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Super Smash Bros. Community Thread |OT| Next Super Smash Bros. Discussion



All hail the modding community.
Smash has the dumbest tech names alongside the simplest tech names

We got Samus' extended grapple which is an extended grapple, Yoshi's parry which is shielding an attack with his weird-ass shield and counterattacking because lolyoshi, and Doc's up-B cancel which is basically him cancelling his up-B. Simple.

Then we got wobbling, we got the meteor smash/spike difference, we got waveshining and why is it even called a shine in the first place, omg don't get me started on the shine spike and how it's not a real spike but it isn't a meteor smash either so we call it a semi-spike but come on now, and did you guys know wavedash wasn't even a melee term, it came from Tekken and Mahvel because in those games you could do some silly crouch shenanigans and Smash dudes back then were like "we're absolute shit at making tech names that don't require much explanation so we're just gonna borrow this"

I need to never make posts at 3:45 in the morning again.
It's really funny how we use the word "tilts" while the developers use "strong attack". I feel like tilt is more fitting because that's what you doing to utilize them, gently tilting the analog stick. "Strong attack" is a weird name because most tilts aren't, well, that strong.


It's really funny how we use the word "tilts" while the developers use "strong attack". I feel like tilt is more fitting because that's what you doing to utilize them, gently tilting the analog stick. "Strong attack" is a weird name because most tilts aren't, well, that strong.
It's in comparison to neutral A.
Although I get why they keep bringing Yoshi's Island back every single game despite it being a terrible stage, I kind of wish they had brought Yoshi's Story over in Brawl, instead.

Although the loss of a Super Mario World stage would have been disappointing, since it's such an important game and SNES stages are a rarity in Smash if your series isn't named Kirby. Even Metroid, a series defined by its SNES game, has a NES/GBA (it could be either) stage and a Wii stage...

This thread is infinitely more easier to find now that's it's in Community.
Yes, that's how I have it. Great way to keep track of all threads you've posted an interest with. The subscription page is my most viewed page lol

I always keep a tab open on my subs, and just open updated threads in new tabs. Most optimal way to browse gaf imo

PK Gaming

Was watching Know Your Moves for Sheik and Zelda and realized it's kind of weird Sheik doesn't have a harp at all. It seems like a perfect victory animation or a taunt. Yet, she just sort of does generic ninja stuff.

This entire video is predicated on this guy's salt towards Sheik. But you know what?

I'm with him

Fuck Sheik. Dull character that was shoe horned into Smash past her expiration date. She manages to be irritating conceptually & competitively which is quite a feat.

Forreal, Fuck Sheik


Sheik is great and fun to play. Stay salty.

EDIT: I wouldn't mind if she was changed into Skyward Sword Impa though. Such a great design.

EDIT 2: I also disagree with his view on Zelda. It's true that she's bottom tier but I find her to be pretty fun to use. If they fixed Din's Fire she could be decent.
People are complaining about Sheik of all characters? Why wouldn't you complain about a real bullshit character, Yoshi? Yoshi is such a poorly designed character. He has super armour on his jump which makes edge guarding him impossible. Everything he does is so fast and safe that hitting him on stage is also really hard. He is also super strong for some reason. Why does jab combo into almost every other move of his? That's so broken. I seriously don't know how anyone is able to play Yoshi and not want to commit Sudoku. Nerf him, Sakurai.
People are complaining about Sheik of all characters? Why wouldn't you complain about a real bullshit character, Yoshi? Yoshi is such a poorly designed character. He has super armour on his jump which makes edge guarding him impossible. Everything he does is so fast and safe that hitting him on stage is also really hard. He is also super strong for some reason. Why does jab combo into almost every other move of his? That's so broken. I seriously don't know how anyone is able to play Yoshi and not want to commit Sudoku. Nerf him, Sakurai.

Yoshi has never really been a major threat in tournaments despite his annoyances. Sheik on the other hand was by far the best character in the game until she got nerfed earlier this year, and even then she's still ridiculously good.
Sheik is in the same spot Captain Falcon and Jigglypuff are in, in that they're not really relevant outside of Smash, but are super popular and relevant in Smash, so they hang around.

And that's not really a bad thing.


Maturity, bitches.
Which is dead.
Smash is a celebration of Nintendo's history. They're not really producing new Game & Watches or ROBs these days either.

Jigglypuff is but one of the many Pokémon whose claim to fame (the anime) has moved on and Sheik is but one of the many forms Zelda has taken.

My point being, Captain Falcon is not the same as the other two. Heck, if you want to point out his series is dead, their series are very much alive, so again, not really the same.


Tried to play Wii U Smash yesterday but it wouldn't even let me start the game without downloading a patch. Is that right? How do people with no internet connection play the game?


My point being, Captain Falcon is not the same as the other two. Heck, if you want to point out his series is dead, their series are very much alive, so again, not really the same.
This is about them not being relevant outside of Smash. If anything, Puff is more relevant through cameos in the TV show.
Tried to play Wii U Smash yesterday but it wouldn't even let me start the game without downloading a patch. Is that right? How do people with no internet connection play the game?
They don't download the patch. :)
You can still start the game while downloading.

