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I recall you saying that we wouldn't get any additional characters at all before the Switch reveal.

Going back to my original post, my thoughts were that we wouldn't get any new content at all.

At the moment, there's no official confirmation that a Sm4sh port is even being made, regardless of all the rumors and speculation that suggest it. As well, despite the mock-up footage of New Splatoon and New MK8 featuring new content, there's no indication the same would be done for Sm4sh (I know what you're thinking, but I'm not the kind who gets hyped up over maybes and likelies.)

I don't recall ever changing my stance that we would not get new content in a Sm4sh for Switch port. In fact, I'm still operating under the assumption that if a Sm4sh port exists, that it would not contain any new content.
I can dream of everyone crying and despairing over the Ice Climbers though <3

"New content" is a pretty vague phrase though, as it sounds like I'm saying we're just gonna get literally the same game on Switch. I leave it up to Heath as to whether I can exclude trivial shit like trophies and songs which are literally importing models and music from other games.
I wonder if they would try to port over all the trophies from the 3DS version over.

I know we'd have a lot of low quality and blocky looking models, but I always pretty disappointed that characters like Hades didn't appear anywhere in the Wii U game. Wanted to make funny photos with his trophy in the Photo Studio.

This is something I've been wondering about for a while. At the very least, if they import Smash Run all the enemies and their respective trophies will be undoubtedly higher-poly.

...actually, isn't the Redead trophy in the Wii U version based on the 3DS model? I noticed some weaker textures/poly on that one.


People were talking about Rate Their Chances from Smashboards

Just a quick thing or two
1. The current version of RTC is suck in a side group (I actually own the group) and is basically a subset of a subset of a subset meaning the low participation screw up results more than ever.
2. Everyone knows it's inaccurate as crap to the point we all admit rating by percents with no definition of what they mean is poor.
3. No one takes it seriously
4. Pretty much everyone agrees that even ignoring the percents RTC is horrendously inaccurate to the point it's become a joke.

Also kind of amazed to see Viridi in both the want and expected charts. I'd be pretty happy if she turned up but I figured despite being one of the best KI:U characters she'd be kinda niche.
That's because of how much I promoted Viridi across the boards. Im sure it also helps I own that group :p
That's because of how much I promoted Viridi across the boards. Im sure it also helps I own that group :p
Very good. Your efforts are noted. Keep proving useful and I may even spare you when my forces of nature come for revenge on the greedy humans.

I love the Kid Icarus Uprising cast but honestly I would really prefer not to see another one in Smash. I remember how Dark Pit's inclusion and basically the large amount of content KIU got really soured people on that game at the time. Saw comments like "Fuck Hackurai for shilling his shitty game over Metroid and Donkey Kong!".

It's kinda like how Fire Emblem has seemingly become one big punching bag thanks to Roy and Corrin, lol.
Honestly the biggest assist trophy omission (besides Rambi) really has to be the Eggplant Wizard.


I mean come on, it's by far the most iconic enemy from the series alongside the Monoeyes and the Reapers and yet it's neither a Smash Run enemy or an assist trophy. What the hell.


Honestly the biggest assist trophy omission (besides Rambi) really has to be the Eggplant Wizard.

I mean come on, it's by far the most iconic enemy from the series alongside the Monoeyes and the Reapers and yet it's neither a Smash Run enemy or an assist trophy. What the hell.

Would turning every character in the roster into an eggplant be any more difficult to arrange model-wise than the ice-block effect or Super Leaf?
Would turning every character in the roster into an eggplant be any more difficult to arrange model-wise than the ice-block effect or Super Leaf?

At the very least it'd require creating a completely unique character state and an eggplant model to place over character bodies. I guess the effort required wasn't seen as worth it for one specific Smash Run enemy, and I can't think of any other assist trophy that inflicts a unique status condition that isn't also inflicted by an item.
Would turning every character in the roster into an eggplant be any more difficult to arrange model-wise than the ice-block effect or Super Leaf?

Honestly, I've seen people say that and I think there's a perfectly good workaround: just give everyone a generic eggplant model with Pit's legs.


See, Uprising's multiplayer mode did the same thing. The generic soldier characters you play as clearly have a different design from that of Pit, and yet when they get eggplanted, they just have Pit's legs.

I don't think it'd be a big deal if they did the same thing here. Once again, this is the same game where the Koopalings use Bowser Jr.'s paint brush and Alph uses Olimar's ship. It's no worse than that really.


As in "Heathcliff"
I predict 0 new characters. One, maybe two, if I'm feeling optimistic. A fat LOL to anyone thinking there's gonna be 8.

Are you willing to avatar bet on that? if there is less than three characters then you would win the avatar bet on that.

What's really funny is how I distinctly recall many hating their return for Brawl, and now you see the exact opposite response for their Smash 4 absence.

