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Super Smash Bros. for Wii U POTD Thread 17: Smash 3DS Discussion @ OT PLS

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As in "Heathcliff"
I was looking through pictures that people uploaded from 3DS. I'm aware that we didn't get one feature but I want to bring it up. There is a planned mode for us to trading the replay, pictures and mii fighters over the internet. It might be added through DLC in the future.

Remember this picture from ESRB Leak.


So, I found the pictures that people uploaded straight from 3DS.

Here is a fake leak that I came up with:
I have a source on the localization team. He says that the character list is final, and characters like Ridley, Chorus Kids, and Dixie will not be in. The only thing 3DS connectivity is used for is eight-player Smash.
The gamepad can be used in a playable boss battle mode - bosses on different stages can be controlled in this way, including Ridley, Metal Face, Yellow Devil, Dry Bowser, and Master Hand.

He could give me some examples of stages:
Bowser's Castle - Based on the original Super Mario Bros. game. The arena is the area where you would face Bowser, but it's given a more modern look like Mushroomy Kingdom. Dry Bowser shows up, and acts as another stage boss. He's larger than Bowser, and can be defeated by either dealing enough damage or pulling the axe that removes the bridge. Players can also fall into the lava pit.
Gaur Plains - This stage is actually different from its 3DS counterpart. It's much bigger, and it actually scrolls around. Metal Face appears on the stage too, acting similarly to the Yellow Devil.
Wii Sports Resort - A traveling stage in the same style as Isle Delfino/Skyloft. Travels around Wuhu Island, stopping at different sporting areas.
Barudo Island - He wasn't really sure as to what this was, but apparently it's like Tortimer Island in that it has a random layout each time you play it. You can even terraform the land by raising and lowering the ground and moving trees around. He says it's pretty chaotic.
He also told me that Hyrule Temple and Rainbow Cruise are back, along with a stage based on Wrecking Crew (he wouldn't provide more info on that one).

The source is a friend of mine, and I know for sure that he's working in the localization process. He could be joking, but he's not someone to lie about stuff like this. I thought I would share anyway.
All of this I just completely made up. The source is my imagination; if any of this is true, it will have been a coincidence.

I tried using a bunch of cliches that I've seen in other fake leaks.
✓ Contradiction to popular leak (to avoid looking like piggybacking)
✓ Really weird, unexpected idea that would be "too out-of-the-blue for someone to just guess"
✓ Brings up possibility of doubt while still assuring the validity of the source

I just wanted to show that it really is easy to completely make up a text leak.
On the subject of leaks, my friends, what would you guys do if you were indeed privy to Smash Wii U information? Suppose you knew the whole stage rosters, all the exclusive modes, juicy and accurate DLC info...What'd you do? Would you spread it immediately, would you just keep it between yourself and your closest friends?

Nah, the most I might do is tease a little bit, and like others gave said call out phony leakers.

is that character the only thing that guy leaked?

Nah he leaked various other things like backing up Tower of Smash, confirming, Impa, Dixie, and Chrous Kids, magicant on Wii U, Co Op in Classic as well as new paths, mini games, and bosses in Classic.

He's just using her official artwork and placing another face over her own... I can't believe nobody even caught this.

Wow! Nice catch! Hair matches up perfectly.


Here is a fake leak that I came up with:

All of this I just completely made up. The source is my imagination; if any of this is true, it will have been a coincidence.

I tried using a bunch of cliches that I've seen in other fake leaks.
✓ Contradiction to popular leak (to avoid looking like piggybacking)
✓ Really weird, unexpected idea that would be "too out-of-the-blue for someone to just guess"
✓ Brings up possibility of doubt while still assuring the validity of the source

I just wanted to show that it really is easy to completely make up a text leak.

But regardless the smash community more than any other just eats it up for some reason.


Here is a fake leak that I came up with:

All of this I just completely made up. The source is my imagination; if any of this is true, it will have been a coincidence.

I tried using a bunch of cliches that I've seen in other fake leaks.
✓ Contradiction to popular leak (to avoid looking like piggybacking)
✓ Really weird, unexpected idea that would be "too out-of-the-blue for someone to just guess"
✓ Brings up possibility of doubt while still assuring the validity of the source

I just wanted to show that it really is easy to completely make up a text leak.

But you made one grave mistake: If you want people to believe you, you have to say Ridley is on the roster.

Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
Wait, the Agnes person said Tower of Smash is real?

Oh, then it's 100% fake.

