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Super Smash Bros. for Wii U POTD Thread 17: Smash 3DS Discussion @ OT PLS

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He put so much effort into that leak. Why?
It's so absurd he's not going to even get that much attention, if any.

He practically just wasted his time.

People really need to stop associating detail/effort with accuracy. Tower of Smash had time put in, and that was fake. This had time put in, and it's almost certainly fake.

I could write paragraphs upon paragraphs about WiiMote Safety Guy and how he plays, but at the end of the day it really doesn't change anything.

Detail ≠ Truth
People really need to stop associating detail/effort with accuracy. Tower of Smash had time put in, and that was fake. This had time put in, and it's almost certainly fake.

Well, we don't know 100% if the Tower of Smash thing is fake or not. It seems likely that it is, but there's always the twist that the Cave Offensive is a general Super Star level, and Mt Dedede appears on it.
Well, we don't know 100% if the Tower of Smash thing is fake or not. It seems likely that it is, but there's always the twist that the Cave Offensive is a general Super Star level, and Mt Dedede appears on it.

This, I mean had someone posted a leaked list of 3DS stages and called a new level called "Dream Land" or "Dedede Arena" we'd have seen the GB stage picture and cried FAKE FAKE FAKE despite the GB picture actually showing us the Dream Land/Dedede Arena stage.

Still leaning towards "probably fake" but we haven't had a hard deconfirmation, besides 90% correct = 100% incorrect or something :p

Just as an example, perhaps this Great Cave Offensive stage is a transforming stage, only instead of the level transforming around you perhaps every 30 seconds mine carts show up and you have 5 seconds to get into them before they rocket off without you to the next area.
Two returning stages, one new stage (under a general name, I might add) - that's out of fifty five. 5.45% right. That's nothing.

I was referencing our old thread title, but by the logic you're using we should drop any stages that were revealed before the leak OR we should count all the stages he "correctly had" because they were originally revealed. Only giving him credit for Game & Wario stage while hurting him for not guessing the stages he listed because they were officially confirmed is silly :p
Don't forget that returning stages is hardly a good "guess" when (s)he said there'd be over 1/2 of Brawl's stages...

I want to point out that this would also give him a 50% to be wrong once any retro stage was revealed/confirmed. If the leak is fake then every potential classic stage revealed has just as good of a chance of making him look legit as it does proving he's a big old phony. This whole "it's hardly a good guess when he guessed 50% of the stages" is a silly way to prove or disprove the leak.
Don't forget that returning stages is hardly a good "guess" when (s)he said there'd be over 1/2 of Brawl's stages...
A third of the stages returning, actually, but that's still too much to give credit for getting returning stages right.
I was referencing our old thread title, but by the logic you're using we should drop any stages that were revealed before the leak OR we should count all the stages he "correctly had" because they were originally revealed. Only giving him credit for Game & Wario stage while hurting him for not guessing the stages he listed because they were officially confirmed is silly :p

All right then, if you remove all the stages that were already confirmed before the "leak" then we can bump it up to 8.1%. That's still not worth noting at all.

It wasn't worth noting when it was new, and it's especially not worth noting at all now.
People really need to stop associating detail/effort with accuracy. Tower of Smash had time put in, and that was fake. This had time put in, and it's almost certainly fake.

I could write paragraphs upon paragraphs about WiiMote Safety Guy and how he plays, but at the end of the day it really doesn't change anything.

Detail ≠ Truth

I wasn't saying the effort makes it more likely/ truthful.

I was saying he's wasting his time for making a detailed leak that no one is going to believe.
And a lot of people didn't believe the vanroose/ninka leak for Smash 3DS, odds are we will eventually get a legit leak for Smash WiiU with whatever new exclusive content it has.

And Tower of Smash is not one of them.

Tower of Smash's stage list and character list are just too good. It reads like a fan's wishlist (and it probably is).
And a lot of people didn't believe the vanroose/ninka leak for Smash 3DS, odds are we will eventually get a legit leak for Smash WiiU with whatever new exclusive content it has.

eventually a real leak will come by, but it won't be the one that supposedly knows everything, and it won't be the one that is commonly discussed until it's effectively been confirmed anyway

Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
Here's Entry #5 in my series of how I feel Smash "5" is looking and where the franchise is headed, character-wise...

Previous Posts
Mario + Yoshi Series
Pokemon Series
Xenoblade, Mother, Fire Emblem Series
Wario and Metroid Series

This time, I'll be talking about "Guest Series".

