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Super Mario 3D World |OT| Next-gen starts right meow!

The more I think about it, the more I want them to branch off and try something new. Working within the Mario franchise carries certain expectations and parameters that you have to consider, and I would be interested in seeing what EAD Tokyo could dream up with a blank check.

Like, if Mario is a game built entirely around jumping, what kinds of character, stories, and worlds could they build around another mechanic? Say dashing, grabbing/pulling, or even shooting. (I should be clear that I want them to make another platformer, although an EAD developed fps would certainly be...something.)


I think EAD Tokyo should make whatever they want to make, whether it be Mario, something else well-worn, or something new entirely.

Half the people are going to hate it at reveal regardless of what it is, so why care what they think.

Yeah, I really don't mind if they keep making Mario games, as long as those games are full of fun, creative and exciting gameplay, like...well, pretty much all their past games.


I'm all in on SM3DW. It's my favorite Mario game since SMB3, and I wouldn't mind EAD making 3 sequels let alone 1.

Having said that, it seems like the internet whiplash against the initial reveal pushed Nintendo into thinking that they need to make another galaxy game next.

What I would really like to see, though, is some DLC for this game, and have EAD do an entirely different series, like Takamaru, Metroid, Donkey Kong Jungle Beat 2, Yoshi's Island, Zelda, or a completely new IP.

I vote for a new IP. I love Mario games, but the recent years Nintendo is really going all out on Mario. They need a major game with a new IP to keep things interesting.


I'm all in on SM3DW. It's my favorite Mario game since SMB3, and I wouldn't mind EAD making 3 sequels let alone 1.

Having said that, it seems like the internet whiplash against the initial reveal pushed Nintendo into thinking that they need to make another galaxy game next.

What I would really like to see, though, is some DLC for this game, and have EAD do an entirely different series, like Takamaru, Metroid, Donkey Kong Jungle Beat 2, Yoshi's Island, Zelda, or a completely new IP.

This is pretty much the only game I can think of that warrants DLC, because every level is a new experience. Just think, more levels with the
Double Cherry, more Plessie stages, more Ghost Levels, more Mystery Houses
. There is an absurd amount of replayability to this game already, and it goes without saying that given more levels, I'd be quick to buy them up. I hate DLC, but DLC in this game just makes a lot of sense.
This is pretty much the only game I can think of that warrants DLC, because every level is a new experience. Just think, more levels with the
Double Cherry, more Plessie stages, more Ghost Levels, more Mystery Houses
. There is an absurd amount of replayability to this game already, and it goes without saying that given more levels, I'd be quick to buy them up. I hate DLC, but DLC in this game just makes a lot of sense.

I want more Capt. Toad levels than anything else.


I mostly just want them to make a new Mario 64-style game again but with modern technology. Huge interconnected world with no individual level breaks. Find all the Stars.

That would be amazing. I don't even want Galaxy 3 because I feel like 3D World is an evolution of Galaxy 2 (sans gravity stuff and with more old-school Mario sensibilities in terms of power-ups, health, etc.). I'm pretty much happy with whatever they do, but I've always dreamed of an open world 3D Mario that's just one huge level.


Neo Member
I want to see them make another 3D Mario in the vein of Mario 64/Sunshine. I'd like a return to the Mario 64 moveset (full analog control, triple jump, real long jump and real back flip) and the 120 stars. Something like this:

Hub: A hub including Peach’s Castle and the Surrounding village. It would be kind of a mix the castle in Mario 64 and Delfino in Mario Sunshine. Imagine a big HD version of Peach’s castle with tons of space for exploration (moat, balconies, multiple floors) and just outside the castle walls a village of different buildings that can also be explored.

Story: We start by seeing Mario and Luigi running through the village and up to the castle to meet Peach. We notice that all the toads in the village seem in distress. Inside we find out from Peach that Bowser has just taken the power of the Mushroom Kingdom from the castle. He’s hid most of it (the stars) but kept enough so that he could take over the entire Mushroom planet (we see video of Bowser taking over). Peach and the village scientist (new character) reveal they still have 1 star of power that was hidden. It won’t help them head to head against Bowser but they can use it to find and create portals to where the rest of the power stars are hidden.

Levels: Similar to Mario 64 and Sunshine, these portals (pictures, wall paintings…) will be our link to each level/world. The levels would be varied. There would be big exploration levels finding stars hidden in the mushroom kingdom like in 64. There would be a level in Delfino to find stars hidden there. At one point we would go up to the scientists' astronomy tower and find a portal to space for Galaxy type levels. Maybe a portal to Mushroom City to find a level with sky scrapers and buildings we could climb, wall jump and explore. You get the idea: we would revisit classic Mario gameplay/areas of the past while also creating new levels, areas and worlds.

