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Super Smash Bros. Community Thread |OT| Next Super Smash Bros. Discussion






Junior Member
I apologize if this has been posted already, but Sam Foxall (Trilby) wrote an editorial for SRK on his thoughts of Smash 4's future at EVO.

Sam "Trilby" Foxall said:
For all the hype that we saw over Evo weekend regarding Smash 4, many players and attendees were not happy with how Smash 4 was treated over the course of the tournament, with many taking to Twitter to vent their displeasure in both constructive and non-constructive ways. In light of the problems, one of the Evo founders Tony Cannon has made a thread on r/smashbros, addressing the cited issues for Smash 4 and asking for constructive criticism about how to improve next year’s event. Holding your hands up to problems is admirable and despite the drive to improve Smash 4 for future events, I feel that the treatment of Smash 4 during Evo may be symptomatic of how the wider FGC views the game; it simply has not earned its respect yet.

This is not a question of whether Smash 4 deserves it, it’s the fact that outside of the Smash bubble, the community does not have the pull and influence on the FGC that it thinks it does. The lack of a spot on Championship Sunday is most likely due to Smash 4 not having the prestige of Melee and that shunting Melee onto Saturday would do down all of the hard work that community has done to earn the spot. While Melee has had to toil to earn its position among the upper echelon of the fighting game community, Smash 4 has not had to struggle, due to its position as the latest Smash game and its ability to ride the wave of Melee’s resurgence after Evo 2013, which was pivotal in getting Smash to where it is now. As such, Smash 4 now expects to walk to the top spot at non Smash-centric events because of its entrance numbers, rather than due to the work the community has put in over other games that may deserve a Sunday slot. This is not to say that people within Smash 4 aren’t working extraordinarily hard; it’s just that the majority of work is to serve its own community rather than to invite others to join in the fun. Outside of Panda Global, Bear and 2GG, as well as select commentators like D1, TKBreezy and EE who are slaving away to get Smash 4 on the podium alongside Street Fighter, Melee and so on, most other community content is self-serving. There is a severe lack of content which attempts to engage an audience that may not watch every major; instead, it focuses heavily on the dedicated tournament watching/attending crowd.

At the moment, Smash 4 does not have a wide array of personalities, TOs and players who are interacting with the wider FGC to cast a spotlight on why it should be on that Evo Sunday stage with the rest of the heavy hitters. Smash 4 lacks content creators like prog or Tafokints who are doing outreach on sites like Red Bull and ESPN to show the world that this is a game and a community that people should get hype about; instead the community is happy to make things solely for themselves and then complain when things don’t go exactly its way. Players like Dream Team’s ANTi are trying their hand at games like Street Fighter but more needs to be done to get people off the fence and enjoying Smash 4 along with the already dedicated. The actual action at Evo proved that the game can have those amazing moments and matches which should be written into legend, but if no-one outside of the hardcore cares to watch, Smash 4 will be confined to being the warm up act for those bigger games. Yet, rather than shouting about how amazing the action was, most of the top voices are too busy moaning about how Evo was a mess and that they won’t come back. If the only experiences of Smash 4 that the wider FGC experiences is them moaning at every non-Smash event because they didn’t get preferential treatment, it’s not a case of Smash 4 not returning; other communities will not want them back. Be critical and point out ways to improve as there were flaws about the running of Smash 4 at Evo, but these problems should be a galvanising force to make us do better and prove that not giving the community the proper respect is a massive loss, as losing Smash 4 means losing not only intense viewing, but a community that inspires people to play fighting games.

The community’s taking their ball and going home is only going to harm the growing scene because unlike Mortal Kombat or Killer Instinct or Tekken, Smash as a whole lacks something which keeps those games chugging along; developer backing. While Smash does have its own major events like Genesis, Super Smash Con and The Big House, so does every other game on the Evo title card. Killer Instinct has the KI World Cup, Tekken’s got King of the Iron Fist Tournament, Street Fighter obviously has the Pro Tour and while Smash has these big events, they are all funded from the community’s own pocket, with occasional help from outside organisations. That community needs to grow and expand in scope if Nintendo is not going to provide those pot bonuses and big venues so withdrawing from the big FGC stages, where the eyes of the world are on you, is only going to speed stagnation. Smash will eventually stagnate, mark my words, if there isn’t a constant stream of cash from either Nintendo or outside organisations, as other games will rapidly outpace Smash in terms of scope and prize pots. As much as it is quaint to think that the love of the game will keep people competing; top players need to keep food on the table and sponsors need to see Smash as a worthy investment and retreating from some of the world’s largest stages is only going to put people off pumping money in. Sure, Nintendo of America may send setups and retweet a stream or two and I personally know that Nintendo UK does help out with eShop vouchers for smaller tournaments, but the continued lack of a concerted effort by the whole of Nintendo to publicly support Smash with money means that the gears will stop turning eventually. Outside organisations can keep games on life support but that’s just prolonging the inevitable. Melee has a better chance of long-term survival as the game has pretty much become institutionalised in the eyes of the FGC, but unless Nintendo pulls its finger out with the NX and makes a big push to openly support eSports, Smash 4 is especially in danger of being left behind as the eSports train thunders towards the big money.