I personally don't really care about Ice Climbers because I can't really play them very well, and I always hate it when I got them from random button. I don't even care to see them being gone. Now I felt differently about Ice Climbers and I felt that they belongs in Smash Bros. Let hope that they would come back, and not let me get them often with random button please. (what chance would I get Ice Climbers frequently if there is like 59 characters.)

I'm predicting double the stages, double the fighters, double the music, double the modes and double the Mii outfits.

I double this!

I'm expecting another ballot character though, for sure.

Snake? :eek:


So remember that Smash Bros 6 job listing a couple years ago before Smash 3DU even released? Weren't they looking to hire a ton of people?

It almost seemed like those were people being hired for DLC but then didn't we later find out from Sakurai that a portion of the original development team stayed behind to work on the DLC?

Even if that job listing never showed up I would assume we were getting Smash 3DU super enhanced with a bit better graphics and a nice handful of new characters. All that within the first year of the Switch.
What's interesting to note about that is that Sakurai considers the 3DS and Wii U versions to actually be Smash 4 and 5, so I suppose in that sense, he'd see the Switch version as Smash 6...
Are you willing to avatar bet on that? if there is less than three characters then you would win the avatar bet on that.

Oh shit! The avatar bet has begun!

An actual ballot character, somebody that hasn't been in Smash yet. :p

Peléo;221356488 said:
If they are going to add any non-veteran character, I really hope it's Inkling.

Inkling is no doubt going to be in the game. You shouldn't worry about that.
Honestly I could see Ice Climbers and Snake ranking pretty high on the ballot. I get the feeling they were the characters Sakurai was referring to when he was talking about fighters that were negotiable or realizable.


Honestly the biggest assist trophy omission (besides Rambi) really has to be the Eggplant Wizard.

The lack of eggplant wizard is quite easily my biggest dissapointments of the ATs/smashrun.

He has more appearances than Medusa even and didnt even het a trophy.

Honestly I could see Ice Climbers and Snake ranking pretty high on the ballot. I get the feeling they were the characters Sakurai was referring to when he was talking about fighters that were negotiable or realizable.

I imagine Sakurai will try his hardest to get Snake back in the game. Snake was an incredibly popular character in Brawl, and was basically the highlight new comer of the game.

Why would Konami care at this point?
I imagine Sakurai will try his hardest to get Snake back in the game. Snake was an incredibly popular character in Brawl, and was basically the highlight new comer of the game.

Why would Konami care at this point?

Konami is actually listed a partner for the Switch....so maybe there's a chance now?

To be honest, if Sakurai could get Snake and Konami back on board, I'd kinda like to see Simon Belmont added as well.

I mean, I know Castlevania isn't quite as big as most of the other third parties in Smash, but I dunno. Simon to me is still a pretty iconic character. Castlevania is sort of seen as a quintessential NES action game. When people think of NES characters, they'd most likely think of folks like Mario, Mega Man, and Simon. Out of all the "smaller" third party franchises out there I'd definitely prioritize Castlevania over most of them.

Imagine the fun gimmicks they could pull off with him. Have him control like in Super Castlevania IV where he can whip in all 8 directions. Maybe borrow some moves from Richter Belmont in Symphony of the Night, as a way to to represent the series as a whole as well as representing the Belmont bloodline.


The items of Castlevania would be really fun to have in Smash. Axe, Holy Water, Book, Cross, etc.

Though in the idea of Simon only, I'd prefer it if they made his alts other Belmonts like Trevor and Richter from other games, with their Final Smash be Item Crashes

They could always add classic, well-known characters from well loved franchises like this one:


Final smash could be crying like an anime fan on prom night :p
I imagine Sakurai will try his hardest to get Snake back in the game. Snake was an incredibly popular character in Brawl, and was basically the highlight new comer of the game.

Why would Konami care at this point?

Would David Hayter come back as Snake? I don't play Metal Gear so I don't know what happen to get him Replace in the last game.

I don't think Sakurai would care to much about who's voicing Snake, but you never know. Seeing Konami as a Partner for Swtich made me think it was either Smash or Metal Gear related. Other then it just being licensing for VC titles.
Would David Hayter come back as Snake? I don't play Metal Gear so I don't know what happen to get him Replace in the last game.

I don't think Sakurai would care to much about who's voicing Snake, but you never know. Seeing Konami as a Partner for Swtich made me think it was either Smash or Metal Gear related. Other then it just being licensing for VC titles.

Sakurai doesn't have anything to do with the localization of these games for the most part so I don't the lack of Hayter was ever an issue.