Multiplayer: This would be the best and biggest part. The part that gives us somthing only the Wii U can do: Open multiplayer Co-Op in a 3D Mario game. You could choose to play as Mario, Luigi, Toad or Peach. But instead of having 4 player action on 1 screen where you’re linked to each other, this would be 2 player action where you each have complete independence to do what you want. 1 person playing with the wii-mote + nunchuck on the TV while the other plays on the Gamepad.

To understand it better, let me explain how it would work in Mario 64. The game starts; you pick your characters and then the 2 of you pop out of the tube in front of the castle. From here you can each go wherever you want in the hub world. I can run to Bob-Bomb Battlefield while my friend runs down to Lethal Lava Land. We can explore the hub however we want until someone enters a portal. If I enter Bob-Bomb Battlefield, a message will pop up on my friend’s screen that says “Do You Wish To Enter Bob-Bomb Battlefield?” If both players agree (which shouldn’t be a problem since you’re playing with a friend) you enter the level. Once inside you again have complete freedom. We could run together up the mountain to fight King Bob-Bomb, We could take different paths to see who gets there first and then we could fight him together. We could also pursue different stars. I could try to run up the mountain to fight King Bob-Bomb while my friend tries to gather all 8 red coins. It could be a competition to see who gets a star first. I feel like this kind of multiplayer would be a lot more interesting.

I would love to see something like this and I know EAD Tokyo could pull it off brilliantly.
I mostly just want them to make a new Mario 64-style game again but with modern technology. Huge interconnected world with no individual level breaks. Find all the Stars.

Yeah, that would be great but I question whether this needs to be a mario game at all anymore. I really feel like the 3D Land/World games have nailed the whole mario in 3d thing, and that a new ip could inherit the open-world stylings of 64 and sunshine and go crazy with it.

Question is would most people still be interested without the mario name attached?


I noticed how this is the closet to "old-school" Mario yet, so there's that divide between people who really like the 3D Marios who aren't as gung-ho on this one(evilromero, green mamba), and the ones who don't like the 3D Marios but like this one(Skilletor, 645, Tain, Riposte probably has a similarly love of old-school japanese action platformers, etc).

Its truly a 3D Mario for people who don't like 3D Mario. Mission accomplished, Nintendo!
Yep, the other 3D games are different enough for me that they don't feel like a continuation of Mario into 3D as much as just a different series of games entirely.

Galaxy is kind of weird in retrospect. It has the tricks with gravity and planetoids but I'm not sure is as good as Sunshine at larger levels or 3D Land/World at linear platforming.
Super Wario Bros pls.

Year of Waluigi!
I've been asking for that for years. Alternatively princess it up. Peach, Daisy, Rosalina, and the return of Pauline! DK Senior's Revenge!
No. Galaxy 3. I demand it!
No Galaxy 3. I demand it!

I wouldn't mind the other style 3D Mario to an extent, like I said before I loved screwing around in Delfino for example, so there's definitely stuff about it I like. But there's a lot of stuff from the those 3D games that drag them down for me, some of it gameplay (default melee attacks and most of the controller gimmicks can go away forever for all I care), a lot of it down to the more general structure and flow of the whole game, like multiple stars/level and each one kicking you out and stopping gameplay.
Yeah, that would be great but I question whether this needs to be a mario game at all anymore. I really feel like the 3D games have nailed the whole mario in 3d thing, and that a new ip could inherit the open-world stylings of 64 and sunshine and go crazy with it.

Question is would most people still be interested without the mario name attached?
That's where the Wario Bros come in! Instead of stars they'll be breaking into places and stealing huge treasures (...well I guess they could steal stars too). GTA open world crime spree in the form of a platformer in the [some other] Kingdom!

The Boat

People need to stop holding games and developers hostage to wishlists and fan fiction. Let them do what they want and they they feel is the right way, because that's what leads to true classics, not trying to appeal to everyone. Judge a game for what it sets out to do and delivers, not by what you (think) you want.


I mostly just want them to make a new Mario 64-style game again but with modern technology. Huge interconnected world with no individual level breaks. Find all the Stars.

Yes, and I think it's too appealing a concept for them to NOT try something like that on their next home console. The basic groundwork laid by 64 was never elaborated on, but we have the tech for that now.

