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Super Smash Bros. for Wii U POTD Thread 17: Smash 3DS Discussion @ OT PLS

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I remember that I was salty over the fact that the "Soccer Ball" trophy in Brawl was still called that in the PAL version, lol.

I'm also glad that the Mii headgear is known as "American Football Helmet" and not just "Football Helmet".


Why is the Drill trophy categorized as being from Smash Bros.? It's literally the Drill Arm from Kid Icarus: Uprising.
What do you have against Zero?

What did Zero ever do to you? Why you gotta be a hater?

Haha, sorry. Look, I actually really like Zero and think he and X make one of the most badass power duos of all time.

But as much as I like Zero, X is my favorite character of all time from pretty much anything ever, and X has been ignored and treated like shit by Capcom, Inafune, and Mega Man fans over the years, keeping the spotlight firmly on Zero - even in X's own series! I'm pretty sure X being relegated to a damn costume for Zero in MvC 3 was when us X fans hit rock-bottom. :p It's too bad, too, because X and Zero together make for a really interesting dynamic that's totally lost when you completely ignore one in favor of the other, even if you like Zero more.

Besides that, Mega Man is pretty much right behind X as one of my favorite characters, and even he - Capcom's friggin' mascot! - was ignored in favor of Zero for the whole MvC 3 debacle! So it's just been really refreshing as a fan to see Mega Man get the love and attention he deserves in an even bigger game than MvC 3 where Zero is nowhere to be found for once.

Stuff like Mega Man's Final Smash shows me that Sakurai really understands the series; he could have gone the easy, fanboy-pleasing route and had Zero as part of Mega Man's FS, but he chose to stick to series lore and have Mega Man be joined by only other versions of Mega Man. (And here comes Beelzebufo...) I have to admit, the fanboy in me squealed a little bit when even Shooting Star Mega Man (usually the most ignored one because so few people paid attention to Star Force) got a cameo in Mega Man's FS over Zero!

I realize a lot of the above doesn't mean jack shit to non-Mega Man fans, but you wanted an explanation, and there it is! I do like Zero, but I like X and Mega Man more and I'm probably going to keep being just a little bitter until X gets the fighting game chance us fans know he deserves. :p

EDIT: And because it might get brought up, yes, I know all about how Zero is Inafune's baby and how he had intended for Zero to be the new Mega Man, and had Kaji (a fellow Capcom designer) create X only to satisfy Capcom's desire for a familiar-looking lead character for their new Mega Man series. Doesn't change anything, but I thought I'd save the time for whoever might want to bring this up.

Problem with Simon is he isn't iconic...I mean in terms of design, there's really no "set" Simon Belmont qualities besides having a whip. His appearance changes all the time.

Even though Sonic and Pac-Man went through re-designs, they have very set, iconic elements---color, shape---that Simon lacks.

You nailed the exact reason why I don't think Simon is anywhere near as iconic as Mega Man and Sonic. Castlevania's Nintendo legacy is huge, almost as big as Mega Man's, but there's no one representative or design you can point to and go "that guy perfectly represents Castlevania," because as you said, Simon's design or even character has never really been established that strongly.

Personally I think Richter and Alucard are stronger series reps than Simon, but their legacy is more rooted in PlayStation than Nintendo. I guess they could always use Death or Dracula for a Castlevania rep... :p


Unconfirmed Member
Speaking of the drill, is that not the most overpowered item in the game? If someone gets a solid hit with it on you is there any way to escape it? I'm not sure I ever have, you can't air dodge out of it since it repeatedly puts you in hitstun, and you can't vector out of it because you don't have much time between all the hits before it gets you to the blastzone.

At least with the beetle you can mash out of it (if your percent is low enough and you aren't hit by it near the top of the screen). The drill, I just don't know.

Edit: I thought this was the 3DS topic for some reason.


Haha, sorry. Look, I actually really like Zero and think he and X make one of the most badass power duos of all time.

But as much as I like Zero, X is my favorite character of all time from pretty much anything ever, and X has been ignored and treated like shit by Capcom, Inafune, and Mega Man fans over the years, keeping the spotlight firmly on Zero - even in X's own series! I'm pretty sure X being relegated to a damn costume for Zero in MvC 3 was when us X fans hit rock-bottom. :p It's too bad, too, because X and Zero together make for a really interesting dynamic that's totally lost when you completely ignore one in favor of the other, even if you like Zero more.

