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Super Smash Bros. for Wii U POTD Thread 17: Smash 3DS Discussion @ OT PLS

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I really wouldn't have a problem with the clones if Lucas and Wolf didn't inexplicably disappear.

Wolf I have no idea, but I have a feeling that Lucas was cut because Nintendo is distancing itself from Mother 3. Since Smash is now this huge worldwide game, to them it would be weird to have one of their major reps be from a game never released outside Japan.


Well, the only lacking fighter type in Smash is the gunner type. We have an abundance of brawlers and swordsmen, but we quite lack the gunners. Sharla can easily fit the bill.

I still want my playable Melia though :p

I'd accept Ray MKIII as a gunner type too. We don't have enough (any) robots.

Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
Yeah, I think Mother 3 disappearing isn't Sakurai's doing, it's Nintendo's.

It doesn't make sense with all the love he showed Mother in the 3DS despite being such a minor series (a full new stage, new AT and Smash Run enemy with an original model, two original music tracks) to just cut Mother 3 on his own accord.

Can they just take them straight from brawl?

Um, no?

They can't just take them from Brawl. You have to adjust the model graphically, aesthetically, and physically I imagine to fit in with the rest of the cast. Just like any other veteran.


Dat Sakurai quote is delicious, doesn't mean I like Dark Pit now though.

All you guys trying out all these new uber awesome characters while I'm playing with the same character over and over again trying to get decent with him, and I'm far from satisfied yet, there's lots of aspects I need to attend, I'm gonna try to be the best least worse Mega Man ever, I promise


It it was so "easy" to implement those 3 characters why did he have to cut Wolf and Lucas?

It's not a simple port job. A lot of the characters re-use animations, but a lot of them are changed, and over-all, they're very rebalanced. So Wolf and Lucas would require all the touch-ups and rebalances of a normal character, since, aside from similar moves, they're not clones. Whereas Doc, Dark Pit, and Lucina all just go off the balance of a character already in the game, and thus don't really need much work to be balanced.

Man, Sakurai really did a good job balancing this entry. It's clear it was a big priority this time.
Okay.. but seriously.. in a world of Alts as an option, no one wants to see Dr. Mario or Dark Pit be separate characters.
I do. I want as many characters as possible. I don't care if they have the same moveset as already existing characters. Bring on the clones!

Anywayz: I've been thinking on it, and I am going to make a bold prediction on DLC. So here are my crazy oppinions on DLC:

1: Metal Face (I feel like theres not gonna be something exclusive like a boss in a stage shared between both versions. So he's playable, or not in the WiiU game in the Xenoblade stage. It seems stupid to think so when everything between the versions is equal so far.)

2: Simon Belmont. (All the VC games lately are setting off my "Really Feeling It" alarms. Alot of vc games were released when Mega Man and Pac-Man got announced.)

3: Snake. (I mean if Konami is on then obviously Snake will be back.)

4: Captain Toad. (Do I really need to say why? Being pushed very heavily, was very popular when SM3DW was released, and considering how quickly its comng after SM3DW the game seems like it may have been in development before it came out.)

5: Rayman. (I call BS on random third party trophy. And no, just because Nintendo published it in a country doesn't stop it from being third party or else t would be exclusive.)

6: Another Pokemon (Not 100% if it would even be Mewtwo.)

And I predict 12 DLC characters total. I give no fucks how wrong I am on these. We shall see. Speculation is fun.
Unless there are no DLC then we all lose the speculation wars. D:

Remember this post when I get all of these right. (lol)


The thing I think people aren't getting, both in terms of clones and returning characters is that making clones in the current iteration of the game is much easier than fixing the imported code from the older fighters. In the current game you have assets already coded according to the specifications of the programming and there are people there who are already intimately familiar with how the code works and how things can be implemented. It's far easier to copy the fighters, modify move parameters and create assets (which the older fighters would also need upon being imported anyway, so no, it wouldn't take more work to make clone models.) than it is to dig through old code, convert the data and perform the additional work to get the characters fully functional and debugged in the new engine.

Lucas and Wolf are in the unique position of being aesthetically similar enough to their counterparts to be mistaken for clones and at the same time having the most radically different movesets from their progenitors. I have little doubt that those two factors contributed to them being axed (provided DLC isn't happening, in which case they're much more likely to show up since the team has extra time to actually get all the work for them done).