People asking for Galaxy 3....ugh.
That's where the Wario Bros come in! Instead of stars they'll be breaking into places and stealing huge treasures (...well I guess they could steal stars too). GTA open world crime spree in the form of a platformer in the [some other] Kingdom!

Lol, that would be silly...

*Imagines Super Wario 3d World DLC with Wario, Waluigi, Daisy, and, uh, Evil Toad*

People need to stop holding games and developers hostage to wishlists and fan fiction. Let them do what they want and they they feel is the right way, because that's what leads to true classics, not trying to appeal to everyone. Judge a game for what it sets out to do and delivers, not by what you (think) you want.

This guy

Right fucking here

This is a quote for the fucking ages and nowhere is it more relevant than in Nintendo threads. Man that bolded

Sometimes over the last few weeks I've felt like I'm in the Twilight Zone when people acted as though things 8 way movement/iso camera/no triple jump kill platforming potential
and then they pine for an open world Mario lololol
People need to stop holding games and developers hostage to wishlists and fan fiction. Let them do what they want and they they feel is the right way, because that's what leads to true classics, not trying to appeal to everyone. Judge a game for what it sets out to do and delivers, not by what you (think) you want.

My previous joke post notwithstanding, this.

Besides, we can count on the modding community to make good on all our fan fictiony dreams. Like could you imagine a hack with new characters from other classic platformers? Simon Belmont, Ryu Hyabusa, Mega Man (no I won't let this go) all realized in perfect, glorious 3d? Mercy.


Honestly, this game is the first Mario game since Sunshine where I feel I have perfect control over what I'm doing without limitations. As a huge fan of 3D Mario, I think it's catered to me very well.


Maybe it's just because my poor peasant brain simply can't conceive how it could be executed even remotely well, but an "open world" Mario game sounds like the worst thing ever.

Would be glad to be proven wrong, though...


Maybe it's just because my poor peasant brain simply can't conceive how it could be executed even remotely well, but an "open world" Mario game sounds like the worst thing ever.

Would be glad to be proven wrong, though...

isn't SM64 somewhat like that but more limited because of the hardware?

i always get the impression that people who want a sequel to SM64 is because of the way that game worked (non-linear progression)
Maybe it's just because my poor peasant brain simply can't conceive how it could be executed even remotely well, but an "open world" Mario game sounds like the worst thing ever.

Would be glad to be proven wrong, though...

I feel like the people pining for an open world Mario really appreciated having all that space to fuck around (sometimes aimlessly) in 64 alongside environments that weren't rigidly designed and traded tightly designed platforming for a bit more potential for experimentation and even more for self discovering your own play tactics. I can't see myself being satisfied with the platforming of the kind of open world approach people are envisioning. There's probably a reason Nintendo hasn't revisited that design since Sunshine (which hilariously isn't half as 'big and open
and nex gen n shit
' as what a lot of people wish EAD would do with Mario now anyways thank god) and it might have something to do with the fact that it was impressive and novel back in the day but issues with the design are readily apparent nowadays.

Of course that doesn't diminish Mario 64's accomplishments or make it any worse of a game but it had a very different kind of magic to it than the other Marios and so I see why people would want Nintendo to revisit that idea of Mario. They'd have to do some spectacular shit to make for an open world game that could compare to the tight and focused platformers that came after that formula.
So, post game wise,
is getting all the stars, flagpoles, and stamps worth it? I'm at World-Mushroom and found the huge monolithic thing with the symbols on it, but that's a lot of shit to do
You guys arguing and acting like you know which kind of game 3D Marios are "supposed" to be are hilarious. Never change.

I'm halfway through World 7. It's been a fantastic ride, and I can't wait to see what else is in store for me. I'm also looking forward to playing this with a few friends, as I've only gone solo so far and I can see this having immense replay value, especially when playing with others.

I appreciate both this/3D Land and 64/Sunshine/the Galaxy series for being alternate takes on what 3D Mario games can be, and they all work beautifully. Certainly Mario is less acrobatic in this game and 3D Land than he is in the others, but that's okay. These games are supposed to marry the 3D games with the 2D ones, and as such the less acrobatic moveset and run button work for these games. Similarly, the more ninja-esque Mario in 64/Sunshine/the Galaxy series works best for those games.

Most importantly, they're all ridiculously and wickedly wonderful and fun. But I suppose people always have to find something to fight about!


Wow, I hit the flagpole the very second it went to zero!



