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Super Smash Bros. Community Thread |OT| Next Super Smash Bros. Discussion

PK Gaming

Any tips vs Ryu? last tournament I was in last month I got bodied by a Ryu....I have absolutely 0 experience fighting him. I felt embarrassed at how I could not handle his elbow poke (Utilt I think?) trap. Bleh.

At least I made it second place in Doubles.

I wouldn't beat yourself up too much. Ryu is a character that you can't afford to make mistakes against, and that can be difficult without matchup experience. I don't have much experience against him either, but off the top of my head:

  • You can't challenge him in the air because Ryu does sooo much damage. You'll always lose if you trade with his Nair, for example. IIRC, you use Ness right? You should punish his whiffed attacks instead. Maximize the damage you get from grab punishes!
  • Don't do anything unsafe like PK Fire since Ryu can punish you hard.
  • You need to SDI to deal with Elbow tilt. If you don't know how to do that, I recommend avoid being in range of that move in general. Stick to the air, but don't jump in on him.
  • Definitely try to constantly get him off stage. It's so easy to stack up damage on Ryu once he's off stage as Ness.
Imo, this is a pretty difficult matchup for Ness. You're basically going to have to work really hard to win.
While those sound like good pointers, im not a Ness main. :p

I used Wii Fit Trainer and Palutena.....considered Robin for the match but went against my better judgement. Mewtwo would if been better to use too I think.


While those sound like good pointers, im not a Ness main. :p

I used Wii Fit Trainer and Palutena.....considered Robin for the match but went against my better judgement. Mewtwo would if been better to use too I think.

I main Ryu.

Keep a safe range, try using your longer ranged safe poke attacks, and avoid up close confrontations especially at kill percentages because he combo you into shoryuken (dragon punch) from his up tilt, down tilts, or neutral A (jab). Be careful doing unsafe stuff especially at high percentages where you'll get punished by a combo into (or raw) shoryuken e.g. poorly spaced or huge recovery attacks.

Once you manage to hit him/knock him up in the air, his mobility isn't that great. In general, I find he just isn't that good in the air. Take advantage of this and rack up as much damage as possible once he's in the air. Off the stage when knocked far away, his recovery can be predictable when he is forced to use his tatsumaki (hurricane kick).

If you have a good projectile, use that. Ryu may have a hadoken (fireball) but it isn't really that great of a projectile.

Multi-hitting attacks are useful for breaking his d+B special (focus attack).
If you're able to spam up-b against a Cloud then they are not good Cloud players, seeing as he can instantly cancel the charge.

Also I don't think any character outright destroys Cloud. His comeback factor is just too strong for that, but I do think Pikachu wins the matchup. He can gimp Clouds recovery better than pretty much any other character in the game and he doesn't really get juggled by up-airs.

You could also say they couldn't handle Zelda so they weren't any good to begin with lol

Nah, I honestly thought they were pretty tough. I exaggerate with the up-B spam, but there were a ton of opportunities to set up elevators and whatnot. They probably didn't know the matchup, honestly.
I've been meaning to learn Pikachu, and if Cloud keeps being the only character I see in FG all the more reason to pick him up. I'm gonna look up some videos on this matchup.

PK Gaming

While those sound like good pointers, im not a Ness main. :p

I used Wii Fit Trainer and Palutena.....considered Robin for the match but went against my better judgement. Mewtwo would if been better to use too I think.

Oh, uh...

Yeah, keep what I've said in mind but also lean on projectiles as Mewtwo / WFT and stay outside Ryu's boxing range if possible.
I main Ryu.

Keep a safe range, try using your longer ranged safe poke attacks, and avoid up close confrontations especially at kill percentages because he combo you into shoryuken (dragon punch) from his up tilt, down tilts, or neutral A (jab). Be careful doing unsafe stuff especially at high percentages where you'll get punished by a combo into (or raw) shoryuken e.g. poorly spaced or huge recovery attacks.

Once you manage to hit him/knock him up in the air, his mobility isn't that great. In general, I find he just isn't that good in the air. Take advantage of this and rack up as much damage as possible once he's in the air. Off the stage when knocked far away, his recovery can be predictable when he is forced to use his tatsumaki (hurricane kick).

