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Super Smash Bros. for Wii U |OT2| Only Game Where You Can Beat Up The Duck Hunt Dog


Good games Nabster! Great stuff as usual! Glad to see the evolution of the neutral air approach, it's a lot less punishable when you space it like that and the forward smash follow up is solid!

Luma kept catching me today in ways he doesn't normally, and his hit on that up smash is fucking brutal. Great stuff!

Thanks for playing!

GG's Tipster. You were starting to adapt to it more and dashing in with shield to throw off my spacing so you could shield grab it though. Good to know more options that can be done against it to look out for.

I really need to start trying to use Luma warp more if this customs stuff really takes off.

Doh forgot to save some replays of our matches for that one guy that was asking how to play against mega man as rosalina here earlier...


Got a link for folks?


Honestly any one of these works fine.

http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00IBPLI48/?tag=neogaf0e-20 This is the one I personally have.

But for those not in the know, powerline adapters basically use your electrical grid to extend your ethernet connection. So say you have a router downstairs, but want a "direct" connection upstairs, you can use this to accomplish that without having to install a long ethernet cord around the house.

Of course if you want to run ethernet through the walls/along the walls, you could always order a long CAT5 cable off of Monoprice.com for pretty cheap.


Catching up on the thread here...

He can autocancel fair from a short hop. You can even fastfall it at the end to cancel faster.

Huh? If you fastfall after a short hopped fair you'll get caught in the fair landing animation.

How do I win in For Glory? For example, last night I was playing as Jigglypuff against a predictable Captain Falcon, yet I still ended up losing. I knew what he was going to do, if he was above me he'd instantly try a Falcon Kick, if he was on the ground he'd try a dash attack or side B, if I got close he'd shield, which I'd Pound, and so on, but I couldn't manage to beat him, even though I know I was playing better than them.

My problem is I struggle with people who roll constantly, which is what happens on FG a lot. I'm fine with people rolling every now and then, but I can't deal with people who roll non stop. I guess I could punish with rest as Jigglypuff, but I'm bound to screw that up.

Pound is great for catching rollers, better than any other option in the sense that it doesn't require strict timing. However, pound is unsafe on shield. Every time a pound hits a shield in tournaments or otherwise, everyone's like "oooooo that shield looks so small, I wonder if Jiggs will get a shield break." Spoiler: you won't. Well spaced fairs can bait out a whiffed out-of-shield grab and punish your opponent for it, do those if they're shielding and you're not in throw range. If a Falcon or Ganondorf is above you, try doing a little hop and an airdodge through where they would be attacking you, if they were to throw out a down-b.

Lately, the only thing that annoys me about the Jiggs/Falcon matchup is my crappy reaction time to ground-based falcon kicks. Every time one hits me from mid-range I'm just thinking how did I get hit by this...

I had a pretty amazing night at locals. Actually made someone say Bowser is "bullshit". Four shield break kills, including two that floated off the side of the ledge at ~20%. One of those shield breaks was a Villager hurtling behind the sproutling. Bahaha!

I got some new Bowser strategies that worked well. Beat two Sonic players, though the matches were always close.

Most importantly, I think I figured out a potential ideal partner for Bowser in Doubles.

Goddamn Jigglypuff.

I think Jiggs is a great doubles partner in general, Jiggs can cover their teammate easily and in the confusion there are many more opportunities for rests than in 1v1s. And besides rest and fsmash, Jigglypuff doesn't really have any attacks that are a liability to their teammate. I've had good experiences playing as Jiggs in doubles friendlies myself.


Junior Member
Does anyone have any tips for how to be less predictable?
I use Captain Falcon, and I almost always revert to dash grabs and dash attacks. They feel like they're the most effective, but my opponent always figures it out ;_;
You should Smash with your students because you're a teacher. :) Show them the way of Bowser, and break their spirits like you break shields.
I already break their spirits - I'm a math teacher. ;-D My kids call me evil all the time.

Schools are weird about you having social relationships with your students. Playing video games with them crosses a barrier with some administrations. They want to you be "professional", which is just another word for inhuman worker drone. I'm not tenured or anything, so I try to be cautious about this stuff.

Catching up on the thread here...

Huh? If you fastfall after a short hopped fair you'll get caught in the fair landing animation.