So, post game wise,
is getting all the stars, flagpoles, and stamps worth it? I'm at World-Mushroom and found the huge monolithic thing with the symbols on it, but that's a lot of shit to do

"Worth it" is debatable, but if you're having fun with the game it'll give you something extra to do.

Anyone know how many stars you need to unlock everything?

All of them, technically.

You need everything you can get up to that point to unlock World Crown, but the stars in World Crown aren't required for anything else afterward.


You guys arguing and acting like you know which kind of game 3D Marios are "supposed" to be are hilarious. Never change.

I'm halfway through World 7. It's been a fantastic ride, and I can't wait to see what else is in store for me. I'm also looking forward to playing this with a few friends, as I've only gone solo so far and I can see this having immense replay value, especially when playing with others.

I appreciate both this/3D Land and 64/Sunshine/the Galaxy series for being alternate takes on what 3D Mario games can be, and they all work beautifully. Certainly Mario is less acrobatic in this game and 3D Land than he is in the others, but that's okay. These games are supposed to marry the 3D games with the 2D ones, and as such the less acrobatic moveset and run button work for these games. Similarly, the more ninja-esque Mario in 64/Sunshine/the Galaxy series works best for those games.

Most importantly, they're all ridiculously and wickedly wonderful and fun. But I suppose people always have to find something to fight about!

Galaxy should be clumped up with 3DL/3DW, really. 3DL/3DW's design is just an iteration on Galaxy's linear design, just tweaked to make it playable with a mostly set camera.

64/Sunshine are a lot different to everything that came after. I'm willing to bet the 3D Marios to come after 3D World will follow in Galaxy's footsteps also.


He who pursues two rabbits gets two rabbits.
Anyone know how many stars you need to unlock everything?
342/342 to unlock the final world. You also need all the stamps and have to touch the top of the flag pole with at least 1 character on every stage.

There are more to collect after that as well, but at that point it's simply for completion.


You guys arguing and acting like you know which kind of game 3D Marios are "supposed" to be are hilarious. Never change.

I'm halfway through World 7. It's been a fantastic ride, and I can't wait to see what else is in store for me. I'm also looking forward to playing this with a few friends, as I've only gone solo so far and I can see this having immense replay value, especially when playing with others.

I appreciate both this/3D Land and 64/Sunshine/the Galaxy series for being alternate takes on what 3D Mario games can be, and they all work beautifully. Certainly Mario is less acrobatic in this game and 3D Land than he is in the others, but that's okay. These games are supposed to marry the 3D games with the 2D ones, and as such the less acrobatic moveset and run button work for these games. Similarly, the more ninja-esque Mario in 64/Sunshine/the Galaxy series works best for those games.

Most importantly, they're all ridiculously and wickedly wonderful and fun. But I suppose people always have to find something to fight about!

At the end of the day 3D Mario should be whatever Nintendo wants it to be.
I think EAD Tokyo should make whatever they want to make, whether it be Mario, something else well-worn, or something new entirely.

Half the people are going to hate it at reveal regardless of what it is, so why care what they think.

Yup, exactly. You can't please everyone, so I'd rather they just do whatever pleases themselves. They've earned it.
Galaxy should be clumped up with 3DL/3DW, really. 3DL/3DW's design is just an iteration on Galaxy's linear design, just tweaked to make it playable with a mostly set camera.

64/Sunshine are a lot different to everything that came after. I'm willing to bet the 3D Marios to come after 3D World will follow in Galaxy's footsteps also.

I guess maybe I'd consider the Galaxy games kind of a halfway point between what came before and 3D Land/3D World. He's not quite as ninja-like there as he is in 64 and Sunshine, but he certainly moves faster and jumps higher and farther there than he does in 3D Land/3D World.

At the end of the day 3D Mario should be whatever Nintendo wants it to be.

I'm kinda worried about unlocking crown world. I've beat all the levels, and I've went back and cleared all the way through world 6 getting all the stars and stamps.... but I don't know which chjaracter has beaten which level. How in the world am I supposed to get all 5 character stamps if I don't know which character has beaten which stages?


I'm kinda worried about unlocking crown world. I've beat all the levels, and I've went back and cleared all the way through world 6 getting all the stars and stamps.... but I don't know which chjaracter has beaten which level. How in the world am I supposed to get all 5 character stamps if I don't know which character has beaten which stages?

It'll be marked once you finish collecting the stars. I don't know why they wait until you get to that point to do it, but there it is.
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