EDIT: Actually, it doesn't. It only mentions Cross-Connectivity is a thing, with originated with SpainKiller's post. He even points out he doesn't know about Impa, who was the one character Tower of Smash mentioned that SpainKiller didn't.
Just for the record, this was exactly what people said about Jigglypuff (minus the face thing) in the ESRB Leak since it was modeled after its official art.
Yeah, no reason to call it fake over that. Plus as far as I can tell, its not just the face, but the entire render is CG where the official artwork is hand drawn.


Yeah, I'm totally aware about it. I take that you heard something about it since it was pretty random of you bringing it up out of no where. :p

Oh I just wanted to bring it up since there has been a lot of discussion on all these "leaks" that have been riding off of Spainkiller's original post. Thought it'd be good to clarify the connectivity aspect since it's at the center of all these leaks :p


Maturity, bitches.
I got a mysterious email just now. It went like this.

Dear BGBW,

You won't know me, but I've been a long time lurker in the Smash Bros PotD thread and I've got a hot scoop that I think you deserve to see since you are quite frankly the best poster in that thread, if not on all of GAF. So yeah, that Agnes leak is real, but the so called leaker is making fake pics to mislead people. So I've decided to send you a legit screenshot of her to clarify things. As you can see, the real render is quite close to his fake one, but that's completely a coincidence and not at all a result of me editing the same bit of official art! This is 100% real, I swear on me mam's grave!


A fan


Well I'm convinced.
The alternate song to Golden Plains, the Mario theme, is played on Mushroom Kingdom U in the Wii U version (as was seen in the demo). Gear Getaway and the Pikmin Stage Select theme are almost certainly in similar positions--they play on different stages in both versions.

If anything I would think that them being listed on the Wii U's soundtrack suggests they're played on new stages in the Wii U version, not old ones.
Ooh, that makes me feel a lot better. Thanks!
He's just using her official artwork and placing another face over her own... I can't believe nobody even caught this.

This is a pretty bad reason seeing as people were saying the exact same thing for Jigglypuff and Dr. Mario in the real 3DS leak to try and disprove it.

However, I saw a comment on Reddit and it's actually Agnès, not Agnés. I looked it up to check so that's quite a slip-up.
I've never heard of Agnès before this stupid hoax. Guest characters aren't going to be obscure nobodies.
Not for the base roster, but for the dlc I could see Nintendo saying something like "okay, we'll put anyone in if the developers pay for the work that would go into creating the character". I mean, I don't see them doing that but I wouldn't say its impossible for them to do that.

Edit: Plus it would make sense if Nintendo wanted classic FF character, Square wanted Lightning, and they met halfway with Agnes, who is very revelent to Nintendo and the jobs that were posted could not be BD jobs but classic FF jobs, thus metting halfway. Its possible.


The game is out, why are you guys bothered with "leaks"? Enjoy the game while patiently waiting for the Wii U version. Stuff like DLC and hidden datas don't matter right now.



Maturity, bitches.
:lol I like it how you put 2nd player hand on Chorus Kids when we have Agnes in 2nd player portrait.
To be honest, that was originally an accident, but I thought it was a funny mistake, so I left it in.


If I wasn't at work right now, I'd post this on KYM (mysterious letter included) to see SomeoneSleeping's (the poster of the leak) reaction.
Please do this if you find the time. I'd love to hear his response.

However, I saw a comment on Reddit and it's actually Agnès, not Agnés. I looked it up to check so that's quite a slip-up.


Not for the base roster, but for the dlc I could see Nintendo saying something like "okay, we'll put anyone in if the developers pay for the work that would go into creating the character". I mean, I don't see them doing that but I wouldn't say its impossible for them to do that.

Edit: Plus it would make sense if Nintendo wanted classic FF character, Square wanted Lightning, and they met halfway with Agnes, who is very revelent to Nintendo and the jobs that were posted could not be BD jobs but classic FF jobs, thus metting halfway. Its possible.
That makes even less sense, honestly. I can't imagine a scenario where Sakurai/Nintendo would need to be meeting Square Enix halfway regarding character selection, and I can't imagine why that halfway point would be the obscure D-lister Agnes. If Sakurai hypothetically wanted to include a Square Enix character but SE turned him down, he just wouldn't include an SE character. There doesn't need to be a concession or compromise.

