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Super Smash Bros. for 3DS |OT| It's out in Japan

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Fidelis Hodie

Infidelis Cras
I want to say I'm doing better, but I'm really not.

Oh, he left me now, time to hang my head in shame.

Every match was close I saw, no matter how much nerves got to you. Looks like you calmed down a lot and where able to bring it back every time . . soon those fires to dair's will connect and you will live in glory forever

or not.

But seriously, good job. I'm so excited for smash I'm dying at work haha


Would PK Fire (hitting him in the air) to dair have worked if you weren't nervous? Or is it always iffy?

I have no idea honestly if the PK fire traps them to much, I have kocked someone out of it with a fsmash though so maybe it's not as similar as it was in previous games.

I can't sweetspot the dair reliably anyway, I keep thinking it's going to come out instantaneous like in PM.


The Ice Climbers thread turned ugly at some point, I need to know why.
Anyway, 2 weeks left! Thankfully starting tomorrow I'll have a few games to kill time with,
I have no idea honestly if the PK fire traps them to much, I have kocked someone out of it with a fsmash though so maybe it's not as similar as it was in previous games.

I can't sweetspot the dair reliably anyway, I keep thinking it's going to come out instantaneous like in PM.

Some tips: Do not roll so much, and don't use BThrow early on in the match.


Judging by the premature bthrows I'm guessing Joe is still in habits from Project M. And I'm guessing he didn't have that much practice due to the custom special deal (thank for that, by the way!)

Edit: Honestly Batty, it's not the premature bthrows and rolls that were killing him IMO as much as missed punish opportunities (trying to shieldgrab with Ness's crappy standing grab range when he could drop shield dash grab or something), and recovering high.
The Ice Climbers thread turned ugly at some point, I need to know why.
Anyway, 2 weeks left! Thankfully starting tomorrow I'll have a few games to kill time with,
Because out of context poorly translated quotes make NeoGAF something something.

Also, long live the glorious, portable, don't have to shell out £200+ for a WiiU version of Smash Bros <3
Anyone talked about this yet


It looks like dair got nerfed big time, the hitbox seems to be smaller and it doesn't stay out nearly as long.
I have no idea honestly if the PK fire traps them to much, I have kocked someone out of it with a fsmash though so maybe it's not as similar as it was in previous games.

I can't sweetspot the dair reliably anyway, I keep thinking it's going to come out instantaneous like in PM.
Aww, that's a shame. The dair in 64 is so fun, I wish they didn't try so hard to murder quick spikes in this game. They all seem to have a bunch of start up, that I've seen.
Some tips: Do not roll so much, and don't use BThrow early on in the match.
Rolling seems pretty strong in this game, I don't know. Just have to be smart with it I guess. But keeping your kill moves fresh does seem like a pretty big deal.

Can anyone more familiar with Brawl educate me some on stale moves? How many moves usually get remembered? Are they kept if you hit a shield? Do grabs/pummels count into the queue, and are all the throws counted separately? If I jab several times, does each job count as a move in the queue?


Exhibit A - Ninka/Vaanrose leak
>Chorus Men
>Bowser Jr
>Duck Hunt Dog

No info on reveal dates. Please do not ask

I do not know more.

That maybe all. Was not told
This went along with our data and theories, yet we never made any of what we learned public.

Exhibit B - Spainkiller leak
Fuck it, I'm just gonna put it out there:

(And I'm not saying this to troll fans or keep the hype up or whatever.)

I have a source who has been right about previous leaks and has worked on the European localization of the game. He says he has definitely seen moving models of Dixie, Ridley, Chorus Men and Mewtwo in the game and he's still confident that these four characters can be unlocked by linking the 3DS version to the Wii U version.



Ohhh, gotcha. I thought something new popped up. But yeah, I agree. Unless we ended up with something stupid like 3DS exclusive Duck Hunt in exchange.
That'd be the worst, if we ended up with both versions having exclusive characters. I'd take exclusive characters on Wii U OR even 3DS before that. Then neither version is the whole thing.


Some tips: Do not roll so much, and don't use BThrow early on in the match.

Yeah my mind just goes blank when I know people are watching me, at least people I don't know, for some reason that makes me nervous more. It's like how I started getting more comfortable in the GAF matches last night.

But yeah I don't know why I roll so much or do BThrow at low percents, I don't do any of that when I just play with randoms.

I also do a lot of wrong inputs, practically every fsmash I did was accidental, it happened when I went to a national Mortal Kombat tournament, I could play online and locally with friends fine, but as soon as I got on stream the sweaty handed "don't do a guaranteed 8 hit punish for 30%, just do a 2 hit punish that does 8% instead!" guy appears, it's something I need to work on, I was actually shaking uncontrollably at times during the 1st and 2nd match with ZeRo.

but, no johns, I am pretty terrible at this game currently.
what is this about people seeing dlc spots on the 3DS version?
Did they already data mined everything?