Personally, I feel that the Guest Character selection is pretty much perfect. Sonic, Pac-Man, and Mega Man are the perfect line-up...however, I still think getting one more Guest Character for Smash 5 would be nice, just so we have an even 4.


Well, first off, I think it's not completely out of the realm of possibility that a 3rd Party could have a second rep from the series, or even their company, although I think that unlikely. But here's speculation regardless!

Sonic is a pretty large series, and I think it's the best bet to get a second rep among the Third Parties. Shadow always seemed obvious...I mean, he's requested a lot, would probably be a fairly easy clone, and people would love him. Tails and Knuckles would take more work, but are also heavy hitters. And Dr. Eggman seems like he'd easily be a re-working of Bowser Jr. Personally I'd love Classic Sonic, but he's got a different body type so couldn't be a simple alt, yet I can't imagine him having his own spot since Sonic doesn't really have any post-Classic moves outside the homing attack.

From SEGA, well, NiGHTS, AiAi, and Billy Hatcher are the only SEGA characters that have a decent presence on Nintendo really and would fit Smash. But I don't see any of them happening, although I'd love to see references to them.

Now that SEGA owns Atlus, there's Jack Frost, who is pretty cute. But considering SMT tends to be rated M, I don't know if Nintendo would ever want SMT in Smash Brothers...yeah, there was Snake in Brawl, but I think one of the reasons he was cut is because he messed with the family-friendly image, especially as the newer Metal Gears seem to tackle much darker themes.


From Mega Man, X is the likeliest choice for a second rep, being the second (or first?) popular Mega Man. The next choice is definitely Zero. Proto Man would also be a suitable alt for Mega Man, and something I wish Smash 4 did in the first place.

From Capcom in general, Ryu always seemed like an interesting choice. The original fighting game hero in Smash Brothers! But Sakurai seems to not want traditional fighters in Smash, I believe he mentioned that in regards to Tekken, so he might be out. Phoenix Wright is another popular choice, and would fit more so in Smash since he's a weirder character, and then with all the Monster Hunter cross-overs people have considered a character from that. The designer apparently didn't want a MH character in MVC, but I wonder if he'd reconsider for Smash since it's a bit of a different game.


Ms. Pac-Man is the only Pac-Man second rep really available, but she seems like she'd just be an Alt at best.

I don't know a lot about Namco, but Klonoa is the only Namco-Bandai character I can think of that would legit fit into Smash. Well, the Tales characters are cute enough, but we don't need any more JRPG-swordsmen. But Klonoa doesn't seem really "around" much anymore, and never really had mainstream popularity, so that probably hurts his chances.


Next, let's talk about Snake. Will he ever return? Personally, I think not. Brawl was an interesting experiment, but he just didn't really fit aesthetically, and honestly I'm not too miffed about him being absent. I wouldn't mind if he stayed, but I'm not losing sleep over it. Who is to blame? Was it Nintendo not wanting a character like that in Smash? Did Konami do it, perhaps wanting to keep Snake "focused" now that Metal Gear is really their leading franchise? Or did Sakurai decide it didn't work out? We might never know.

Now, on the topic of Konami, there are two big characters everyone always brings up: Simon Belmont, and Bomberman. I think the biggest issue with Simon is the character lacks an iconic design. His appearance has changed throughout the franchise, more so than Sonic or Pac-Man, and I'd really wonder what design they'd go with to make him as instantly recognizable as the other Guest Characters. If Simon was a Nintendo character, this wouldn't be as big of an issue, but I feel Guest Characters need to have a certain design element that sticks out.

Bomberman's problem is that he's only recently a Konami character, and so far they don't really seem interested in using him. I think his chances may have been better if he stayed a Hudson Character, and that would've been great since I imagine Sakurai might've taken the chance to incorporate classic Hudson elements in as well. Who knows, I think Bomberman is probably the last big character anywhere close to Pac-Man, Mega Man, and Sonic, and would fit really well with their aesthetic. Hopefully Sakurai can work his magic!

Konami also has Master Higgins and Goemon as the only other real mascots I think have any chance, Higgins has the same status as Bomberman being sort of on hiatus once Konami took over, and Goemon's a bit obscure, and his global presence is basically gone.


Now into possible future third-parties, and SE is one that comes to mind. They're not really "fun" guys anymore it seems, Dragon Quest and Final Fantasy had a good life on Nintendo consoles, and say, Slime or Chocobo would be cute mascot characters. Or the Warrior of Light from Final Fantasy I would be a cooler inclusion (I think it'd be best to avoid any specific FF character, so an empty slate would fit better).

