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Super Smash Bros. Community Thread |OT| Next Super Smash Bros. Discussion

Yeah, it'd be a little too soon for that anyway. We're not supposed to be getting any news about the Switch's software until 2017, so we won't be seeing anything related to Smash until then.


As others have stated, this is freakin Sakurai. There will be significant additional content to this game. Be it an enhanced port or what ever there will be new characters, stages, music and trophies.

I remember when people assumed we wouldn't hit 50 characters in the character selection and look at the game now.

The job listing, the ballot, and Sakurai just being Sakurai is all I need to believe we are getting lots of significant new content.

5-10 new stages, 5-10 brand new characters(not including veterans), etc. Even then I'm probably being modest.
You know, I'm still pretty impressed by this game's DLC lineup.


I recall that, even when Mewtwo got announced, people were being a bit pessimistic or "realistic" on how much characters we'd get. Some people just assumed we'd only get leftover Brawl veterans like Lucas and Wolf and MAYBE if we were lucky, one newcomer...but in the end, not only did we get seven characters, we actually got more NEW ones than old (4 newcomers vs. 3 veterans). Even Mewtwo obviously had a lot more work put into him than Roy and Lucas on the account of having a fully unique moveset and not having any old data to port over from Brawl, meaning he'd had to be build from the ground up.

Like I said before, I feel as though how many characters we could possibly get for Smash Switch really depends on when they're releasing it. If Serkan Toto (the guy who first spread the rumor of a "new Smash game for NX") is correct and the game comes out for the Switch's launch in March, then I'd imagine about 4 characters, maybe 5. However, if they delay it farther into the year as a launch window title, I could see there being more.


What is the deal with these Smash 4 "hacks"?
So this person comes in, picks De, and proceeds to get spanked. Then he says "UR Gonna" "Get Hacked" "RIP URWIi"

Then comes his Mii Gunner?!?!?! shortly followed by a disconnect... and this is in For Glory. :|

And then there was this from months ago

again, For Glory...
Pretty easy mod to add individual Mii Brawler, Swordfighter, and Gunner. The disconnect is due to having a wrong sized Mii.


Yeah, I trust Sakurai will give us extra content.

The real question is, will there ever be another newcomer that generates as much spit takes as the Cloud reveal?
Yeah, I trust Sakurai will give us extra content.

The real question is, will there ever be another newcomer that generates as much spit takes as the Cloud reveal?

Honestly, not really.

The only thing I can really think of is for Sakurai to go crazy and work with Microsoft to add in Banjo & Kazooie or something. On the veteran side of things, I'd imagine the return of Snake would make people lose their shit, so I'd hope he'd be finally able to work things out with Konami, as unlikely as it may be.


Wait, people are only expecting a couple of characters? Nintendo wants heavy-hitters out of the gate, and Smash is a guaranteed seller. We're definitely getting a chunk of newcomers, and probably a steady flow of DLC through the Switch's life. They sent out a call for "Smash 6" awhile ago, and I doubt the team was just doing a port, especially since the original team covered the DLC.

For starters, we know they're sitting on 1 character: the Ice Climbers. Literally the only thing stopping them was the 3DS version, which is no longer an issue. Plus, credible sources strongly suggest the Chorus Kids are in the same boat. The amount of work to add them would take a day, probably. Plus, IIRC Sakurai suggested Brawl veterans are stupidly easy to add, relatively. We may not see Ivysaur & Squirtle, but Wolf's a guarantee, and Konami's on the list of Switch supporters, which means they might satisfy Jawmucher & bring Snake back. Throw in those also-strong Shovel Knight rumors (And Tamaki's) suggesting he was planned for 4, and it sounds like they're sitting on 5 characters.

And, of course, this isn't counting the Inklings, who everyone immediately thought of when Sakurai stated he wanted a newcomer from a post-Sm4sh launch upon Corrin's reveal. They were probably saved because they're a bigger hook than those 5 in Smash. I wholeheartedly expect Ice Climbers, Chorus Kids, Wolf, Snake, Shovel Knight, and the Inklings at launch. Possibly with 1 or 2 more characters from the ballot to sweeten the pot (My money's on K. Rool).

... And then we're getting DLC. Nintendo extended olive branches to 3rd Parties, and unlike the Wii U, they are biting on the Switch. Forget Sega, Capcom, Namco, Square, and Konami's inevitable new reps (Betting on Persona rep, Monster Hunter, Agumon, DQ rep, & Bomberman). They all want big, easy advertising, so I'm sure we'll see characters from many of them. Maybe Travis Touchdown/Shinobu (Th-that's what Grasshopper's here for, right? NMH3?), Jinbanyan, Yooka-Laylee, Dovahkiin, Shepard, Dark Souls rep (These 3/Persona rep'll work like FE Avatars), Sol Badguy, Scorpion, Ryu H. or Kasumi... Hell, maybe even a DanganRonpa rep with
Junko puppeteering Monokuma
, assuming each company on the Supporter list is planning on porting/making the games I think they will.