PK Gaming

People are complaining about Sheik of all characters? Why wouldn't you complain about a real bullshit character, Yoshi? Yoshi is such a poorly designed character. He has super armour on his jump which makes edge guarding him impossible. Everything he does is so fast and safe that hitting him on stage is also really hard. He is also super strong for some reason. Why does jab combo into almost every other move of his? That's so broken. I seriously don't know how anyone is able to play Yoshi and not want to commit Sudoku. Nerf him, Sakurai.

Never going to happen. Yoshi isn't even that great of a character so you're personally going have to work hard if you want to beat him. NEXT QUESTION!

Sheik is in the same spot Captain Falcon and Jigglypuff are in, in that they're not really relevant outside of Smash, but are super popular and relevant in Smash, so they hang around.

And that's not really a bad thing.

Let's not get carried away. Captain Falcon is the beloved main character of a dead franchise, but that still puts him far above Sheik. The outcry from removing the good captain would be faaaaaaaaar greater than if you removed Sheik. Not that I would personally advocate it, but I honestly wouldn't give a hoot if she didn't return in Smash 5 because she sucks.

Sheik is great and fun to play. Stay salty.

EDIT: I wouldn't mind if she was changed into Skyward Sword Impa though. Such a great design.

EDIT 2: I also disagree with his view on Zelda. It's true that she's bottom tier but I find her to be pretty fun to use. If they fixed Din's Fire she could be decent.

He makes a ton of false assumptions in his video, but I agree with the underlying message; Zelda's moveset is weak and bland compared to other characters in Smash. She has plenty of moveset potential in her boss fight in Twilight Princess alone, but none of that is explored at all. Instead of we get fantastic moves like her Fair/Bair, Down Tilt, and Down Smash and Dair which is just kicking. Bleh.

It would take more than buffing Din's Fire to fix the character because she's fundamentally flawed. Her having to land a sweetspot on most of her key moves is pretty much unforgivable, especially when better moves that don't that have that requirement exist (aka Sheik's entire moveset!)
Yeah, I feel like the only way we can really fix Zelda's moveset is by basically starting all over. Same thing with Ganondorf. Like Samus, they're both victims of Sakurai's "this character MUST have the same moveset for the rest of their time in Smash!" mentality, which is really hurting and holding these characters back.

Granted Samus is in a better position especially after the buffs she got, but like what PK Gaming said about Zelda, her moveset consists of a bunch of boring kicks and shit when she really should just be like Mii Gunner on steroids, firing all sorts of crazy projectiles

I will say that I think Project M made a decent compromise. For the most part she retains most of her usual physical combat moveset she's always had in Smash but they made little nice changes that at least make her feel more like Samus, most notably being able to turn into the morphball (they even went ahead and included the Boost Ball from Metroid Prime) and switching beam types.


This will never be in an official Smash game
Yoshi has never really been a major threat in tournaments despite his annoyances. Sheik on the other hand was by far the best character in the game until she got nerfed earlier this year, and even then she's still ridiculously good.

Never going to happen. Yoshi isn't even that great of a character so you're personally going have to work hard if you want to beat him. NEXT QUESTION!

Yoshi not that great? Have you ever fought a good Yoshi? The character doesn't have a single flaw and it's like fighting the devil himself when you fight Yoshi. The only reason he isn't top 5 is because every Yoshi player sucks. Raptor? The Wall? Let's be real here. Sky? He's just a meme. If someone good picks up Yoshi, he will make everyone regret it!!!
Yoshi isn't so great? Are you kidding me? When was the last time you saw a character with such an ability and movement with eggs? Yoshi puts the game in another level, and we will be blessed if we ever see a character with his skill and passion for egg laying again. Sheik breaks balance. Bayonetta breaks balance. Yoshi breaks eggs. You can keep your tourney wins. I prefer sunny-side up.

FTFY fam, no need to thank me.


As in "Heathcliff"
In addition to Ganondorf as PK Gaming mentioned above, we have a lot of things that can be considered "sloppy" in Smash 4, such as Alph riding in the Hocotate ship, the Koopalings using Bowser Jr.'s paintbrush, Little Mac's wireframe costume suddenly gaining a voice after being mostly mute and transforming into a fully fleshy Giga Mac, Kirby not having hats based on alt costumes (IE Copying a male Wii Fit Trainer only to get Female WFT's hair), etc.

To be fair, they did have a plan for Alph but I guess they ran out of time.

Look at those sweet ROB eyes

Oh yeah. Are you still bothered by R.O.B glitches? That's big if it's still there.

PK Gaming

Yoshi not that great? Have you ever fought a good Yoshi? The character doesn't have a single flaw and it's like fighting the devil himself when you fight Yoshi. The only reason he isn't top 5 is because every Yoshi player sucks. Raptor? The Wall? Let's be real here. Sky? He's just a meme. If someone good picks up Yoshi, he will make everyone regret it!!!

You really think every Yoshi player sucks? It's 99.98% more likely that Yoshi simply isn't that good lol.

I'm telling you, you just need to get good at the matchup. Nobody's perfect; I suck at fighting DDD, for example.

I can give you an objective Yoshi flaw btw; his roll sucks ass and his grab game is poor.

EDIT: Wait a sec...i'm pretty sure you're a Yoshi main. Did you just bait me.

Funny how I've never really cared about ROB's eyes yet I'm consistently bothered by Sonic's eternal derp smile.

Say all you want about Brawl's center mouth, but at least he actually emoted.

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