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Super Smash Bros. for Wii U POTD Thread 17: Smash 3DS Discussion @ OT PLS

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I would rather not have them in general.


Why is it so hard to comprehend the fact that I find these 3 additions to be the worst additions to any Smash game? Why doesn't it make sense for me not to want them in at all, even if it meant 3 other characters didn't replace them?

I think they are the biggest waste of space, and should have just stayed alts.

But you know what people don't seem to understand this shit, so fuck this.
I can't stand SmashGAF.
I'm done.

lol this is such a weird attitude to have.
I'm not sure Uprising would work as a straight-up twin-stick shooter. I've beaten the first seven chapters on 9.0 difficulty, and it's hard to imagine anything but the near-instantaneous KBM-like stylus control getting it done.

I don't know if you saw the PM I shot you, but I laughed so hard when you teased Andre by telling him, "You gave 3/5 stars to a 6/5-star game." XD

That's possible. I don't know, in my mind it works like a dream but that may not actually be the case. :p

And yeah, I did see it! I meant to reply, sorry. I just pulled two all-nighters in a row getting an Evangelion art book out the door, though, so other things kinda fell by the wayside for a bit.


I would rather not have them in general.


Why is it so hard to comprehend the fact that I find these 3 additions to be the worst additions to any Smash game? Why doesn't it make sense for me not to want them in at all, even if it meant 3 other characters didn't replace them?

I think they are the biggest waste of space, and should have just stayed alts.

But you know what people don't seem to understand this shit, so fuck this.
I can't stand SmashGAF.
I'm done.

That's hella selfish bro.

Lucina for example had many people mad hype despite her extreme cloneyness. Should they lose a character because of your petty bullshit?

think about others sometime


I definitely don't agree with that... I do think Kid Icarus: Uprising's controls are the game's only real flaw, but it's all relative... a masterpiece with one minor flaw is still a masterpiece. That said, the controls are still perfectly serviceable and not the disaster a lot of people make them out to be. I think a twin-stick setup would be much better for the game, though.
Eh, I wouldn't really call control issues a minor flaw when it literally rendered the game impossible for some. Sure it's relative but when lots of people have issues with the controls, it's a problem and really the biggest one with the game.

Personally, the controls almost immediately clicked for me and I never once got hand cramps, nor did did I feel like I was doing badly in game because of them. On an OG 3DS. I must have tiny hands, lol. I'm glad they weren't a problem for me because they would have prevented me from playing one of Nintendo's best games ever ;)


That's possible. I don't know, in my mind it works like a dream but that may not actually be the case. :p

And yeah, I did see it! I meant to reply, sorry. I just pulled two all-nighters in a row getting an Evangelion art book out the door, though, so other things kinda fell by the wayside for a bit.
I'm sure they could find a way to make it work. They're game designers, after all, and damn good ones. It's just hard for me to imagine it with two sticks, because while playing at 9.0 difficulty it felt like I was mustering up every bit of speed the stylus could afford me. But maybe I'm just not skilled enough! :)

The GamePad would be super-comfortable for stylus controls, though. Seriously, try resting it in your lap -- cradles perfectly in the KIU position. :)
I would rather not have them in general.


Why is it so hard to comprehend the fact that I find these 3 additions to be the worst additions to any Smash game? Why doesn't it make sense for me not to want them in at all, even if it meant 3 other characters didn't replace them?

I think they are the biggest waste of space, and should have just stayed alts.

But you know what people don't seem to understand this shit, so fuck this.
I can't stand SmashGAF.
I'm done.

You might be the most unreasonably angry person I've ever come across on GAF, and that's saying something. Seriously dude, chill out a bit. There's no reason to be so incensed about everything, least of all three clone characters being in the new Smash Bros. game.

People don't understand your attitude because it's iterally 100% negative for the sake of being negative and that makes zero sense to a lot of people. You're exactly the kind of person Sakurai is talking about in that article; you're complaining about free dessert after already getting way more than you paid for with dinner. Or something like that. My point is, you're somehow finding a way to complain about something that literally only adds to, and does not take away from, the game. It's no wonder nobody understands you.


I'm sure they could find a way to make it work. They're game designers, after all, and damn good ones. It's just hard for me to imagine it with two sticks, because while playing at 9.0 difficulty it felt like I was mustering up every bit of speed the stylus could afford me. But maybe I'm just not skilled enough! :)
Yeah, the brilliant thing about the KI camera was how it worked, as the game described it iirc, like a spinning globe. Being controlled by the stylus gave you so much (necessary) freedom with the camera that I have a really hard time imagining being replicated with a second stick. Maybe with a Wii remote, though.

