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Super Smash Bros. for Wii U POTD Thread 17: Smash 3DS Discussion @ OT PLS

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fountain of dreams has a nice palette and super rad music. it's definitely one of my preferred melee stages, though i can't really think of too many melee stages i'm particularly attached to

on the other hand, i honestly can't see the appeal of pokefloats, lol. conceptually, it's hardly based on anything at all, and in execution, it's a bunch of pokemon stadium model rips on a sky background. i guess people like it functionally? i always considered the platform hopping a bit too intrusive. the music is good, though.


I know this has been asked before and there's no real answer to the question because ultimately everyone's experience is individual and anecdotal, but why the Hell is Fountain of Dreams so popular?

I will never get tired of Fountain Of Dreams music. I'd never played a Kirby game back then (and the only one I've played since is Triple Deluxe which I finished just last week), so that theme was completely new to me and I just fucking love it so much.

Other than that since I haven't got a whole lot of interest in playing competitively its legality is of little consequence to me. As a stage it was just another stage.
I will never get tired of Fountain Of Dreams music.

I just listened to that song and DAMN that's rad as heck. How could I have been so unaware of that? As a kid I only ever played that stage when it came up in single player which meant very quickly decimating Kirby teams or something. My memory of that stage's music was akin to the actual song's intro. I thought it was slow, sleepy music the entire time.

People told me how awesome it was and I didn't listen. Why didn't I listen? I am ashame.
I wonder what this game's version of Gourmet Race will be like. It's probably the song that's varied most in style between each Smash Bros game.

ugh fuck i'm just so stoked to hear the full soundtrack
The guy behind the Agnes leak just posted this


He's putting some effort into it, I'll give him that. But yeah, definitely looks shopped (franchise logo and name), but I can't recognize the render.
Too optimistic? You probably nailed bare minimum there.
I wouldn't be too sure there. That's what... seventeen stages more stages than what we've been shown so far? And the game comes out in like a month and a half? Ten of those are new stages, not returning, which, for the most part, don't typically get revealed with much fanfare (Castle Siege notwithstanding), so those are no big deal. But the 3DS version ended up having only three new stages in the game that weren't officially unveiled before release. So looking at at least seven or so new stages left to be revealed before the Wii U release--do you really see that happening? We're still getting 3DS filler pictures with alarming regularity. I'm not really feeling that this is anything less than optimistic. Mario could still end up with less than four new stages. Zelda and Pokemon could potentially end up with only one each. A Game & Watch stage could be scrapped. The Wii Sports Resort stage could have been scrapped and absorbed into Pilotwings. I don't think we're out of the woods yet.
It's been another three weeks since the last time I did one of these posts, so here are your updated totals for how many times each character has appeared in Pics of the Day, i.e. how much Sakurai loves or hates your favorite character!

Just as before, some things to keep in mind:

- Characters with (+X) next to their total indicates the number of additional appearances since the last time I did one of these posts

- One pic that is divided into multiple sections (like Pac-Man's taunt or Little Mac's combos) are only counted as one appearance of that character

- When the same character appears more than once in the same picture, each appearance is counted separately. (So, for example, the PotDs with all eight of Samus's alt colors counts as eight appearances for Samus!)

- I decided to combine and count all three variations of the Mii Fighters together, since it is quite hard to tell on several occasions which version a Mii Fighter is by just looking at them. Mii Gunner definitely appears the most of the three, though.

- If the same pic appears more than once and was used for different purposes (for example, the Nightmare Wizard pic appears as both a PotD and on the Assist Trophies page), both appearances are counted.

- Even if only an element of a character's moveset is visible in a pic (and not the character itself), that counts as an appearance of that character. (For example, seeing only Pikmin counts as an appearance for Olimar/Alph, and seeing only Rush counts as an appearance for Mega Man.)

- Obviously these results are heavily skewed by when characters were revealed (characters revealed later generally rank lower), but there are still some interesting discrepancies... the relative lack of Lucario's, Lucina's, and Greninja's appearances, for example!