They could always add classic, well-known characters from well loved franchises like this one:


Final smash could be crying like an anime fan on prom night :p

That final smash is hilarious. If any kickstarter game character gets in Smash, I'd rather it be Shovel Knight or Yooka-Laylee. The later because it's honestly the only way we're really getting Banjo in Smash.
That final smash is hilarious. If any kickstarter game character gets in Smash, I'd rather it be Shovel Knight or Yooka-Laylee. The later because it's honestly the only way we're really getting Banjo in Smash.
Joking aside I'm actually curious to see how well bloodstained goes. The main protag is kinda cool :3
Fucking Konami, the three guest characters I most want to see in Smash are Snake, Simon Belmont, and Bomberman.

If betting on new character amounts was a thing earlier, I think two to four, no more, no less.
Being realistic means keeping expectations in check, not wilding out and saying that 10+ characters are getting added.

People look too deeply into things all the time. Let them think we're getting 8 more characters or some shit, meanwhile I'll try to resist saying "told you so" when there's much, much less.
I'll avatar bet you that we get at least 8 new characters including cut veterans.

There is no way they will simply port Smash 4. It will be Smash 5. Its so obvious. Come at me.


Honestly, I've seen people say that and I think there's a perfectly good workaround: just give everyone a generic eggplant model with Pit's legs.

See, Uprising's multiplayer mode did the same thing. The generic soldier characters you play as clearly have a different design from that of Pit, and yet when they get eggplanted, they just have Pit's legs.

I don't think it'd be a big deal if they did the same thing here. Once again, this is the same game where the Koopalings use Bowser Jr.'s paint brush and Alph uses Olimar's ship. It's no worse than that really.

It'd be kind of weird given the wildly varying proportions and species of the cast - seeing Jigglypuff, Game & Watch or ROB suddenly sprout human legs by implication would look off. And a static eggplant model rigged to their torso would avoid that issue and be easy to implement, but would create a ton of clipping issues with arms and such being visible outside the eggplant - still, it's not like that isn't the case for a whole host of other things in Smash. Maybe they could even just have it function like a pitfall, freezing them in place with an animation that makes sure not to ruin the illusion of the upper body being replaced with an eggplant, with it disappearing once they're attacked.

The items of Castlevania would be really fun to have in Smash. Axe, Holy Water, Book, Cross, etc.

Though in the idea of Simon only, I'd prefer it if they made his alts other Belmonts like Trevor and Richter from other games, with their Final Smash be Item Crashes

Especially if it's a composite moveset, I'd love to see at least one other Belmont as an alt - given the variety of protagonists seen in the series, it'd be a lot closer to the Alph alt or the Koopalings than using Ken as an alt for Ryu (though I would support that, I could see why people would find it objectionable).

I want Snake to use the voice Miis use in Mario Kart Wii.

And if they partner with Ford instead of Mercedes for Mario Kart Switch, maybe David Hayter will get a chance to voice the Miis.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
It'd be Sm4sh for a console people might buy.

Whatever, if Wolf returned, maybe Namco could design him some better clothes. Like a black leather jacket with bolts and some jeans.

Wolf's Smash look is great because unlike Fox and Falco it's totally unique from that game.

But a better design is him being shirtless.
I like his Star Fox Zero look. It's basically a more refined "cleaner" Brawl look.

Also his Zero voice actor would be fine. Especially since a lot of people thought it was his Brawl actor.


Junior Member
I like his Star Fox Zero look. It's basically a more refined "cleaner" Brawl look.

Also his Zero voice actor would be fine. Especially since a lot of people thought it was his Brawl actor.
Speaking of, I hope they give the Star Fox crew their Zero designs or, at the very least, let the VAs re-record their lines.

As for what I would expect in the Switch port, I'm not 110% sold on there being new characters, but I do expect new content of some kind given what MK8 & Splatoon are getting. This could be simply bringing over some 3DS stages or perhaps new characters, but I do think the other two ports set some kind of a standard for the kinds of upgrades we may get.
Speaking of, I hope they give the Star Fox crew their Zero designs or, at the very least, let the VAs re-record their lines.

As for what I would expect in the Switch port, I'm not 110% sold on there being new characters, but I do expect new content of some kind given what MK8 & Splatoon are getting. This could be simply bringing over some 3DS stages or perhaps new characters, but I do think the other two ports set some kind of a standard for the kinds of upgrades we may get.

If Sakurai decides to add "new content" I really, really do not see him NOT adding on to the thing that most people care about, that being characters.

Lets face it, characters are the main driving force of Smash. Has been and always will. No one would of cared about Smash 4's DLC if it was just a bunch of stages and shit. Here's a quote from Sakurai himself when Bayo and Corrin were wrapped up:


As a result, the mindset I had when developing this game was that the game’s “rules” are set in stone, but the fighters themselves are very flexible and allow for new, exciting elements. The fighters themselves become the sources of new excitement. That’s why the new fighters can do things the others cannot, to bring to life a number of battles that did not previously exist. Smash is much more extravagant in its design than other fighting games, development is difficult, and I have to deal with oversight from the original creators, but I have to do my best.

Just look at how people went crazy over Cloud and Bayonetta.
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