Yeah, I trust Sakurai will give us extra content.

The real question is, will there ever be another newcomer that generates as much spit takes as the Cloud reveal?

Goku, Banjo & Kazooie, Nathan Drake, or Gordon Freeman, but we're never crossing those thresholds. Maybe we'd get close with Crash, assuming Sony didn't buy the rights back and has been hiding it like Bruce Leeroy & other sources have implied
Screw it. Give us Crash Bandicoot along with Banjo & Kazooie. Game of The Forever. Let people rage and get hyped

If Shovel Knight actually legimately got into Smash as a playable character, I'd honestly leave NeoGAF forever.

Shovel Knight being included would be bad or good? Lol
Before I bookmark this post, let me tell you a story about a SmashGAFer named Shahadan...

Bring it on, old man.

Shovel Knight being included would be bad or good? Lol

I'd see it as bad because I don't know why Sakurai would compromise the integrity of the roster with some random small time indie character (that just happens to be from a good game).

I'll admit I'd be more acceptant of Shovel Knight if he happened to be a ballot winner that ranked very high (Which is why I'm alright with Bayonetta)...but I really doubt that's the case.
I'd be okay with Shovel Knight, but with so many other characters that would be more interesting in Smash, he's on my very low end of preferences.

That, and it'd be really tacky for Shovel Knight to be playable because of "Indies Representation" and "His game is so good, that he deserves to be everywhere to make him known more." In that case, bring on Minecraft guy, Skyrim hero, and Overwatch's Tracer!


Still giving Tamaki the benefit of the doubt with that Shovel Knight stuff?

Not at all; I singled him out. But other sources started corroborating "Oh, you saw that, too?"

Even if they're all lying, there was a frenzy about Shovel Knight, anyway, and most of it was supportive. Regardless of whether or not he was considered or a blip on the radar, he's definitely big enough to warrant attention. I mean, he even has an Amiibo. Nintendo is aware of the series and its popularity, and I'm sure they saw how many people were at least open to him being in Smash.
I am entirely certain that the Shovel Knight rumors all sprouted from the amiibo concept art, which used a Smash designed base. When the amiibo reveal happened, most of the sources who knew about the Shovel Knight Smash stuff realized that's what it was and dropped it, only one source seemingly really stuck with it beyond that. I think wires just got crossed is all.
I mean...Chibi-Robo got an amiibo, doesn't mean he's very likely to become playable. Fucking Waluigi has an amiibo for crying out loud.


As in "Heathcliff"
I guess Beef don't trust his own guts after all. :3

I recall that, even when Mewtwo got announced, people were being a bit pessimistic or "realistic" on how much characters we'd get. Some people just assumed we'd only get leftover Brawl veterans like Lucas and Wolf and MAYBE if we were lucky, one newcomer...but in the end, not only did we get seven characters, we actually got more NEW ones than old (4 newcomers vs. 3 veterans). Even Mewtwo obviously had a lot more work put into him than Roy and Lucas on the account of having a fully unique moveset and not having any old data to port over from Brawl, meaning he'd had to be build from the ground up.

Heh, I recalled that I said that we are going to get two DLC characters, other than Mewtwo. OH boy, we ended up getting 7 characters so I was very pleased with the result with the numbers of DLC characters.
I think the initial warm welcome of Mewtwo back when he was first announced kicked them into making more DLC. I honestly believe Sakurai was hesitant on DLC before everyone was super happy to see Mewtwo back.

The way Mewtwo was set up allowed them to back out if they needed to after he was released if the reception was poor. They tested the waters with an extremely popular cut vet and offered a free way of getting him, so if it didn't work out, they could just fall back and say "well, it was a promotional thing, we never intended for more"
Why would anyone react negatively to the announcement of fucking additional characters for Smash? lol
Well I don't think they were just worried about negative reactions but also apathy. E.g. people not bothering at all.

In all honesty, if I didn't regularly take my wii-u to events so people can play smash or have people round to play it at mine, I probably wouldn't have picked any of the DLC characters up except Corrin :p
That's less a condemnation of DLC from me though and more just that they've failed to release anyone I personally cared about until miss dragon lady :3
Why would anyone react negatively to the announcement of fucking additional characters for Smash? lol

You laugh but it could've been even worse for Corrin had Fates released worldwide prior to his/her reveal and everyone was aware just what a trash character he/she is in their own game.
I mean, I don't meant a specific character announcement per se, I'm just saying that why they would be afraid that the general idea of adding new Smash Bros. characters through DLC would be met with negativity or even "apathy". Smash Bros. is one of Nintendo's biggest franchises, and after all that time of hype for the base games, why would people suddenly stop caring by the time its DLC came out?
Also keep in mind that this isn't the Corrin that joined Nohr, nor the one who joined Hoshido. This is the Corrin who ditched everyone to go play smash ;D

Okay, I laughed thinking about it this way.
Just threw up their hands and was like "nuts to this, you work your family feud shit out yourselves, i'm off to smash"
Okay, I laughed thinking about it this way.
Just threw up their hands and was like "nuts to this, you work your family feud shit out yourselves, i'm off to smash"

I mean that's exactly what happened in his intro trailer, just "nah fuck this I'm gonna beat up dudes" and his families are just like "uhh

yeah you go big brother


PK Gaming

You laugh but it could've been even worse for Corrin had Fates released worldwide prior to his/her reveal and everyone was aware just what a trash character he/she is in their own game.