We need Kid Icarus Uprising HD edition on WiiU D:


Ash gets it, as usual. Clone hate makes NO sense. The clones are what is added with the time and resources that are leftover once all of the unique characters have been created. They only add to the game. They take away nothing. And for fans of those characters, it's a wonderful thing. I -love- seeing Lucina on the roster. Would I also be happy with her as a Marth alt? Sure, but if Sakurai thought it was neat to tweak a few things and make her a separate character, why not? It's a bonus, and I can't complain about that. :)


game is full disappointment for me, so adding clones is not like dessert, its like being handed a plate of shit.
Sorry to hear that. I'm having the exact opposite problem -- I'm so overwhelmed by all of the awesome characters in the game that I've been jotting down names on a Post-It to remember which ones I want to try next, rather than going cross-eyed staring at the bazillion fighters on the character select screen, lol.


As in "Heathcliff"
game is full disappointment for me, so adding clones is not like dessert, its like being handed a plate of shit.

Well, it might be your palate that would assume that dessert taste like a shit. Seriously, I think you should wait to see if Spainkiller's source being right or not. (not that i have faith in the leak) Lack of Ridley killed the game for you right?

Anyway, I thought you are done with SmashGAF.


Well, it might be your palate that would assume that dessert taste like a shit. Anyway, I thought you are done with SmashGAF.

Edited: Seriously, I think you should wait to see if Spainkiller's source being right or not. (not that i have faith in the leak) Lack of Ridley killed the game for you right?
IntelliHeath, how are you doing? Who are your favorite characters so far? :)

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Sorry to hear that. I'm having the exact opposite problem -- I'm so overwhelmed by all of the awesome characters in the game that I've been jotting down names on a Post-It to remember which ones I want to try next, rather than going cross-eyed staring at the bazillion fighters on the character select screen, lol.

I want to deep dive into...46 characters.


As in "Heathcliff"
IntelliHeath, how are you doing? Who are your favorite characters so far? :)

I'm doing pretty good. I'm very busy with Smash 3DS. Only 10 more challenges to go so I can focus on multiplayers more.

Favorite? Hmm, my favorite is Duck Hunt but I still love all characters as well. However, I really enjoy how variety the characters are in the game. It's way better than Brawl.

Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
Here's Entry #3 in my series of how I feel Smash "5" is looking and where the franchise is headed, character-wise...

This time, I'll be covering Xenoblade, Fire Emblem, and Mother! I guess Nintendo's "difficult to localize" RPG-set?

Previous Posts
Mario + Yoshi Series
Pokemon Series

Xenoblade Series

Well, for Shulk, I forgot if it was ever confirmed, but apparently he will be appearing in X in some form? Either way, I think he'll remain as the legacy character...or not. I guess Shulk might be cut since he's not a well-established series, and we don't know how well X will do, but either way, I don't see him getting cut for another Xenoblade Character. If Shulk does appear in X, I wonder if he'll have a new design they can use for Smash? I also hope they don't replace his voice if they go with a US cast this time...

Now, we don't know a lot about X's story, but one thing we do know is there doesn't seem to be a set main character...it's a custom made character, and unlike Robin, they don't seem to have any real default design, nor personality. I remember the character in the Treehouse Demo during E3 looked like Yu Narukumi, for example. "Custom Character" works for Animal Crossing, but I don't think a character like that would be a good fit to represent Xenoblade. Maybe one of the support characters will be interesting enough to use, but it's really a wait and see moment.

Finally, there's always the possibility they'll include someone else from the original Xenoblade. Dunban and Riki might be "out" since they appear in Shulk's Final Smash, but of course that could easily be changed. I actually think the reason they appear in the FS is because they're the most popular party members. Next up I'd say is Melia, and the "secret" character, in terms of interesting play-styles. Reyn has the memes on his side, but he doesn't seem like he'd make a great representative. And, uh, does anyone care about Sharla?


It's dead! Or, more appropriately, it seems like that one video-game series that is legitimately "finished". We'll probably never see a true Mother 4...perhaps there'll be a spiritual sequel one day, but never an actual Mother title. Re-releases (and a remake?) are always a possibility I guess.

Ness probably won't go anywhere, being an original Veteran.

Lucas is up in the air, at this point. It honestly feels like Nintendo is trying to hide Mother 3...completely removed in Smash 3DS besides Lucas (which doesn't mention Mother 3), no official English release, for whatever reason, Nintendo has decided to ignore it. And sadly, I think that'll extend to Lucas unless Mother 3 gets an official re-release, worldwide hopefully. But who knows, maybe he's going to be DLC?

