people away.
I don't know if you're talking about the writing or the release schedule or what. Because only TWD S2 suffered from mediocre writing and both games' release schedules were fine after the initial gap between episodes 1 and 2.
We stopped it like mature adults because it took up too much place in the thread and drove people away.
I've been waiting for a game to download for four hours and I've had a steady 800 kbps connection why is inquisition so biiiiig
I'm talking more about the writing for them both.
TWA is my own opinion. I though the pilot of it was probably the best pilot TT has ever done.
But then after waiting a long time for the next episode, I kinda felt my enthusiasm for it decreased. Also the final part of episode 5 really bugged me because it wouldn't let me do what I wanted to do and just went on way to long.
But yeah, WD2 was abysmal. I don't have any interest in continuing it.
This goes to all the cool people in this thread that would know, but name your favorite DDR songs.thismanknow.webm