Besides that, Mega Man is pretty much right behind X as one of my favorite characters, and even he - Capcom's friggin' mascot! - was ignored in favor of Zero for the whole MvC 3 debacle! So it's just been really refreshing as a fan to see Mega Man get the love and attention he deserves in an even bigger game than MvC 3 where Zero is nowhere to be found for once.

Stuff like Mega Man's Final Smash shows me that Sakurai really understands the series; he could have gone the easy, fanboy-pleasing route and had Zero as part of Mega Man's FS, but he chose to stick to series lore and have Mega Man be joined by only other versions of Mega Man. (And here comes Beelzebufo...) I have to admit, the fanboy in me squealed a little bit when even Shooting Star Mega Man (usually the most ignored one because so few people paid attention to Star Force) got a cameo in Mega Man's FS over Zero!

I realize a lot of the above doesn't mean jack shit to non-Mega Man fans, but you wanted an explanation, and there it is! I do like Zero, but I like X and Mega Man more and I'm probably going to keep being just a little bitter until X gets the fighting game chance us fans know he deserves. :p
yeah but zero has a sword
Speaking of the drill, is that not the most overpowered item in the game? If someone gets a solid hit with it on you is there any way to escape it? I'm not sure I ever have, you can't air dodge out of it since it repeatedly puts you in hitstun, and you can't vector out of it because you don't have much time between all the hits before it gets you to the blastzone.

At least with the beetle you can mash out of it (if your percent is low enough and you aren't hit by it near the top of the screen). The drill, I just don't know.

Nah, that's the Gust Bellows.

It's just so easy. That and the S-Flag are the only items I've ever turned off.


Unconfirmed Member
Nah, that's the Gust Bellows.

It's just so easy. That and the S-Flag are the only items I've ever turned off.

Right, Gust Bellows. That wouldn't be bad if there was actually some pushback on the person using it. You can shield the wind, but that's not really enough to keep it from being ridiculously overpowered.
Didn't notice this until now, but when Samus does her dodge roll and turns into the Morph Ball it makes the Morph Ball sound effect from the original Metroid. I love all of the new sound references in the characters' movesets. The proper PK Starstorm sound at the beginning of Ness's Final Smash. Mario's fireballs having the original impact sound effect, as well as his cape making the SMW cape sound when it strikes an enemy. The Kid Icarus Uprising dodge sound used when Pit and Dark Pit dodge or roll. Kirby's inhaling sound effect coming from the original Kirby's Dreamland... And now Samus with the original Morph Ball transforming sound effect. I love stuff like this.

Why is the Drill trophy categorized as being from Smash Bros.? It's literally the Drill Arm from Kid Icarus: Uprising.
That caught me off guard too. Maybe they're trying to hide how like half the new items are from Kid Icarus? It is just straight up the Drill Arm though.
Didn't notice this until now, but when Samus does her dodge roll and turns into the Morph Ball it makes the Morph Ball sound effect from the original Metroid. I love all of the new sound references in the characters' movesets. The proper PK Starstorm sound at the beginning of Ness's Final Smash. Mario's fireballs having the original impact sound effect, as well as his cape making the SMW cape sound when it strikes an enemy. The Kid Icarus Uprising dodge sound used when Pit and Dark Pit dodge or roll. Kirby's inhaling sound effect coming from the original Kirby's Dreamland... And now Samus with the original Morph Ball transforming sound effect. I love stuff like this.
The entire Megaman sound set is incredible.
Didn't notice this until now, but when Samus does her dodge roll and turns into the Morph Ball it makes the Morph Ball sound effect from the original Metroid. I love all of the new sound references in the characters' movesets. The proper PK Starstorm sound at the beginning of Ness's Final Smash. Mario's fireballs having the original impact sound effect, as well as his cape making the SMW cape sound when it strikes an enemy. The Kid Icarus Uprising dodge sound used when Pit and Dark Pit dodge or roll. Kirby's inhaling sound effect coming from the original Kirby's Dreamland... And now Samus with the original Morph Ball transforming sound effect. I love stuff like this.

Totally agree - the sound design in this game is incredible even compared to previous Smash games.

There's also Mario's cape sound effect from Super Mario World, and the sound effects for pretty much anything and everything Mega Man does.