The only other choice is Sakurai deciding to include Ninten (probably only Alt-level worthy, imo), or one of the other Earthbound party members, but I don't really see that. Mother just doesn't seem to be popular enough for that. I've seen some people suggest the humanoid Gigyas from Mother, but I don't see that ever happening.

Fire Emblem

It seems to actually have worldwide popularity, and I imagine we'll definitely see at least two games before Smash 5, not counting SMT x FE (if that ever comes out). Personally, I strongly believe the next main title will have Lucina as the star, and focus on an alternate future from Awakening and bring back the children as the stars...but that's just my idea. Perhaps we'll get a new 'verse.

In terms of veterans, Marth is definitely staying. He's fucking Marth!

Roy I think might have a chance as Smash 4 DLC, since I think cut veterans are the most likely choices for DLC, but with Lucina around will people want another Marth-clone? Hopefully they change him up more if he does return. If he's not Smash 4 DLC, I don't see him back for 5, unless the next Fire Emblem takes place in his universe and introduces a Chrom/Lucina for him.

Now Ike I think is the most likely to go next time around, especially as the Fire Emblem series grows. He's unique, sure, but he's from a relatively poorly received game, and I was honestly surprised he made it back for Brawl. He was one cut I really thought would happen.

Lucina I actually think will stay, and become more distinct. As I said before, I definitely think they'll go with using her for the next Lord in Fire Emblem and working off the "alternate universe" plot-line of Awakening. This could hopefully come with a more unique design, as well as a play-style, while still being somewhat akin to Marth.

Robin seems like they'll stay, as they're unique, although I feel like Fire Emblem will probably introduce another similar "My Unit" in a future game. In that case, the character might be roughly the same, with a different design. I can see Robin being cut, or sharing a spot with the new My Unit like the Koopalings and Alph. Either way, I think while "Robin" will be cut, the "Fire Emblem Mage/Swordsman My Unit" spot will stay, if that makes sense.

Now, onto newcomers!

The first one that comes to mind is, of course, the next Lord. Sure, Chrom didn't make it, but if the next Fire Emblem Lord is distinct enough, why not? I hope the next Lord offers something new for Sakurai to use, particularly I'd love an archer/spear lord for once.

The next one, is, well, an older Fire Emblem character. Fire Emblem is so big, I doubt we'll ever see an old Lord that isn't Marth or Roy get in. But if they perhaps ever make another remake of one of the older games and release it worldwide for once, perhaps an old character will get new blood and become popular enough to get in? But this is pretty unlikely, in my opinion.

The last choice is some break-out, non-Lord from a future Fire Emblem. But like Pokemon, there's so many Fire Emblem characters, picking one of the random ones would feel a bit odd. You gotta stick to the big ones, imo.


I'm doing pretty good. I'm very busy with Smash 3DS. Only 10 more challenges to go so I can focus on multiplayers more.

Favorite? Hmm, my favorite is Duck Hunt but I still love all characters as well. However, I really enjoy how variety the characters are in the game. It's way better than Brawl.
Yeah, the variety is astounding. I'm having a BLAST with Zero Suit Samus. When they showed her back in April, I had no idea she'd be so much fun to play. She looked interesting, but this is just a whole new level.

I'm also really into Bowser Jr., but he's a bit of a struggle for me. Conceptually, though, he's a dream character, with the Junior Clown Car and all of the Koopalings included. Had someone told me he was in the game back at E3 2013, I would've said, "That's too good to be true!"

But like Man God said, I want to learn practically all of the characters. It's insane.


Franchise-wise, the weirdest thing about Smash is the DK franchise by far. You can say what you want about Metroid and Ridley, but DK getting so few characters is weird since no important character has weird body proportions. I mean, people diss on K. Rool, but Ganondorf got in Melee by being the villain in one Zelda game! Kirby also got Meta Knight who I believe hasn't appeared in all Kirby games. DK on the other hand gets no newcomers, barely any items (which is understandable imo, since DK games rarely have items) and no ATs!

It's just strange.


So I saw this on Tumblr today.


Then my friend decided to combine the two.


Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
Franchise-wise, the weirdest thing about Smash is the DK franchise by far. You can say what you want about Metroid and Ridley, but DK getting so few characters is weird since no important character has weird body proportions. I mean, people diss on K. Rool, but Ganondorf got in Melee by being the villain in one Zelda game! Kirby also got Meta Knight who I believe hasn't appeared in all Kirby games. DK on the other hand gets no newcomers, barely any items (which is understandable imo, since DK games rarely have items) and no ATs!

It's just strange.

Well, Ganondorf was an after-thought in Melee and was thrown in because there was a character (Falcon) that shared his body-type. He probably would've been included by Brawl though since we would've had him in three games by then.

