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Super Robot Wars Community Thread


3000 yen DLC? for 15 missions? Gross. Should be better priced than that. -_-

Anyway, I'm having a hard time continuing with OE. Just too many filler missions. I want to get into the story as it's kind of an interesting setup but spread too thin and too many grunts. How many times do I have to fight Dark Gozauer too?


Hmmmm, is there any more info on what the DLC covers? Is it like a mini-Gaiden? OG Gaiden was only about 25 new maps for 6800yen!
3000 yen DLC? for 15 missions? Gross. Should be better priced than that. -_-
That was me being melodramatic going by the length of the La Gias routes in OG2. The blog actually mentions 25 chapters, not sure these are for one playthrough or counting alternate routes though.

Speaking of La Gias, I've played MK3 a bit (16 missions) and it's honestly better than I expected. I feel silly for not finishing MK2 before because half the time I have no idea who the hell half the people are but I really like the gameplay and maps so far.
I'm playing on Vita and it looks better than what I expected, it actually looks good, not sure it wouldn't look like utter ass on PS3 though (I chickened out of my PS3 preorder 3 days before release).


For those playing MKIII what's up with the dozens of $3 for one map dlc missions on the JP store? Did they lock half the story behind a paywall? Don't care about MK3 but worried for Z3.
For those playing MKIII what's up with the dozens of $3 for one map dlc missions on the JP store? Did they lock half the story behind a paywall? Don't care about MK3 but worried for Z3.

No clue, I haven't been on the JP store in a while.

Edit: this was mentioned in our mecha gaming thread at The Bore:

The campaign starts out more difficult than usual, but gets easier once you have better upgrades/parts/skills/morale boosts. I'm not a big fan of reverse difficulty curves and I think they should have reversed the curve or added an easy mode. It's one of the more difficult SRWs of the past couple years. You can get extra parts from DLC missions which make the game easier overall, though.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
ZZ is pretty good in the Alpha series.


Hilariously enough I benched ZZ/Z (I eventually made Judau pilot the NuHWGS once I got the Hi Nu). Never really used any reals there save for Hi Nu.

I really love Idion in A3 and I didn't even upgrade it.


Hilariously enough I benched ZZ/Z (I eventually made Judau pilot the NuHWGS once I got the Hi Nu). Never really used any reals there save for Hi Nu.

I really love Idion in A3 and I didn't even upgrade it.

Boss Doggie why don't you ever like my favorite things? Don't like the Charizard, don't like the ZZ and Z Gundams. Do you at least like Mega Man Zero? FFVI's Terra? We need some common ground here.
Hilariously enough I benched ZZ/Z (I eventually made Judau pilot the NuHWGS once I got the Hi Nu). Never really used any reals there save for Hi Nu.
The question is not about being super or real. The question is: does it have a map weapon ZZ has plenty of those, not to mention that the puru twins both have awaken too.


I haven't kept up with OE. If someone has played it until chapter 4, I'd like to know which storylines are getting re-enacted and which happen after the end of their respective shows. I'm mainly interested (story wise) in Dunbine, Rygar and L-Gaim.

Edit: also, I'm looking to buy (again) Mugen no Frontier Exceed but play-asia doesn't have it in stock. Suggestions?


I've given up on following OE for now. Too much filler and it's just not interesting enough to hold my attention. Plus, it feels like it lacks progression.


I'm having a hard time with OE, too, partly because of the filler but also because I think some of these missions are just stupid. Why in the hell is Char so hard to hit when he's at full HP? I shouldn't need to be breaking out my spirit just to hit him at the start of the fight. Guh, Char in his Gelgoog with M'Quve and Garma on the map plus those damn Rick Doms. Map was nothing but HP sponges with stupid evasion. Plus that whole fixed RNG thing where no matter how you reset an enemy who nails you with 20% while you whiff it on an 80% is dumb. Like, I could understand the stupid difficulty if this was the end of the game and I was floating TTGL, S.Freedom, and like a million other upgraded and broken units, but this is chapter 1, and I'm fielding the Guntank. Cut me some slack here.


