F 2nd apparently has a much harder normal and extreme difficulty compared to the previous games. You can get better with practice though. I started out only playing easy, and only like 40 hours later I'm getting Excellent on Hard.
All right, P4G is done. Despite the mostly poor additions, I'm still glad I played it. The small story additions to the already existing characters were fine and didn't harm the characters, except maybe Rise. It's more the new characters, dungeons and events that were mostly lackluster (except for example the start of the skiing event before it went to shit and Naoto's unintentionally [or not] and unexpectedly lewd valentine scene among others). It's fine though.
Final boss was a chump, but I had a team of all-element nullifying/reflecting/absorbing personas, namely
Support auto-skill trumpeter, Hassou Tobi Yoshitsune, Helel, Lucifer, Satan, Metatron and Izanag
. No wonder the fight was done in half-a-dozen turns.
That's NG+. I'm not doing that. Even if I did, I'm incredibly confident I'd win in a single try. Like I said, the only attacks that can harm me are almighty spells and power/mind charge boost the damage of skills like Hassou Tobi to insane levels, all the while I have the weapons and armor from farming the
and the final boss' damage maybe drained a sliver of my MC's full health, if at all. On top of that, I'd have like 150 turns to beat her. Yeah, I'm pretty sure I won't be losing that.
I spoke of it before, stating that it's probably the worst dungeon in the game and destroys the event it's in, but it was pretty easy in the end. Just run away from everything except the mini-bosses and bosses and just decimate them. All of them are pretty weak once you have good personas.
I guess I can finally get on that Stick of Truth hype. $13.59 is too good to pass up.
Eff Uplay tho. I guess I can take a trip to my local game store, to take of that issue, however.
Neogaf live wouldn't work properly for me. I'd set it to 30 seconds or whatever the fastest update was and everytime after the first update it'd keep increasing the time between them by another 30 seconds.