If you have a good projectile, use that. Ryu may have a hadoken (fireball) but it isn't really that great of a projectile.

Multi-hitting attacks are useful for breaking his d+B special (focus attack).

Oh, uh...

Yeah, keep what I've said in mind but also lean on projectiles as Mewtwo / WFT and stay outside Ryu's boxing range if possible.

Thank you both for the tips! Will need this for this months tourney. (its gonna have pokken too! yay!)

PK Gaming

Hows samus improvements?

She's gotten significantly better after the 1.15 patch.

Most of her problems were addressed, though she still has a few key flaws, like her poor grab game. I mean, I very much enjoy the fact that her grab is no completely longer overshadowed by Zero Suit Samus's (in fact they even nerfed ZSS to bring it down to Samus's level) but it's still pretty mediocre. But yeah, Samus is a character with legs now. She's no longer Bottom Tier.

I strongly recommend watching this video on Samus. It gives a complete rundown of her character post patch, and it's filled with useful information.
Amiibo thread is hyped to useless, so I'll ask here:

I'm assuming you're asking if you can save Smash amiibo data to your Mario series Wario amiibo, in which case I can at least confirm it's possible with other Mario series amiibo like my own Mario. Smash seems to only care that the character matches, regardless of series.
Within the amiibo figures, there's actually several sets of numbers. One relates to the game series, another the character number, and another to the figure line, etc (there's more). There's only a few amiibo which are the same character but have different variations, in those cases there is a costume number (if I remember correctly Dr. Mario is just a costume of Mario).

Anyway, I believe Smash reads the 'game series set' 'character number set' and 'costume set' so yes...the new Mario amiibo line should work within Smash.


Maturity, bitches.
So tap Smash Wario to load his data and when it asks you to tap again to save you use the Regular Wario instead? I don't think that's possible since each one would be registered separately.
Yesterday was the one year anniversary of Ryu, Roy and Lucas. And Dreamland, Miiverse Suzaku Castle.

The largest update Smash has ever gotten and the most DLC in a single day (3 characters, 3 maps). The servers died that day. For several, painful, agonizing hours.

Ryu is my favorite DLC new comer, he's a lot of fun to play and I like how true to his home series he is. I also got my boy back after a long absence. And Lucas, who never really should have been cut in the first place.

Sazuka Castle is also my pick for the best looking 3DS stage


I'm still impressed with how nice that looks, given the other (new) DLC stages had to make some graphical compromises (Midgar is a disaster of blurry textures).

PK Gaming

I remember that day because exactly one year ago I was going through a bout of mild depression. My brother ended up buying the DLC and we played Smash all day.

Good times.

Soul Lab

I wish my region would switch to three-stock tournaments. It seems like so much fun every time I watch a set from a texan or euro tournament. see: hyuga's Toon link vs the wall's yoshi.
we switched from 2 to 3 stocks a half year ago because the majority of the community wanted to. In a couple of weeks we're gonna vote again cause many want 2 stocks back.
Personally I always prefered 2 stocks. I think 3 stocks are a drag
we switched from 2 to 3 stocks a half year ago because the majority of the community wanted to. In a couple of weeks we're gonna vote again cause many want 2 stocks back.
Personally I always prefered 2 stocks. I think 3 stocks are a drag

i guess since all my hands-on experience with 3stock is in friendlies i haven't wound up matched against any really campy players. 2stock still feels way too short to me, especially with the existence of rage.
Really curious of Link being able to jump in BotW will positively affect his aerial mobility in future Smash games.

Maybe we'll get the sailcloth as a glide-style aerial movement option.
CLEARLY we just need a third attack button to squeeze a wider variety of link's weapons in there.

Seriously though, customs should come back and be diversified (and unlocked in a less frustrating manner). I don't care if tourneys won't let me bust out customs, I'd be content just having my megaton hammer or clawshot command-grab for party matches.
In hindsight, this was I think the final CSS should of looked like.


i have no idea why mario shows up on the mii's potrait

Sorry for the blur, but you kinda get the point. Basically I went ahead and attempted to restore the original order of the CSS, before all the clones and DLC characters.