- I don't guarantee that these results are 100% accurate, but they're pretty darn close!

Mario: 159 (+13)
Link: 94 (+5)
Samus: 89 (+3)
Kirby: 82 (+8)
Mega Man: 79 (+5)
Villager: 70 (+2)
Fox : 65 (+11)
Pikachu: 64 (+6)
Donkey Kong: 63 (+3)
Bowser: 59 (+4)
Wii Fit Trainer : 56 (+1)
Luigi: 55 (+9)
Mii Fighters: 54 (+4)
Pit: 47 (+4)
Marth: 42 (+5)
Olimar/Alph & Pikmin: 41 (+4)
Toon Link: 39 (+2)
Peach: 38 (+2)
Sonic: 36 (+2)
Yoshi: 34 (+3)
King Dedede: 33 (+2)
Little Mac: 33 (+3)
Rosalina & Luma: 31 (+2)
Zelda: 29 (+1)
Diddy Kong: 28 (+1)
Zero Suit Samus: 28 (+5)
Ike: 27 (+2)
Captain Falcon: 23 (+6)
Charizard: 22 (+3)
Lucario: 22 (+2)
Pac-Man: 21 (+3)
Robin: 21
Sheik: 20 (+2)
Palutena : 19 (+2)
Greninja: 18 (+1)
Meta Knight: 18 (+1)
Shulk: 17 (+2)
Lucina: 15
Ness: 11 (+11)
Dark Pit: 10 (+10)
Dr. Mario: 10 (+10)
Falco: 10 (+10)
Wario: 10 (+10)
I'd definitely end up being disappointed if Magicant is only for the 3DS version and/or if there's no new Mother stage at all, yet at the same time I'm so excited to learn about The Great Cave Offensive stage.

If it's a scrolling stage (and I'm sure it is), I'm fully expecting to see the Crystal Field/Mystery Paradise areas. Can you imagine how glorious those would be in HD?
Font size and drop shadow looks off.
It does, especially the N in both names, but I googled and I didn't find that render in the first 50 pics unless I'm blind. The render itself look real to me, and just because it looks off doesn't mean its fake. *Glares at clone corner*

Seriously, the render does look legit. I really don't know what events would lead to her being in the game but we got Snake so who knows really. Maybe the creator of Bravely Default is friends with Sakuari too or maybe he just really liked the game. Or maybe he/Nintendo wanted a SE character for legacy and wanted a Warrior of Light or something, Square said Lightning, and then came to a agreement halfway. Maybe the jobs are actually of classic FF job classes. (Haven't played BD so don't know too much about it.)
I will never get tired of Fountain Of Dreams music. I'd never played a Kirby game back then (and the only one I've played since is Triple Deluxe which I finished just last week), so that theme was completely new to me and I just fucking love it so much.

Other than that since I haven't got a whole lot of interest in playing competitively its legality is of little consequence to me. As a stage it was just another stage.

See, I was actually bitter about the music, since I loved Dream Land N64's music, and this felt like a bastardized version of that. Discovering the existence of Dream Land N64 in Melee made me more okay with Fountain of Dream's existence though.
Speaking of Pokemon stages

It bothers me that more than half of the Pokemon in the game are from the first generation, and yet we don't have a stage based on that generation. Cerulean Cave, the Indigo Plateau, Viridian Forest, Saffron City, there's lots of fantastic areas they could make great stages from...


The guy behind the Agnes leak just posted this


He's putting some effort into it, I'll give him that. But yeah, definitely looks shopped (franchise logo and name), but I can't recognize the render.
Has it ever been a SE character on smash before? Legit question lol

Btw, hey smashGAF ^^
Team Real
Yeah, I'm actually going #TeamReal aswell. Render looks just a little too good for there not being a actual render of that pose from that game as far as I could tell.
Haven't played BD but now I want her in because she has a bad ass design lol.