Yeah, OE seemed like a skip for sure. Who the hell wants a 8 x 20-30 mission long SRW? Hell, I find the 60+ map for a single play (so 100ish with branching) SRW games way too long in the first place. If you read the dialogue and watch some of the animations, each map in SRW these days takes like 30-75 mins long. That's just too long for so many missions.

I dunno, I love the SRW franchise but it's just one of like 30 franchises I really love and if I want to keep up with all the franchises I like there's just not time to play ridiculously long filler SRW games. I don't even know if I'll play the 2nd OGs DLC. Will depend on how substantially the story movement is for the series in it and how many new units/attacks/animations there are and if that's worth the time to get through the map count.


I watch every animation and read every bit of dialog in SRW. I also try to kill every single enemy especially on missions with no turn limit for the SR point. My clock for both versions of SRWZ2 was 150 hours and 200 hours respectively. I played both games for 2 years total.


I'm sure I'll get back to OE eventually, if only for some of the odd-ended series I enjoy that'll never get into a standard SRW, which sucks >=(.

So anyway. Dark Prison is going to be 30 bucks. that's a lot for a downloadable title. i hope it's more than like 15-17 stages because man, that would be kinda meh.
I've never played EX, but does Shu's route have more to cover than the other two? Both of those already dragged way too much in OG2nd, so I can't say I would be enthusiastic to play more than 15 stages. Though I'm not really enthusiastic to pay $30 for 15 stages either.
Terada said they were going for the 25 missions ballpark:
(http://blog.spalog.jp/?eid=863621 )

I don't know if this counts alternate routes but going by the teaser, they'll probably pad the EX route by inserting backstory for MK2/3.
OE Ch 4 and 5 are really tedious. It gets impossible to keep everyone leveled without grinding stages or constantly buying 2x EXP packs.

Combine the -5 level scaling penalty with lots of forced deploy missions and you must grind otherwise your underleveled guys all have 0% chance to hit anything including grunts. Not cool at all.
So anyway. Dark Prison is going to be 30 bucks. that's a lot for a downloadable title. i hope it's more than like 15-17 stages because man, that would be kinda meh.

I just sucked it up and preordered the Limited Edition of Infinite Battle. I'm a sucker for mecha anything.
I'm well aware of what I'm getting myself into. I love shitty mecha games.
You're part of the Real Robot Battle Line, Real Robot Regiment, Super Robot Shooter, Battle Formation, Battle Robot Retsuden, Scramble Commander I and II club and who buys every ultra shitty launch Gundam game ?

I might be growing out of it because I'm starting to contemplate giving my card back.
You're part of the Real Robot Battle Line, Real Robot Regiment, Super Robot Shooter, Battle Formation, Battle Robot Retsuden, Scramble Commander I and II club and who buys every ultra shitty launch Gundam game ?

Yessir. Well, I've lightened up on handhelds releases since I rarely ever play them. No Vita or 3DS, so it's pretty much just PS3 and PSP if the game really interests me now. But I do have pretty much every single terrible mecha title for Saturn, DC, PS1, PS2, PS3, GC, PSP and DS.

I know they're terrible/janky/shit, but I have a soft spot for them.


Hey, Scramble Commander II was pretty solid.

Seriously. Watching all those real-size mechas moving and fighting at once on giant maps was jaw-dropping. Cast selection was another great thing about it.
The only problem I had with it was the unbelievable loading times...of texts O_O


So uh, yeah. Selena confirmed in Dark Prison DLC from the TGS stream.

Ha, I didn't saw that, didn't stop to watch the trailer cause I thought it wouldn't have new content lol. Guess I'm getting it... Next year. I wasn't buying Infinite Battle before, and after watching some more footage at TGS I still ain't.
I guess this is going to be their excuse for no 3rd OG until late 2014 (at the very least?)

I'm curious as to what the schedule for next games is going to look like, with Z3 also semi-confirmed by the stage event.


2014 is way too optimistic for 3rd OGs. These games take at least 3 years each for mainline titles and 2nd just came out Nov '12. Z3 will come out before 3rd OGs.