Pound is great for catching rollers, better than any other option in the sense that it doesn't require strict timing. However, pound is unsafe on shield. Every time a pound hits a shield in tournaments or otherwise, everyone's like "oooooo that shield looks so small, I wonder if Jiggs will get a shield break." Spoiler: you won't. Well spaced fairs can bait out a whiffed out-of-shield grab and punish your opponent for it, do those if they're shielding and you're not in throw range. If a Falcon or Ganondorf is above you, try doing a little hop and an airdodge through where they would be attacking you, if they were to throw out a down-b.

Lately, the only thing that annoys me about the Jiggs/Falcon matchup is my crappy reaction time to ground-based falcon kicks. Every time one hits me from mid-range I'm just thinking how did I get hit by this...

I think Jiggs is a great doubles partner in general, Jiggs can cover their teammate easily and in the confusion there are many more opportunities for rests than in 1v1s. And besides rest and fsmash, Jigglypuff doesn't really have any attacks that are a liability to their teammate. I've had good experiences playing as Jiggs in doubles friendlies myself.
If you fast fall the fair right away, you are right, it lags. If you fast fall the last 10 frames of your fall or so, it lands and still autocancels. The timing is tricky, but it works.

We should try doubles with your Jiggs sometime.

Does anyone have any tips for how to be less predictable?
I use Captain Falcon, and I almost always revert to dash grabs and dash attacks. They feel like they're the most effective, but my opponent always figures it out ;_;
Fast fall dair behind the opponent after a double jump works. Safe on shield and leads to combos and setups.
Does anyone have any tips for how to be less predictable?
I use Captain Falcon, and I almost always revert to dash grabs and dash attacks. They feel like they're the most effective, but my opponent always figures it out ;_;
Mix it up with back air approaches and empty jumps, as in jump towards the enemy without the intentions of attacking, only to bait them into a position of favor for you. Baiting people to throw out attacks allows you to make them predictable and easier to read since you're governing the flow of the match.


Junior Member
Fast fall dair behind the opponent after a double jump works. Safe on shield and leads to combos and setups.

Mix it up with back air approaches and empty jumps, as in jump towards the enemy without the intentions of attacking, only to bait them into a position of favor for you. Baiting people to throw out attacks allows you to make them predictable and easier to read since you're governing the flow of the match.
Alright, I'll try this stuff out some time. Thanks!


Also, falcon's back air is a great poke with no landing lag, so that can help pressure opponents as well. Raptor boost can punish backwards rolls and spot dodges because it has a bit of start up, so if you get a good read it's really good especially a t high percents. It's very punishable on block so be careful.
I bought this game yesterday. Not entirely sure why. I've never played a Smash game before. Not even for 5 seconds.

I have no idea what I'm doing. I have lost every single fight against the CPU so far. Every single one.

Any tips? The training seems the most pointless thing ever. It tells me nothing.
The intro video will show you things. To piggyback off what emb said, shield beats attack, grab beats shield, dodge beats grab. Dodge also beats attack but the timing of a dodge is trickier than just holding down shield. Try to not rely on rolling. That's my problem. You roll too much, you get predictable and people will punish you as you come out of your roll.

So yeah, build up damage with quick attacks and then bait them into a spot where you can punish their mistakes with a powerful attack to KO.

Has the thread already touched upon Predator being officially in MKX?

This place moves at ludicrous speed.
Wrong thread buddy. But no, we haven't. Let me know when Sheik is announced.



Honestly any one of these works fine.

http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00IBPLI48/?tag=neogaf0e-20 This is the one I personally have.

But for those not in the know, powerline adapters basically use your electrical grid to extend your ethernet connection. So say you have a router downstairs, but want a "direct" connection upstairs, you can use this to accomplish that without having to install a long ethernet cord around the house.

Of course if you want to run ethernet through the walls/along the walls, you could always order a long CAT5 cable off of Monoprice.com for pretty cheap.
Wait all this does is extend your wireless connection? I'm not quite getting it.
Wait all this does is extend your wireless connection? I'm not quite getting it.

Nope! It essentially uses your house as a big ethernet cable. Pretty cool shit, though depending on your house and its age, may not work perfect. BUT, it's pretty much guaranteed to at least be better than wireless.
I already break their spirits - I'm a math teacher. ;-D My kids call me evil all the time.