But you're forgetting Ganondorf IS Ganon, just given an appropriate human form. He's the main antagonist of Zelda.

K. Rool really isn't as popular in comparison. He's the main villain of DKC, but he doesn't have the same status as Bowser and Ganon. He's not liked because he's cool, he's liked because he's in great platformers. I think I'd rank Meta Knight above K. Rool too.


I'm not sure if it's second or third time you have been saying that. I would respect people's opinions but when they are being echo chamber about it then I must bring the gif out of my pocket.


Mariolee, you haven't answer our questions. What are you going to make crow eating thread based on what?

Oh sorry, I've been on and off Mobile GAF. Today's been a crazy day and I'm half asleep right now texting in a golf cart at 9PM.

I was just joking about when Ridley is revealed I'm going to make a gigantic crow thread of either the believers or the haters.

Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
what? the games didn't sell much, but they were well received

Were they? I heard Japan strongly disliked them, but I think the US liked them just because we only had two GBA games to compare with.

Point I'm making is Ike is from a long-running series that constantly switch up characters, and being a middle-man (as in not the oldest or newest, nor from the series' peak), he seems the most expendable.
Wii U Magicant pic of the day today please :3

Edit: IceDoesn'tHelp is banned... :/ Is that because she said she was leaving smashgaf then didn't or?
Franchise-wise, the weirdest thing about Smash is the DK franchise by far. You can say what you want about Metroid and Ridley, but DK getting so few characters is weird since no important character has weird body proportions. I mean, people diss on K. Rool, but Ganondorf got in Melee by being the villain in one Zelda game! Kirby also got Meta Knight who I believe hasn't appeared in all Kirby games. DK on the other hand gets no newcomers, barely any items (which is understandable imo, since DK games rarely have items) and no ATs!

It's just strange.
Like I said earlier, Dixie (or Cranky/K. Rool/Lanky, whatever) not being in is way weirder than no Ridley considering how big a comeback DK's had. No AT is kinda bullshit too; bar minimum couldn't they have just reskinned that goat Pokemon to be a ride-able Rambi?

you're such a hack fraud sakurai


As in "Heathcliff"
Yeah, the variety is astounding. I'm having a BLAST with Zero Suit Samus. When they showed her back in April, I had no idea she'd be so much fun to play. She looked interesting, but this is just a whole new level.

I'm also really into Bowser Jr., but he's a bit of a struggle for me. Conceptually, though, he's a dream character, with the Junior Clown Car and all of the Koopalings included. Had someone told me he was in the game back at E3 2013, I would've said, "That's too good to be true!"

But like Man God said, I want to learn practically all of the characters. It's insane.

I agreed. Bowser Jr is insanity fun character. I really love to playing with him when I got him from random.

I just need to settle down with primary and secondary main and learn rest of characters for battles.
Oh my god, that quote about clones from Sakurai is phenomenal. Finally, fucking proof these three characters were easy to bring over and just, as he puts it, "dessert."


As in "Heathcliff"
Oh my god, that quote about clones from Sakurai is phenomenal. Finally, fucking proof these three characters were easy to bring over and just, as he puts it, "dessert."

I knew they were alt costume in first place as you see that I kept bringing it up in the past. I'm glad that we got confirmation on that.
I love the roster because all my favorite character types are hella viable.

I don't like light characters in Smash Bros. I play heavies all day, every day, whether it be Melee, Project M or Smash 4. and good GOD there isn't a single bad heavy in Smash 4. Ganon is aces. Donkey Kong is the fucking HULK man. Dude's unstoppable. You already know about Bowser. but my ace in the hole is Dedede. Nobody in this game, nobody, shuts down Bowsers and Little Macs alike with nearly as much ease as this dude. That crouch roll is just, wow.

My favorite character by a fairly wide margin is Shulk and I never expected this. I mean, he was my most anticipated character and I lost my shit when he was confirmed but the Monado Arts mechanic seemed all sorts of weird and un-Smash-like to me before I had the chance to try it. but being able to change your character's mechanics on the fly is surprisingly empowering and helps to make each and every match feel unique and full of potential. And Shulk can take on every damn character in the game in some fashion. I've become a master of Monado Jump gimps :p


I feel like Dark Pit, Lucina, and Dr. Mario aren't ever gonna get cut after this game, because they're so easy to implement. Especially Dark Pit, he's just different sound effects, textures, and two altered moves.
I kinda hope Roy gets brought back. He's a full-on clone in a series that already has a lot of reps, but he's fun and plays differently enough from Marth.


Smh, all those Cave Johnsons in here...

Suck it, Doc Mario deserves to be in as an own character for his Xehanort-like chin scratching victory animation alone :p
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