Neku from TWEWY I actually feel has a decent chance, since Sakurai has obviously been influence by that game looking at the difficulty scale and "Street Smash". But it depends on if the franchise ever continues, and if sticks to Nintendo.

Level 5

Yes, Guest Characters tend to be old dudes, but I wouldn't mind some new blood, and Level 5 seems the best company in terms of mascot characters...you have Professor Layton, mainly, and with Yokai Watch becoming extremely popular, I wouldn't be surprised if THAT got in. I mean, it depends on if it can catch on in the west...I'm not sure WHO the Pikachu of Yokai Watch is, but I guess it's the cat one? It's the best we'll ever get to Pikachu vs. Meowth, and I'd take it.


The only other Guest Characters I think are notable are Crash, being Mario's "rival", and Banjo-Kazooie, once a classic Nintendo character. But Crash is basically being whored out and couldn't even get into the Sony Smash. So, yeah...don't see that happening. I still hold out hope for Banjo-Kazooie. I've given up Rare ever making a proper sequel, but if Microsoft doesn't do anything with him, I'd love to see Sakurai somehow negotiate to get Banjo-Kazooie, classic-style, in one Smash Brothers. :(
People believed the Tower of Smash leak. What's to say people won't believe these?

As far as I know (at least around here), not many people ever believed in the Tower of Smash leak, it was mostly met with skepticism and hopefulness. As for the rest of the internet, I don't recall seeing many, if any people actually believing the leak 100%. This is just from what I've seen though.

This new leak is just beyond ridiculous, and it only got recognition because it got Smash World right. I really can't see any sensible person actually believing this leak 100%.

But, again, this is only from what I've seen and experienced.


Bowser's shell moves make that pretty much impossible though.

I was under the impression that just not including a "Bowser retracted into his shell model" would force the game to use the regular model for those animations, which would look fine but have hitbox dissonance issues. Though potential clones for a decade-old game is a fairly futile discussion.

i think I have said this before but dark samus would be sooo coooool.

I actually spent a good portion of today trying to make a dark samus mii lol

You should share it, it'd accompany Ridley Jr. well.


I just need a wonder mask for the mii fighter.
Plz sakurai.
Like I mentioned before I think Torterra would be a pretty cool character to take over that "tank" role.

Both of these absolutely need to happen. Though regarding the former, is there a domino mask available through Streetpass Plaza at all?

There's no way we're getting double digit new characters. Absolutely no way. At best we'll see enough to balance out the characters select screen on the 3DS version. Even then, I think the characters will be ideas Sakurai ran out of time trying to fit in and or removed veterans.

I don't think we'll get anywhere near that amount of characters either; but double digits could be feasible if only a small fraction were newcomers and the others were veterans or clones.
I don't think we'll get anywhere near that amount of characters either; but double digits could be feasible if only a small fraction were newcomers and the others were veterans or clones.

Aren't clones made due to time-constraints?

That would kind of make them some really weird DLC choices wouldn't it? :/


Aren't clones made due to time-constraints?

That would kind of make them some really weird DLC choices wouldn't it? :/

Not if they're supposed to pad the DLC roster - 6 characters sounds a lot less impressive than 14, even if 3/4 of the latter aren't new or unique. And the ease of implementing popular characters like Toon Zelda, Viridi or Isabelle through those methods would help to increase the attach rate of DLC packs.
Aren't clones made due to time-constraints?

That would kind of make them some really weird DLC choices wouldn't it? :/
A character is a character. Each character has fans, so if they could example give Blaziken Falcon's moveset without too much trouble then bundle him with someone like Mewtwo, a newcomer, or maybe have a clone pack then they'd do it. I totally expect some new clones in any potential DLC. Or maybe there won't be any, but I don't really see why not if it makes sense and is a popular character they can sell.
Like Dr. Luigi lol.
Not if they're supposed to pad the DLC roster - 6 characters sounds a lot less impressive than 14, even if 3/4 of the latter aren't new or unique. And the ease of implementing popular characters like Toon Zelda, Viridi or Isabelle through those methods would help to increase the attach rate of DLC packs.

Ah, I see.

A character is a character. Each character has fans, so if they could example give Blaziken Falcon's moveset without too much trouble then bundle him with someone like Mewtwo, a newcomer, or maybe have a clone pack then they'd do it. I totally expect some new clones in any potential DLC. Or maybe there won't be any, but I don't really see why not if it makes sense and is a popular character they can sell.
Like Dr. Luigi lol.