That's leaving alone brand new characters, which require conceptualization, design, implementation and balancing. On top of that, during any part of this process the character can be scrapped for whatever reason. Playtesting alone is going to dwarf that of clone characters because there's much more to break in the process of implementing an entire moveset.

It's not a question of do we create clones vs. do we make a new character or port over an old one

It's Developers Vs. Time, through and through, and people seriously underestimate the amount of work that goes into putting what are superficially "simple" things in a game.


Wait, did IceDoesntHelp really get banned because of the clone debate a few pages back in this thread?

Gee, it's not that serious. Clones don't take spots, they're extra.

The most fleshed out clone is the Doc, because he has two different moves than Mario so there's that. I don't mind any of the clones, the roster is very solid bar a legendary psychic type but it's all good.


Wait, did IceDoesntHelp really get banned because of the clone debate a few pages back in this thread?

Gee, it's not that serious. Clones don't take spots, they're extra.

The most fleshed out clone is the Doc, because he has two different moves than Mario so there's that. I don't mind any of the clones, the roster is very solid bar a legendary psychic type but it's all good.



I really do wonder why Mother 3 got jack shit in terms of any sort of representation in these games (assuming it gets similar treatment on WiiU which I expect)

I mean I guess they didn't think it was as necessary if Lucas wasn't gonna be playable anymore but there is so much Mother 1 and 2 love in the 3DS game (and I love all of it, please don't get me wrong) that it's just... weird to ignore 3 entirely like it does. Especially jarring since we got quite a bit of Mother 3 content in Brawl, and now there's nothing but a cut-and-paste Lucas trophy to show for it. Feels bad, man. :(


I honestly wouldn't mind Pichu coming back if he was rebalanced a bit. But there's 3 Pokemon + A cut duo from Brawl that are definitely ahead of him in like. But they're also not full-on clones, so yeah.


Did anyone bring up how Toadette is confirmed to be in Captain Toad Treasure Tracker? I'm just saying, that would be a cool alt if Captain Toad/Toad made it in this game, and would fit with Nintendo's recent "more playable females" initiative they seem to have lately.


Captain Toadette was revealed in the new Captain Toad trailer. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BapVf3fVN6Y&feature=youtu.be

I know if Toad gets in she'll just be an alt, but it's nice to dream that Toad will be the alt instead.
Something fun and functional if we're lucky.

Will the Sakurai defense force defend the lack of online for Smash Run? And tell us because we have never made a game that we have no right to criticize?
Did anyone defend the lack of online for Smash Run? I think at most we just accepted it was a time concession since they kept dancing around the issue right up until launch.

also smash world will be smash run but 20 times bigger with 30 minute stretches before a 5 second special match you can't otherwise play in

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U POTD Thread 18: What am I doing with my life
the cake metaphors have come full circle


Wasn't really sure where to put this given it's datamined 3DS content but likely more relevant to the Wii U version, but apparently more announcer lines were found.

Smash World eh?


I like the sound of that.


6 weeks from now, us in NA will have the game :eek:

I actually take back my friday PotD prediction before, it'd be cool to get some insight in a Wii U mode...


Did anyone defend the lack of online for Smash Run? I think at most we just accepted it was a time concession since they kept dancing around the issue right up until launch.

also smash world will be smash run but 20 times bigger with 30 minute stretches before a 5 second special match you can't otherwise play in

I've seen just about every odd design choice defended on here.

Whatever Smash World is, I hope it's amazing. Here's to hoping it isn't just voice clips from a cut mode left in the game data lol.

There's a Sakurai defence force?

It was a joke.

Masked Man

I said wow
Yeah, I think Mother 3 disappearing isn't Sakurai's doing, it's Nintendo's.

It doesn't make sense with all the love he showed Mother in the 3DS despite being such a minor series (a full new stage, new AT and Smash Run enemy with an original model, two original music tracks) to just cut Mother 3 on his own accord.

Yeah, the lack of Mother 3 is especially jarring considering all of the content included in Brawl. For all of that to just disappear all of a sudden, it's almost eerie. I guess I'll still hold out hope that the Wii U version will be a little kinder to my favorite game of all time, even if my beloved Lucas doesn't make a reappearance. :/
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