Schools are weird about you having social relationships with your students. Playing video games with them crosses a barrier with some administrations. They want to you be "professional", which is just another word for inhuman worker drone. I'm not tenured or anything, so I try to be cautious about this stuff.
Right right, I get you. I guess you teach in a more upper-class school, my math teacher taught me Melee tech and I learned Street Fighter from a security guard lol.
Yes, but moderators would appreciate it if we didn't included profanity in the thread title. I did asked them in the past and two moderators said same thing so they would appreciate it if we didn't.
Oh, okay then. Wouldn't want to break the rules, even jokingly.

So um, does anyone here use the Mii Gunner?
Right right, I get you. I guess you teach in a more upper-class school, my math teacher taught me Melee tech and I learned Street Fighter from a security guard lol.

Oh, okay then. Wouldn't want to break the rules, even jokingly.

So um, does anyone here use the Mii Gunner?
Nah, my school is definitely not upper class. It's just very conservative. Like, I would never talk about evolution here, and the head of the school leads the teachers in group prayer. The last school I taught at actually made me sign a waiver stating that I agree evolution is a "faith-based system, and is not grounded in scientific evidence". I try to play it safe.


Like, I would never talk about evolution here, and the head of the school leads the teachers in group prayer. The last school I taught at actually made me sign a waiver stating that I agree evolution is a "faith-based system, and is not grounded in scientific evidence". I try to play it safe.
Do you live in the Deep South? That's terrifying. I know how tough it can be to secure a teaching job, but I don't think I'd be able to work at a school like that on principle.



Honestly any one of these works fine.

http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00IBPLI48/?tag=neogaf0e-20 This is the one I personally have.

But for those not in the know, powerline adapters basically use your electrical grid to extend your ethernet connection. So say you have a router downstairs, but want a "direct" connection upstairs, you can use this to accomplish that without having to install a long ethernet cord around the house.

Of course if you want to run ethernet through the walls/along the walls, you could always order a long CAT5 cable off of Monoprice.com for pretty cheap.

Never heard of this before, I may get one. Thanks for the link.

Monster Zero

Junior Member
My Internet decide to fail me during that last match, sorry about that. I probably only had one more in me, though. GGs.

Yup, thx for the beat downs, been off the books for about 3 months now, that smash topic got me in the mood again. Your Rosa is annoying as hell, no character should have that kind of uair
Do you live in the Deep South? That's terrifying. I know how tough it can be to secure a teaching job, but I don't think I'd be able to work at a school like that on principle.
I worked for 4 years in the Republican Party, so I can take it. I had to listen to the Chief of Staff of the state Speaker of the House say things like "Democrats are all atheists, and atheists are ruining this country", and "Halloween is a Satanic holiday". In my fondest of dreams, I one day have a job where I don't have to suppress all of my thoughts because of a work environment hostile to my perspectives.

I live in Colorado Springs, CO. I wasn't aware before moving here, but apparently it's a kind of "religious capital" of the USA.


How do you edge grab instantly while running off the platform? I've been trying to do it and my character just runs off the platform. I'm new to this game so I have no mains, just playing random characters for now if that matters.


I worked for 4 years in the Republican Party, so I can take it. I had to listen to the Chief of Staff of the state Speaker of the House say things like "Democrats are all atheists, and atheists are ruining this country", and "Halloween is a Satanic holiday". In my fondest of dreams, I one day have a job where I don't have to suppress all of my thoughts because of a work environment hostile to my perspectives.

I live in Colorado Springs, CO. I wasn't aware before moving here, but apparently it's a kind of "religious capital" of the USA.
My condolences. I've had to cut off ties with certain people because of their religious right wing bigotry. I don't have the fortitude to deal with that kind of persistent negativity anymore, so kudos to you for sticking it out.
I have to admit, It's cheating with Hulk Hogan, because not only are you fighting the Hulkster, but you are fighting the power of thousands and thousands of Hulkamaniacs ;)~

Ricky 7

How do you edge grab instantly while running off the platform? I've been trying to do it and my character just runs off the platform. I'm new to this game so I have no mains, just playing random characters for now if that matters.
Do a quater circle motion on the analog stick in the direction of the ledge when you run off. Similar to the motion you use to shoot fireballs in Street Fighter.
Sorry if this is a bit of side track but quick question...

Am I missing any confirmed DLC?

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