That's the same as "I don't think there will be DLC because I don't feel like it."
How is this at all a fair interpretation of what Sakurai said? This is someone who was working (late?) on his birthday and has literally worked until he nearly lost use of his hands. He's not perfect by any means, but he certainly does not strike me as lazy.
I think a fair interpretation might be, it's similar to saying, "After we meet our key milestones and release date, then we can consider what else we can add. Until then, we are focusing on core requirements."
For everyone talking about R.O.B.'s final smash, but no one describing -- can anyone please describe it?
mk8's online...So expect lag bumping, bad character balance, false hits, and invisible items? Alrighty /s
Regarding lag, due to North American internet infrastructure in particular, I'm literally not sure if there is ANY possible way to avoid lag problems completely, since there will always be people with wifi, or poor connections, or routing going through congested nodes, or whatnot.