And even then, all of the Smash Bros. guest characters are company mascots (or the closest thing they have to one), and they're recognized by pretty much anyone who's been playing video games regularly over the last 30 years. I'm not exaggerating here -- I wouldn't even place Agnes in a list of the top 500 video game characters. Snake, Sonic, Mega Man, and Pac-Man are all top 20 material. Sakurai has repeatedly said that guest characters are special instances and that their inclusion needs to feel worth it -- there's absolutely no value in Agnes.
That makes even less sense, honestly. I can't imagine a scenario where Sakurai/Nintendo would need to be meeting Square Enix halfway regarding character selection, and I can't imagine why that halfway point would be the obscure D-lister Agnes. If Sakurai hypothetically wanted to include a Square Enix character but SE turned him down, he just wouldn't include an SE character. There doesn't need to be a concession or compromise.

And even then, all of the Smash Bros. guest characters are company mascots (or the closest thing they have to one), and they're recognized by pretty much anyone who's been playing video games regularly over the last 30 years. I'm not exaggerating here -- I wouldn't even place Agnes in a list of the top 500 video game characters. Snake, Sonic, Mega Man, and Pac-Man are all top 20 material. Sakurai has repeatedly said that guest characters are special instances and that their inclusion needs to feel worth it -- there's absolutely no value in Agnes.
Yeah. If they went with a square character, it would make more sense to go with someone like Chrono or Geno. At least those two will be recognized by older fans.


The problem with a Square rep has always been that their mascots are like Chocobos and Moogles and Slimes.

Maybe Sakurai can include a character called Final Fantasy with the Warrior of Light riding a Chocobo.

Or some dude from Dragon Quest 9 riding a Slime.
That makes even less sense, honestly. I can't imagine a scenario where Sakurai/Nintendo would need to be meeting Square Enix halfway regarding character selection, and I can't imagine why that halfway point would be the obscure D-lister Agnes. If Sakurai hypothetically wanted to include a Square Enix character but SE turned him down, he just wouldn't include an SE character. There doesn't need to be a concession or compromise.

And even then, all of the Smash Bros. guest characters are company mascots (or the closest thing they have to one), and they're recognized by pretty much anyone who's been playing video games regularly over the last 30 years. I'm not exaggerating here -- I wouldn't even place Agnes in a list of the top 500 video game characters. Snake, Sonic, Mega Man, and Pac-Man are all top 20 material. Sakurai has repeatedly said that guest characters are special instances and that their inclusion needs to feel worth it -- there's absolutely no value in Agnes.

That's fair, but I'd argue she encompasses classic FF pretty well, she's a character that so far has been pretty much Nintendo exclusive outside web games and mobile. As someone else said, they could do a Bowser Junior and have her alts be the other three characters (with 8 slots that gives two colors for each character, hell, make it so each character has their default and special costume)
. And it could be purely business. Suppose it's a behind the scenes deal to keep Bravely Default Nintendo exclusive? Maybe it's done in exchange to use content from their collaborations in Smash somehow (Sports Mix, Fortune Street music and or trophies). I mean come on, were getting Rayman as a third party trophy who knows what kind of stuff is going on.
That's fair, but I'd argue she encompasses classic FF pretty well, she's a character that so far has been pretty much Nintendo exclusive outside web games and mobile. As someone else said, they could do a Bowser Junior and have her alts be the other three characters (with 8 slots that gives two colors for each character, hell, make it so each character has their default and special costume)
. And it could be purely business. Suppose it's a behind the scenes deal to keep Bravely Default Nintendo exclusive? Maybe it's done in exchange to use content from their collaborations in Smash somehow (Sports Mix, Fortune Street music and or trophies). I mean come on, were getting Rayman as a third party trophy who knows what kind of stuff is going on.
Completely agree. Its most likely fake, but to say that its impossible due to Agnes not being an iconic character is absurd. There could be any number of reasons like you said, keeping BD exclusive, or any other reasons. We will never truly know how each character got into a game outside of Pokemon and Fire Emblem's "Let's pick the latest character" quota.
If there was a square rep it would be a black Mage or a slime and they would have been in the 3ds version by default
Well like what was just said, it could be to keep exclusivity, and/or have her incorporate clasic FF moves. And well...we've all know SE can be hard headed sometimes. If its real then I'd predict that the would want her DLC so that they would get most of the DLC profits, which would I assume be more than if she was in the base game.

Its most likely fake, but in all out honesty Sakurai/Nintendo could add literally any third party character for whatever reason. I wouldn't be surprised with anyone I do believe, unless it was literally someone owned by Sony or Microsoft.
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