The attitude towards Evo I think needs to change as well, as this view of it being the tournament of tournaments is not really helping anyone at this point. Rather than seeing it as the world’s biggest stage and the true test of who is the best player, it should instead be viewed as one big advert for why spectators and other FG players should attend your own dedicated tournaments. Rather than being the World Cup, it should be the Olympics; a big show tournament where money isn’t really the objective but showing off your top talent is. The goal should be to convert as many as possible, so that they do come to your own tournaments where you run the proper rulesets and can really show off how the game is played. Moreover, it should be a celebration of fighting games as a whole where everyone meets to enjoy each other’s company, rather than a place where you only stick to your own community. Just look at how many people have been turned to Street Fighter V after LI Joe’s performance at Evo. Those who did not care to look were made to look by just how engaging top level Street Fighter was, by the community reaction, level of play and the storylines which were feeding into the top 8. Smash 4 needs to make itself as equally irresistible, either by producing content for outsiders to fuel the hype, engaging with other communities to get them on side or making the action something that you simply cannot turn away from. It doesn’t matter how many entrants you have to your tournament, if no-one else wants to look in and swell your numbers. Evo 2016 cracked the door open for the rest of the FGC to really hit the big time (just look at the viewing figures for SFV finals on both ESPN 2 and Twitch) so running away from that opportunity now would be colossally stupid.
This isn't really Wolf, this is a skin for Fox with new animations

At the very least it's cool they were able to port over animations from Brawl like that. When making Mewtwo and Roy the PM team had to fully recreate their animations from Melee from scratch, but by the looks of things, when the time comes, all we probably would have to do is port over the animations right out of Brawl.


As in "Heathcliff"

That was pretty great. I always love Wolf's down-aerial attack.

This isn't really Wolf, this is a skin for Fox with new animations

It's not new animations. It is Wolf's move set from Brawl, being ported to Smash 4 via Mod Community; which show a good promise of getting cut characters from Brawl in Smash 4 via mods. Basically we might see Ivysaur, Squirtle, Ice Climbers (big maybe), Snake and Wolf in Smash 4.

It's definitely good news for fans who like to follows the mod community.


As in "Heathcliff"
two comic panels today!

I miss Wolf :(


Look at bright side, there is very small chance that he could come back in Smash NX. That's only big if we are actually getting any new contents.

With the article that Sakurai mentioned that he really hate to cut characters so I presume that he would be glad to have a second chance to include Ice Climbers and Wolf in full packed roster!
It's not new animations. It is Wolf's move set from Brawl, being ported to Smash 4 via Mod Community; which show a good promise of getting cut characters from Brawl in Smash 4 via mods. Basically we might see Ivysaur, Squirtle, Ice Climbers (big maybe), Snake and Wolf in Smash 4.

It's definitely good news for fans who like to follows the mod community.

As far as I know, there's currently no way to actually add new characters to Smash 4. The video is just Fox with changed animations (Wolf's imported from Brawl) and I guess a spike added to his down air for show.

You'd think, given the plug n play nature of DLC characters, that adding modded characters would be relatively seamless.


I was just thinking that it would be cool if Pokémon had at least a fighter from every Generation. Gen I has a bunch, Gen IV has Lucario, and Gen VI has Greninja. So if the other gens had a fighter my picks would be:

II: Not Pichu
III: Deoxys
V: Genesect

I can't however for the life of me figure out who the Gen II pick would be. Pichu is trash so he doesn't deserve a second chance. The only ones I can think of is either Suicine (he seems more popular than the other cats and he's in Pokkén) or Tyranitar (who's also a really popular Pokémon).

And yeah, it's a lot of fucking Pokémon, but if there's any franchise that kind of deserves so many characters it's this one.
There really isn't anyone else from Gen II that's popular enough to get in, Pichu is a vet, and other than an idle animation and an up Smash (and hopefully a new functioning run animation), Pichu is easy to bring back.

PK Gaming

Gimme an FE character per generation

Gen I - Marth obvi
Gen II - Sigurd obvi
Gen III - Roy Hector
Gen IV - Ike
Gen V - Corrin

Wait... we'd have less FE characters if we did that!

Oh ho ho ho~


Gimme an FE character per generation

Gen I - Marth obvi
Gen II - Sigurd obvi
Gen III - Roy Hector
Gen IV - Corrin

Wait... we'd have less FE characters if we did that!

Oh ho ho ho~
Never fear, we can make up other quotas that Smash must uphold!