Now that they have the 2nd OGs engine, it'll take them a shorter amount of time to get it done. I expect an announcement next summer though and a slim chance of late 2014 but more like mid 2015 for 3rd OGs. Z3 will be in the interim, probably.


Now that they have the 2nd OGs engine, it'll take them a shorter amount of time to get it done. I expect an announcement next summer though and a slim chance of late 2014 but more like mid 2015 for 3rd OGs. Z3 will be in the interim, probably.

Is it still too much to hope that Z3 will cover ZZ or EW Gundam?


Endless Waltz is probably a given since the Gundam Wing story has progressed enough and that's a logical step. ZZ would be unlikely unless they do another time-space warp since the UC characters come from the Z1 universe.

I'm actually quite interested what series they decide to add in Z3. Perhaps a return for EVA? Age is probably the most likely along with Valvrave since they're BanNam properties. Maybe Unicorn if it finally wraps up before Z3 releases?


Endless Waltz is probably a given since the Gundam Wing story has progressed enough and that's a logical step. ZZ would be unlikely unless they do another time-space warp since the UC characters come from the Z1 universe.

I'm actually quite interested what series they decide to add in Z3. Perhaps a return for EVA? Age is probably the most likely along with Valvrave since they're BanNam properties. Maybe Unicorn if it finally wraps up before Z3 releases?

Aw man, if they do Unicorn without doing ZZ I'll just be kinda sad. I want me some Judau.
It's probably not realistic, but I hope that they don't add anything modern outside of Unicorn. I can't think of any other series from the last 5 or so years they could add that I wouldn't end up loathing...


I hope they never add Age what with its plot, its almost guaranteed to take over the entire story of that installment. They're going to do it, though.


Unconfirmed Member
We've discussed the Z-verse before, but normally in a SRW game storyline, you're really restricted as to what series you can use based on the story/world they've created.

Fortunately, that's not the case with Z, since there's time/dimensional shennanigans going on, and they've already shown the possibility of multilple versions of characters existing (implying that there's more than one Kouji/Mazinger, Getter Team, and that there's two versions of the Eureka 7 cast).

And for those who aren't following, the Z storyline (at first, before the 2nd game came out), kind of killed the idea of there being anything post Zeta Gundam, since they used the New Translation storyline. But since Z2 game out, we now know, anything is possible at this point.

Andrew J.

Endless Waltz is probably a given since the Gundam Wing story has progressed enough and that's a logical step. ZZ would be unlikely unless they do another time-space warp since the UC characters come from the Z1 universe.

I'm actually quite interested what series they decide to add in Z3. Perhaps a return for EVA? Age is probably the most likely along with Valvrave since they're BanNam properties. Maybe Unicorn if it finally wraps up before Z3 releases?

Come oooon Diebuster.


I want to see them add another game breaking series ala Ideon. Its not every day you see a weapon rated at 9999 with a range of infinity.


We've discussed the Z-verse before, but normally in a SRW game storyline, you're really restricted as to what series you can use based on the story/world they've created.

Fortunately, that's not the case with Z, since there's time/dimensional shennanigans going on, and they've already shown the possibility of multilple versions of characters existing (implying that there's more than one Kouji/Mazinger, Getter Team, and that there's two versions of the Eureka 7 cast).

And for those who aren't following, the Z storyline (at first, before the 2nd game came out), kind of killed the idea of there being anything post Zeta Gundam, since they used the New Translation storyline. But since Z2 game out, we now know, anything is possible at this point.

Man I don't care about the plot I can't read that anyway. Just give me Roux and Judau so I can squeal in delight as Haman teams up with like, Leonard Testarossa and Emperor Dornekirke or something ridiculous.


Anyone remember if there are at least 2 easy SR points in the last 15 maps of 2nd OGs? I'm on map45 now and only have 39 SR points. The last few stages have been way too tough to get the SR points so I started slipping. Gonna be annoyed if I can't get at least 2 before I hit map60 to get the true ending...
You won't have any problems. A lot of the remaining ones are just "Destroy X enemies in Y turns" like usual. Even if the turn requirements for those gave you problems, the stages before the ending split just ask you to kill all enemies before beating the bosses.
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