Also I was looking at 3DS Trophies, and the alt All Star trophies are cool and wondered if Nintendo would make those alt trophies into amiibos. But with 48 Smash amiibos, + whatever DLC amiibos, and other games, thats gonna be alot of amiibos either way you look at it. 18 amiibos in two months already, Nintendo going crazy with them. If they did the alts, would be a way to get female Robin and Dalmation DH! Tho sadly, the female Villager isn't the superior green dress one. :/

Edit: ^No SE character in any Smash as of yet. Probably mostly due to SE making bad decisions.

Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
You know, back to the Warrior of Light discussion, him summoning FF1 sprites would be pretty rad.

EDIT: About Agnes, is it possible all four of the Bravely Default characters are in (they're all the same shape basically and ability set, right?), two colors for each, and the leak just has a shot of Agnes? That'd make way more sense than just one, not-even-the-MC, Bravely Default character.
That's... actually a really good fake if that's what it is. I agree with others in that there are some inconsistencies in the lettering of her name that make it seem possibly fake, but I don't recognize that render at all and it fits the Smash style, plus I don't think Agnés getting in as a Square rep is that far-fetched. Nintendo and Square Enix totally have a love affair going on right now with the Bravely Default series, so I can actually see this is happening.

Still wish it was Crono, though. :p
The guy behind the Agnes leak just posted this


He's putting some effort into it, I'll give him that. But yeah, definitely looks shopped (franchise logo and name), but I can't recognize the render.

I almost want to believe it if it means the 'clone corner' positioning on CSS is done away.
I would make a avatar bet, but I love my avatar so nope.

Can we bet for something else instead? How about a Club Nintendo game worth 200 coins? If Agnes is in as a playable character, even if the picture is fake, you have to buy a game of my choosing from CN worth 200 coins. If she's not in, then I buy a CN game worth 200 coins of your choosing. Anyone? :O


Who the fuck would want Agnes?

I feel like even people who like Bravely Default don't like Agnes.

Not gonna comment on the veracity of the pic. I've been burned far too many times to speak up this time.


Darn it. It was my chance to challenge you for avatar bet! :p

Hah, I'm sure you do, I've had this avatar since I've joined. I don't intend to lose it so easily =p

EDIT: Top of the page.

Reasons for why the leak is fake, based on my observations:

1. Font is different from Link's font right next to hers.
2. The "render" looks like a CG model penned out, look at the eyes i.e., nothing like any of the other renders.
3. Square would not choose Agnes as the representative for their company if given the opportunity. That position clearly goes to

There are more reasons, but this is a quickie to add some kind of meaningful content to the top of the page.

Image in question:

The guy behind the Agnes leak just posted this


He's putting some effort into it, I'll give him that. But yeah, definitely looks shopped (franchise logo and name), but I can't recognize the render.

Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
You know, one thing I noticed is the Brawl Intro when every character is unlocked, there's like a slight bit of space left when it pans across everyone, but not really any room you can fit anyone.

Smash 3DS, on the other hand, has quite a lot of empty space...
2. The "render" looks like a CG model penned out, look at the eyes i.e., nothing like any of the other renders.

The eyes remind me of Pit's render actually. A bit soulless if you look at it too long.

#TeamFake yada yada and all that so it's probably just me.


ikr everyone would want Edea instead :p

Merit and truth in this statement. Agnes wasn't bad, but compared to Edea, she came off as less likable. Plus, Edea's made for fighting, having the best strength-based multipliers and all. Actually, I wonder just how they would approach a Bravely Default character, what with the Job changing and all...

I'd also root for Ringabel.

Deleted member 74300

Unconfirmed Member
And the development team is considering Ice Climbers being just Ice Climber as a seperate and having Nana be a alt costume. The final Smash and some moves would feature the duo preform together. The Wii U version would be the exact same.
And I never said I worked for the game

Well the leaker does have a point. It was never "Ice Climbers" to begin with.

Hhmm...just realized the render in both pictures are completely different. It could be just different builds or something but eh...

Uh...wow. Noone even noticed something so simple lol. I totally want her in now, really awesome design there, but thats pointing to beng fake.

I expect more pics from the leaker when I wake up. >:)
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