Mario extended universe (July 9, 1981)
The Legend of Zelda (February 21, 1986)
Metroid (August 6, 1986)
Kid Icarus (December 19, 1986)
Fire Emblem (April 20, 1990)
Kirby (April 27, 1992)
Star Fox (February 21, 1993)
Pokémon (February 27, 1996)

In between the gaps, the single rep series also go in chronological order.

Game & Watch (April 28, 1980)
Punch-Out!! (February 1984)
Duck Hunt (April 21, 1984)
R.O.B. (July 26, 1985)
Mother (July 27, 1989)
F-Zero (November 21, 1990)
Animal Crossing (April 14, 2001)
Pikmin (October 26, 2001)
Wii Fit (December 1, 2007)
Xenoblade Chronicles (June 10, 2010)

Mother has multiple characters again so I relocated Ness (and Lucas) away from Captain Falcon and right after the Kid Icarus trio. Incidentally with all the multi-rep series near each other, there wasn't as many gaps to fill with single-rep ones, so basically all of them with the lone exception of Mr. Game & Watch are located by the tail end of the roster. Also I just decided to move Yoshi away from the Mario characters because honestly it looks better that way (he has his own emblem i mean come on)

All the third parties at the end are in chronological order as well.

PAC-MAN (May 22, 1980)
Street Fighter (August 30, 1987)
Mega Man (December 17, 1987)
Final Fantasy (December 18, 1987)
Sonic The Hedgehog (June 23, 1991)
Bayonetta (October 29, 2009)

Something that's neat about this is the fact that both the Capcom characters (MM and Ryu) and both the Sega characters (Sonic and Bayonetta) are right by each other.


Maturity, bitches.
Maybe with homebrew we'll find the flag that disables the home button on the character select screen. Such an odd aspect to the game.
I just hope Sakurai even uses him instead of bringing out Twilight Princess Link again

To be fair, Twilight Princess Link as well as TP Zelda and TP Ganondorf are probably the most franchise neutral designs to pick from. When people think of Link they're naturally going to think of his usual green tunic design that BOTW Link seems to lack, so naturally Sakurai probably wouldn't want to change it. It's like Skyward Sword Zelda, it's just too different from what people usually think of when they think of that character.


Junior Member
To be fair, Twilight Princess Link as well as TP Zelda and TP Ganondorf are probably the most franchise neutral designs to pick from. When people think of Link they're naturally going to think of his usual green tunic design that BOTW Link seems to lack, so naturally Sakurai probably wouldn't want to change it. It's like Skyward Sword Zelda, it's just too different from what people usually think of when they think of that character.
This. If there's no franchise-neutral Zelda or Ganon(dorf) in BotW, they'll stick with the Twilight Princess designs for Smash 5.
To be fair, Twilight Princess Link as well as TP Zelda and TP Ganondorf are probably the most franchise neutral designs to pick from. When people think of Link they're naturally going to think of his usual green tunic design that BOTW Link seems to lack, so naturally Sakurai probably wouldn't want to change it. It's like Skyward Sword Zelda, it's just too different from what people usually think of when they think of that character.

Yep. The TP designs work nicely as a neutral, middle of the road design that works for all the Zelda characters, except Toon Link, whose stylistically different on purpose.

TP Link also has Link's normal series arsenal. Bombs, bow, boomerang, etc. It's a flexible design. New Link has weird ghosty bombs, no boomerang (that we know of) and no consistent bow design.


As in "Heathcliff"
I remember that day because exactly one year ago I was going through a bout of mild depression. My brother ended up buying the DLC and we played Smash all day.

Good times.

Yep, it's really good game to help out friends or siblings with their depressions.

I just hope Sakurai even uses him instead of bringing out Twilight Princess Link again
Really curious if Link being able to jump in BotW will positively affect his aerial mobility in future Smash games.

I doubt that Link is going to get revamped with the move set but I would love to see BotW Link become playable character somehow?
Does the potential lack of a boomerang really matter, not like Sakurai would get a custom made one for Link?

It sort of does and sort of doesn't. If Sakurai wants a boomerang, he will get a boomerang, but the question is whether he will want to get it. However when he messes with long established characters it often tends to have something to do with games released in the meantime.