Maturity, bitches.
I was watching some of the character trailers as you do when flipping through the Wii U version's menus and had a thought. Since the developer behind the games already made a nice model of him for the cutscene, having Captain Falcon as a secret character in a Fire Emblem Fates would have been fun.


Gimme an FE character per generation

Gen I - Marth obvi
Gen II - Sigurd obvi
Gen III - Roy Hector
Gen IV - Ike
Gen V - Corrin

Wait... we'd have less FE characters if we did that!

Oh ho ho ho~

SetyCed over Sigurd for Gen 2, and this coming from a huge ass Sigurd fanboy, Ced would fit Smash so much better than Sigurd, and pick up all of Robin's wind magic gameplay.

I prefer Lucina over Corrin as well (just hate the character in Fates), but obviously she's less clonish and not a blue haired lord. The big problem with your list is that you have 4 blue haired lords.
Where the heck is Cloud's amiibo?

We're a few months away from him being a year old (from being announced at least), and yet we have nothing announced at all. Was his hair a hazard?

Also we missed the one year anniversary of Hyrule Castle and Peach's Castle, the third "big" Smash update (it was July 31st). I remember feeling that update was super rushed. And it still does, every time I go to Hyrule Castle and notice the poorly mirrored stones near the top or the leftover N64 textures they never updated. And Peach's Castle's small music selection.

When Smash NX comes out, they better re-arrange some music around so those two stages have some better music. Gerudo Valley (original or remix) and the Ocarina of Time Medley seem like obvious choices. And for PC just rip like half of SM64's soundtrack. Throwback Galaxy would work nicely as well.

Makes me wonder if NX will go back to every stage having unique sound tracks. PC and HC would both lose one song each in that case, so they'd have to replace them. Termina Field belongs to Pirate Ship and SMB3 Overworld has to be on Mario Maker. I could see Mario Paint Medley moving to Mario Maker as well, considering the stage will lose like 90% of its music if they go back to unique songs. And Miiverse already has a billion songs (and Pictochat could easily just move over to it, since it makes no sense on 75m).

PK Gaming

SetyCed over Sigurd for Gen 2, and this coming from a huge ass Sigurd fanboy, Ced would fit Smash so much better than Sigurd, and pick up all of Robin's wind magic gameplay.

I prefer Lucina over Corrin as well (just hate the character in Fates), but obviously she's less clonish and not a blue haired lord. The big problem with your list is that you have 4 blue haired lords.

Sety is extremely cool but I'd never choose him over Sigurd. He's certainly got great moveset potential as a mage fighter, but he's missing prestige. Sigurd's basically are the face of gen II, and definitely one of the better lords. Plus Sigurd could be amazing too if they manage to incorporate his horse somehow.

So the update was rushed, it's pretty obvious. Hyrule Castle especially, since that's not even the only graphical error on the stage. The top part of the stage, the stone things aren't mirrored as they were in the original, making it look jagged and uneven.

Dreamland, Kongo Jungle and Peach's Castle do not have the same texture issues HC has.
So the update was rushed, it's pretty obvious. Hyrule Castle especially, since that's not even the only graphical error on the stage. The top part of the stage, the stone things aren't mirrored as they were in the original, making it look jagged and uneven.

Dreamland, Kongo Jungle and Peach's Castle do not have the same texture issues HC has.

You say rushed, I say "it doesn't matter because DL and Peach's Castle >>>> Hyrule"

Hyrule is nice on the 3DS because it's the largest stage on the console. So if you want a huge map, that's the closest you're going to get.

I find I play the 3DS version more in the Summer. I can sit on my porch with my bird and play Smash Bros and enjoy some fresh air. She likes the sound effects. I play the Wii U version maybe once a week now, but the 3DS version every few days. I imagine that will flip around dramatically once it gets too cold to hang out on the porch.
So the update was rushed, it's pretty obvious. Hyrule Castle especially, since that's not even the only graphical error on the stage. The top part of the stage, the stone things aren't mirrored as they were in the original, making it look jagged and uneven.

Dreamland, Kongo Jungle and Peach's Castle do not have the same texture issues HC has.

...so? Those are completely minor issues.
It's sloppy. It's not Sakurai's style to be sloppy.

In addition to Ganondorf as PK Gaming mentioned above, we have a lot of things that can be considered "sloppy" in Smash 4, such as Alph riding in the Hocotate ship, the Koopalings using Bowser Jr.'s paintbrush, Little Mac's wireframe costume suddenly gaining a voice after being mostly mute and transforming into a fully fleshy Giga Mac, Kirby not having hats based on alt costumes (IE Copying a male Wii Fit Trainer only to get Female WFT's hair), etc.


Kirby not having hats based on alt costumes (IE Copying a male Wii Fit Trainer only to get Female WFT's hair), etc.

To be fair, that's consistent with Kirby's games. The hats are power based. If two enemies give the same power to Kirby, he'll have the same look after getting it from either one.
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