Maybe its the blank spots in the full character collection screen? I dunno. It does seem weird that they have those there. There seems to be enough room to add 5 more characters via DLC.

Dr. Buni

The above rumour is nothing to get in a tizzy over I don't think.
I am reading similar rumors since the 3DS version was released in Nippon and it is worrying me. I mean, I do plan on buying a Wii U at some point, I just don't want to feel forced to buy it for new characters. Why not release regular DLC instead of forcing connectivity shenanigans ?
I have no idea honestly if the PK fire traps them to much, I have kocked someone out of it with a fsmash though so maybe it's not as similar as it was in previous games.

I can't sweetspot the dair reliably anyway, I keep thinking it's going to come out instantaneous like in PM.

You definitely held your own against Zero. One question, though: why were you using the back throw so often at low percents? As I understand it, Ness's back throw has low base knockback but high knockback scaling, so it's really only useful once your opponent is at higher percentages. At lower percentages, the f-throw, with its higher base knowckback, or the d-throw, with its combo potential, is a better option - or so I've always thought.

I'm curious because Ness is my secondary, but I only picked him up rather recently, so you certainly have more experience with him than me.

EDIT: just saw your most recent post. If it was mainly nerves, I totally get that - I always screw up inputs and do moves at the wrong time when I get nervous.
Maybe its the blank spots in the full character collection screen? I dunno. It does seem weird that they have those there. There seems to be enough room to add 5 more characters via DLC.

Melee had blank slots too and it wasn't like Sonic and Tails were unlockable, having empty space doesn't really mean anything.

I still think DLC is going to happen but there are no legitimate leaks of what the DLC might be at this time, likely because work has only recently started on it if it exists at all.


Unconfirmed Member
Eh, I'd trade Duck Hunt as a 3DS exclusive character for Ice Climbers as a Wii U exclusive character. But I guess I'm in the minority.


Yeah my mind just goes blank when I know people are watching me, at least people I don't know, for some reason that makes me nervous more. It's like how I started getting more comfortable in the GAF matches last night.

But yeah I don't know why I roll so much or do BThrow at low percents, I don't do any of that when I just play with randoms.

I also do a lot of wrong inputs, practically every fsmash I did was accidental, it happened when I went to a national Mortal Kombat tournament, I could play online and locally with friends fine, but as soon as I got on stream the sweaty handed "don't do a guaranteed 8 hit punish for 30%, just do a 2 hit punish that does 8% instead!" guy appears, it's something I need to work on, I was actually shaking uncontrollably at times during the 1st and 2nd match with ZeRo.

but, no johns, I am pretty terrible at this game currently.
I choke on stream too. :(

Nerves are hard to get around. It happens whenever I get ahead versus someone better than me, too. Wish I dealt with it better.


Aww, that's a shame. The dair in 64 is so fun, I wish they didn't try so hard to murder quick spikes in this game. They all seem to have a bunch of start up, that I've seen.

Rolling seems pretty strong in this game, I don't know. Just have to be smart with it I guess. But keeping your kill moves fresh does seem like a pretty big deal.

Can anyone more familiar with Brawl educate me some on stale moves? How many moves usually get remembered? Are they kept if you hit a shield? Do grabs/pummels count into the queue, and are all the throws counted separately? If I jab several times, does each job count as a move in the queue?
Ness's roll seems nowhere near as good as say Palutena's roll. I would avoid using it much.

Moves go into a nine-slot queue when you land a clean hit with them (shields don't count. Hitting stage hazards like Arena Ferox/Castle Seige's statues does. More recently used moves push older moves down and eventually out of the queue. Hitting items or other objects like DDD's Waddle Doos does.) If you land Mario's down throw, up tilt, up tilt, up air, up air, up B combo at the beginning of the match, the queue will look like this.

1. up B
2. up air
3. up air
4. up tilt
5. up tilt
6. down throw

The more times a move is in the queue, the less damage and knockback the move will do. Being higher in the queue (used more recently) will also contribute to staling, so in that example if you use a couple nairs and fairs to push the two up tilts down to 7 and 8, it will be a little fresher. Continuously hitting jabs like Falco's and Little Mac's only count as one slot but I think jabs that do a set number will count for each hit (like Mario's and Link's will count for three if you do the full jab combo). Pummels count individually. At the extreme, if you use 9 moves in a row the move's damage will be reduced by half.

The most important bottom line implication is you want to avoid using your kill moves until you think you can kill with them, otherwise their knockback will be stale.

Edit: accidentally left out one of the up airs
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