I agree, Dr. Luigi needs to have his time to shine.
I don't think we'll get anywhere near that amount of characters either; but double digits could be feasible if only a small fraction were newcomers and the others were veterans or clones.

My thing is, there are two challenges DLC fighters present that will keep the number fairly low:

1: Characters need to be balanced in light of the entire roster. Having a larger roster assumes a larger amount of time to balance each character.

2: Whatever development team works on these additional fighters is probably going to be smaller than the team working on the games currently.

Masked Man

I said wow
This new rumor intrigues me... Considering it was posted nearly two weeks ago (i.e. before all the datamining went down), the fact that the unused voice files line up perfectly with the Smash World idea gives this a lot more credibility. Whether it will actually come true remains to be seen, of course, but still!

His B-Up should be the Toad Brigade Spaceship from Galaxy.

Sounds more like a Final Smash to me, but I would love to see the Toad Brigade make an appearance! :D


*whiny voice* They had the animation right there, it could have been his down smash...

You can't just swap animations like that, the hitbox and similar data would have to be programmed manually. Though I guess I agree that the animation work done on the victory poses might have been better spent on his moveset itself...
You can't just swap animations like that, the hitbox and similar data would have to be programmed manually. Though I guess I agree that the animation work done on the victory poses might have been better spent on his moveset itself...

Well, they did already give him a new down smash in this game, which makes me wonder why they didn't just give him the Sonic Flare instead of Fox's Split Kick.

It's not that big a deal though, I still have Project M.
So, I didn't see this "leak" mentioned, it was posted on Know Your Meme the other day by a guy named SomeoneSleeping who insists Agnes from Bravely Default will be a special character but keeps assuring people he's VERY SKEPTICAL of his friend.

Few people and a friend of mine has been receiving some emails from a person that claims to work for Nintendo. This friend, which you can call him "James" directed this person to mail me instead since I'm into Smash Bros. more. Since then, me, this group of people and this guy has been talking through emails. He says he's the same person that leaked the latest Zelda Wii U information, and he decided to leak some stuff from Smash Bros. Wii U as well. This sounds fake, I know, but I wanted to give the guy a chance. We've been talking to this person since October 5th, and in October 8th, he sent us this picture of the roster on the Wii U version. I don't believe it 100%, but it seems believable, and the last time I doubted a roster that seemed fake... y'know, the 3DS one back in September? Also, the guy likes to be mentioned as "Cross", that nickname will make sense once you read the rest of the text.

Please be aware this might be fake in the end, but who knows... I surely doubt it might be real. Anyways, according to 'Cross', this is from an older build of the Wii U version, but already featuring some of the initial characters, though Cross says that through some methods, you can play as Greninja and Pikachu, which includes few glitches but in the end it works. (Weird knowing they were available to play in the E3 build, but not in here... I feel something is wrong here) The most eye-catching thing without a doubt is the presence of Agnés from Bravely Default. Cross says he barely knows anything about BD, but was able to SEE gameplay footage of her, he's trying to get it somehow, he says he might be able to get it in Saturday, but there are big possibilities he doesn't.

He describes her been similar to Robin and Mega Man, she changes clothing for each attack, which I'll assume the attacks are based on different jobs. Her normal Smash are just attacks with daggers, Cross describes her side smash as she wears a knight like clothing (probably the Knight job) and she uses a longer sword, up smash is a "upper kick" and she seems to be using chinese like clothing (Monk job?), it's a very strong attack, and her down smash is an attack which she swings a sword down with a japanese like clothing (Swordmaster?). Her normal special is a thunder attack similar to Robin's but with no charging and she uses a black wizard clothing (definitly Black Mage), down smash is a counter attack in which she uses a black armor (Dark Knight?). Cross didn't see her side special, though her up special is a large jump in which she uses a white dress with a wing like hat (Valkyrie?). He also didn't see her final smash, sadly... in case that is true, of course.

Now, the most interesting thing about all this, which gives the nickname of the leaker: Cross-Console Elements. Cross describe them been a feature in which you connect a 3DS and Wii U with Smash Bros. and will "unlock" things for both versions... well, almost. According to Cross, the 3DS version will receive a update for this type of connection. There will be few characters and stages that will be "unlocked" by connecting both consoles, and I say unlock in quotes because all you do is share the information between consoles, which informations are those? Your "stats", like how many times you completed Classic Mode in each version for example, to unlock these special new characters you'll have to complete tasks between each version (kinda sucks if that's true, honestly), but when completed, you'll receive a warning in the screen of each version with a message saying "You've Been Challenged, Accept To Fight?" giving you the option to say Yes or No. Before the match, you can choose a character and battle against the special character, and after defeating 'em, they'll appear in each version's select screen, with an pic of one of the consoles near to their icons (they disappear after you use them once). Cross also says that Ridley and Chorus Men will be unlocked in the same way as Agnés/special fighters does, though he doesn't know if Impa, Mewtwo and/or Dixie are present, but he says it's very possible.