BotW looks so far like such a departure from regular Zelda gameplay that I honestly don't know how is it going to affect Link in Smash though.

PK Gaming

For those who subscribe to the "tiers don't matter" school of thought, I'd strongly recommend watching eSAM's latest video.

He talks about how matches in Smash 4 don't necessarily come down to how strong a character's moveset is, and I completely agree with him. How good are you at dealing with a specific character? Can you get Cloud offstage? Can you keep u with Sonic? Seriously, Smash 4 is a game where you can any match. You just need to outplay your opponent.

So no more johns!
BotW looks so far like such a departure from regular Zelda gameplay that I honestly don't know how is it going to affect Link in Smash though.

Visual wise, maybe. If Zelda's design isn't radically different and Ganondorf himself appears, then we could see their designs for next Smash.
Or still be in their Twilight Princess designs, no matter how much I just want different forms of Zelda characters as alts, it shouldn't be that hard to make a model with the right rigging and just reuse sound files from their respective games
Sheik is in a weird spot, she was never intended to appear in Twilight Princess, but they designed a look for her anyway just for Sakurai to use in Smash, kind of like Smash 4 Roy.

Move set wise, Sakurai has never drastically changed any character's moveset in the name of updating them to recent entries, except for Mario, he got the FLUDD, but that's all I know.


Move set wise, Sakurai has never drastically changed any character's moveset in the name of updating them to recent entries, except for Mario, he got the FLUDD, but that's all I know.
Pit changed pretty drastically due to Uprising. He was given three special moves and a Final Smash from that game.
Pit changed pretty drastically due to Uprising. He was given three special moves and a Final Smash from that game.

The somehow flew right over my head, Pit's overall moveset has been updated to match Uprising, but they still have the same basic ideas, side special is Pit charging forward, change it from multi hitting move with the bow to single hard hitting one using the Upperdash Arm, and so on, but I'd be trying real hard and sound too pretentious if I did try and make that assumption.
All this talk about the NX made me think of something.

All signs seem to be pointing to the NX not featuring a second screen of sorts. In that sense, if Smash 4 were to be ported to it, what exactly would happen to the game's stage editor, which was designed around drawing on the gamepad? Would they just toss it out completely or overhaul it to function more like Brawl's?

It's sort of how I feel about a possible Mario Maker NX port. The gamepad was a huge part of how that game functioned.


I still think we are getting some sort of screened controller when I think back to those patents. Something much sleeker and cooler, maybe about the size of your average cell phone screen.

Or maybe we can just use the handheld NX with the home console.
Sheik is in a weird spot, she was never intended to appear in Twilight Princess, but they designed a look for her anyway just for Sakurai to use in Smash

When she was revealed on the Dojo they said her appearance was based on rejected TP concept art actually.

All this talk about the NX made me think of something.

All signs seem to be pointing to the NX not featuring a second screen of sorts. In that sense, if Smash 4 were to be ported to it, what exactly would happen to the game's stage editor, which was designed around drawing on the gamepad? Would they just toss it out completely or overhaul it to function more like Brawl's?

It's sort of how I feel about a possible Mario Maker NX port. The gamepad was a huge part of how that game functioned.

It'll either be using the handheld if it has a touch screen, traditional buttons, or having both as an option, probably. Be a shame to toss it out.
The Dojo said her design came from unused TP concept art. The Hyrule Historia on the other hand said her design was made specifically for Brawl. I'm not sure which is true.

Did I misremember? I swear I read that somewhere.

The Dojo for Brawl said her design came from unused TP concept art. The Hyrule Historia on the other hand said her design was made specifically for Brawl. I'm not sure which is true.

I'm going to double-check because I can guarantee I heard the unused concept story.



Sheik doesn’t appear in The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, but we based her model on a design that was drafted up during the development of that game.

I didn't hear the Hyrule Historia part before. I gueeesss the statement is ambiguous enough that he means the Brawl design was made during TPs development? Or something. It's pretty vague and doesn't say what the design was intended for originally.
Actually looking on the Dojo again it just says her design came from a concept that was drafted during the development of Twilight Princess, it doesn't necessarily say if it was specifically made for TP.
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