Corrin's only really trash in the fan fiction tier story that is Conquest, which makes sense because again, fan fiction tier writing. She's kind of grating in the others at times but she definitely has her moments.


As much as I love Banjo, I still don't feel comfortable supporting him in Smash. Nintendo doesn't need to be paying Microsoft to advertise one of their characters they are never gonna touch again. I feel like Yooka-Laylee would be the more realistic choice but I think we should wait for that game to come out, too.

Goku, Banjo & Kazooie, Nathan Drake, or Gordon Freeman, but we're never crossing those thresholds. Maybe we'd get close with Crash, assuming [BS]ony didn't buy the rights back and has been hiding it like Bruce Leeroy & other sources have implied[/B]

I know it's not Smash related, but can you fill me in on this? Maybe PM so we don't go off topic in this thread? Super interested in the possibility of Crash coming back to Sony.
Yooka & Laylee ain't really realistic either considering they fall under the same umbrella with Shantae and Shovel Knight: minor indie characters.

Also I doubt the whole "Sony buying Crash" thing. Crash's Skylander figure actually works on other consoles like the Wii U. It's not console exclusive like DK and Diddy's figures.

I will always support Banjo & Kazooie in Smash, as unlikely as it may be. Gotta keep the dream alive man


Yooka & Laylee ain't really realistic either considering they fall under the same umbrella with Shantae and Shovel Knight: minor indie characters.

Also I doubt the whole "Sony buying Crash thing". Crash's Skylander figure actually works on other consoles like the Wii U. It's not console exclusive like DK and Diddy's figures.

I will always support Banjo & Kazooie in Smash, as unlikely as it may be. Gotta keep the dream alive man

Yep. Can't argue with that. As much as I'd prefer it, it's not like it's anymore likely.

Didn't know that about the Skylander figures though. That's interesting to think there's a game now where I can play as Bowser and Dr. Cortex.


Bring it on, old man.

Oh geez, I'm an old man at 24. The recent bet on the Pokemon anime makes me think GAF bets are still a thing. So, I guarantee you that if Smash for Switch happens, and Shovel Knight's not in it, I will... Um... Create a system like a swear jar. Every time I post using the words "honestly," "literally," or "boat" (Presumably my 3 most used words that aren't integral to sentence structure), I'll throw a dollar in.

I mean...Chibi-Robo got an amiibo, doesn't mean he's very likely to become playable. Fucking Waluigi has an amiibo for crying out loud.

Yes, but they're Nintendo owned. Boo, Waddle Dee, and the skunk from Animal Crossing have Amiibo, too. What makes Shovel Knight's stand out is that it's one of the only 3rd Party ones, and was the first 3rd Party not directly tied to Smash. Hell, the only non-Smash 3rd Party Amiibo are the Monster Hunter ones, and MH sells gangbusters in Japan.

It's not a big deal that Nintendo used its own brand to push some of their minor characters. It is a big deal that they used that brand for an indie character like Shovel Knight because "Yacht Club just asked." I feel like someone else would've asked, too. I mean, I love Meat Boy, but Team Meat is arrogant enough that we'd probably be seeing an Amiibo from them before anyone else. I still feel there's something off here.

As much as I love Banjo, I still don't feel comfortable supporting him in Smash. Nintendo doesn't need to be paying Microsoft to advertise one of their characters they are never gonna touch again. I feel like Yooka-Laylee would be the more realistic choice but I think we should wait for that game to come out, too.

Agreed. Microsoft stated they were open to it, but that'd be a licensing nightmare to get Banjo & Kazooie in. I don't want to be overzealous on YL after the MN9 fiasco, but Nintendo seems supportive of the game, and is aware how people want BK (Bayonetta was explicitly stated to be the "attainable" character with the most votes; Banjo or Snake had to have taken the top slot). I can totally see them getting in.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
Yeah, no. Unique doesn't make good automatically. His Brawl costume looks like a Star Trek reject.

Hah, I wish Star Trek had raunchy costumes like that.

It's perfect for him! Hard leather space cowboy that screams outlaw. The only way to top his look is to make him rip it off and fight naked topless.

I really like this look. Still has the spikes and blue colors, but with a better look snout and a nice turtle neck. And larger, deeper red eyes. He looks intimidating.

His head was weird in Brawl (the pose of his official art doesn't help either, it's an odd angle to show off his facial features as the angle just has a giant blob of grey, rather than showing off his headpiece)

I'm also not entirely sure why they unzipped his vest from Assault. And the weird dog collar...
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