He said I can reveal some information if anyone asks, though I can only answer so many, since he doesn't wish to lose his job and neither break all the surprises because these characters aren't everything new, and also because he doesn't know everything.

Is this true? I kind of doubt, but I'll give it a chance, though the possibility of it been fake is gigantic, I'm just sharing this information - fake or not.

UPDATE: Cross says his department got a newer build of the game. It doesn’t includes Agnés anymore, but someone told him she is in the game, but you’d have to unlock her making a task in both 3DS and Wii U version, but no one knows how for certain so Agnés isn’t playable in the new build. He also gave me a list of features in the Wii U version, I’ll go over them right now. (Remember this can be fake in the end)
>Classic Mode is almost like the one on the 3DS, but with more different paths to choose, and minigames like Melee had. It also has a different final boss after beating Master Hand and Crazy Hand.
>All-Star Mode is much better in the Wii U version, as you battle characters in their respective stages. For example, you fight Mario, Luigi and Donkey Kong in a Mario Bros. level, then you go on to fight Little Mac in the Boxing Ring. They still go in a chronological order.
>Magicant and NES Remix are stages in the Wii U version.
>Impa is in the game – she’s a heavier clone of Sheik with freezing damage (?).
>Agnés (Bravely Default) won’t have a stage in the game, you fight her while unlocking the character in Battlefield.
>Co-op Classic Mode.

Even the guy himself points out it looks like an existing render of the character. He says he's super skeptical, but he sounds just like any other leaker that's just trying a new way to stand out.

The thing is, I could've sworn I heard about a playable Agnes that played kinda like Robin rumor before. And transforming during moves? Sounds super unlikely with what Sakurai was saying about system limitations. I'll be honest and say I wish it were true though, for a Square Enix rep, it's not a totally outlandish choice imho.

Page with his posts in the comments here:


The notion of Square Enix being represented, not by an iconic character from Final Fantasy or Dragon Quest, but by one from a single game Sakurai had no reason to keep an eye on during Smash's development, is enough for me to discard this right off the bat.
So, I didn't see this "leak" mentioned, it was posted on Know Your Meme the other day by a guy named SomeoneSleeping who insists Agnes from Bravely Default will be a special character but keeps assuring people he's VERY SKEPTICAL of his friend.

Even the guy himself points out it looks like an existing render of the character. He says he's super skeptical, but he sounds just like any other leaker that's just trying a new way to stand out.

The thing is, I could've sworn I heard about a playable Agnes that played kinda like Robin rumor before. And transforming during moves? Sounds super unlikely with what Sakurai was saying about system limitations. I'll be honest and say I wish it were true though, for a Square Enix rep, it's not a totally outlandish choice imho.

Page with his posts in the comments here:

yeah, no.

i would be very shocked if we got some character like "agnes" to fit in an all star character line up over another SE rep.


I'm starting to get a little stressed about the transfer stuff considering how much time I've put into the 3DS version and the amount of shit to unlock. I really wanna know the details of what stuff you can transfer so I know that all these 3DS things I'm doing aren't for naught.
The name character spacing being all over the place is driving me crazy.

Same here. That's the main thing that kills this rumor for me. No way the text would look that bad in the final Wii U CSS.

If it was real for whatever reason, though, Agnés sure would be a WTF/out-of-nowhere inclusion. I quite liked Bravely Default, but if we were to get a Square rep, I'd much rather it be a character more important to old-school Nintendo: Crono, baby.
The notion of Square Enix being represented, not by an iconic character from Final Fantasy or Dragon Quest, but by one from a single game Sakurai had no reason to keep an eye on during Smash's development, is enough for me to discard this right off the bat.
Yeah, it sounds stupid. But I can never be 100% sure with these things. Maybe Sakurai played Braverly Default and really, really, liked it? :p

Can anyone find that render anywhere? And the characters not in the e3 demo, do they look photoshopped? It looks real to me, but I don't see mistakes as easily as other people. I don't really believe it, but you can never tell what will be added to a Smash Bros. game...
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