Which makes it all the more frustrating and bewildering that they dropped the ball on using the original Duck Hunt dog's laughing sound effect in favor of that boring, somewhat creepy "ch-ch-ch-ch" sound. The original laugh would have been perfect in this game.
yet DK and Bowser are still stuck with their horrible monster noises :(

reused voice samples for a lot of the cast are also kinda a bummer but I didn't have a problem with those in the first place so w/e


Didn't notice this until now, but when Samus does her dodge roll and turns into the Morph Ball it makes the Morph Ball sound effect from the original Metroid. I love all of the new sound references in the characters' movesets. The proper PK Starstorm sound at the beginning of Ness's Final Smash. Mario's fireballs having the original impact sound effect, as well as his cape making the SMW cape sound when it strikes an enemy. The Kid Icarus Uprising dodge sound used when Pit and Dark Pit dodge or roll. Kirby's inhaling sound effect coming from the original Kirby's Dreamland... And now Samus with the original Morph Ball transforming sound effect. I love stuff like this.

All the little touches are great, in aggregate they almost make up for Fox's new voice. Though in regards to the morph ball, I still think it's ridiculous that we're 4 games in and it still can't be used as a crawl.

Haha. Sadly, that's really what it boils down to for a lot of people. :p I've seen a lot of non-fans call Zero "Mega Man with a sword." It's rather frustrating!

And hey, Mega Man has a sword too in his forward air! Is Zero's sword on fire? I don't think so!

Well, Magma Blade does technically use the Z-Saber...
my favorite sound effect in this game is when you knock fox into the sky and you hear his death cry.

I fucking die every time.

Which makes it all the more frustrating and bewildering that they dropped the ball on using the original Duck Hunt dog's laughing sound effect in favor of that boring, somewhat creepy "ch-ch-ch-ch" sound. The original laugh would have been perfect in this game.

Glad to see I'm not the only one bothered with this. That's what defines Duck Hunt Dog!


Didn't notice this until now, but when Samus does her dodge roll and turns into the Morph Ball it makes the Morph Ball sound effect from the original Metroid. I love all of the new sound references in the characters' movesets. The proper PK Starstorm sound at the beginning of Ness's Final Smash. Mario's fireballs having the original impact sound effect, as well as his cape making the SMW cape sound when it strikes an enemy. The Kid Icarus Uprising dodge sound used when Pit and Dark Pit dodge or roll. Kirby's inhaling sound effect coming from the original Kirby's Dreamland... And now Samus with the original Morph Ball transforming sound effect. I love stuff like this.

That caught me off guard too. Maybe they're trying to hide how like half the new items are from Kid Icarus? It is just straight up the Drill Arm though.

And yet bowser's sounds come from no mario game.


Didn't notice this until now, but when Samus does her dodge roll and turns into the Morph Ball it makes the Morph Ball sound effect from the original Metroid. I love all of the new sound references in the characters' movesets. The proper PK Starstorm sound at the beginning of Ness's Final Smash. Mario's fireballs having the original impact sound effect, as well as his cape making the SMW cape sound when it strikes an enemy. The Kid Icarus Uprising dodge sound used when Pit and Dark Pit dodge or roll. Kirby's inhaling sound effect coming from the original Kirby's Dreamland... And now Samus with the original Morph Ball transforming sound effect. I love stuff like this.

And yet, someone OK'd the Donkey Kong, Diddy Kong, Dedede, and Bowser sound sets. What tragedies.

I'm also with the guy that was asking why Little Mac sounds like a samurai. Doesn't fit at ALL. The male Wii Fit Trainer, too. He has samples from Wii Fit, but his grunts and his "deep breathing" move sound like a samurai. I know the game is from Japan, but this was NOA lackluster localization if you ask me. Even his sound clips (and the female's) sound lower quality than the original Japanese sounds they have mixed in.


Unconfirmed Member
yet DK and Bowser are still stuck with their horrible monster noises :(

reused voice samples for a lot of the cast are also kinda a bummer but I didn't have a problem with those in the first place so w/e

Yeah, I mentioned it before but I was kind of disappointed we didn't get new Falcon samples. Then I heard Fox and changed my mind, Falcon sounds awesome already.

Also agree on Bowser and DK. Wish they would get proper voices.
I said this earlier but there were no replies for it.

Little Mac having a generic anime samurai shout is upsetting..


They really should have localized him for the western release. I bought Punchout for Wii U while in Japan, and everything was in English. No Japanese voice like there is in this game.


Though in regards to the morph ball, I still think it's ridiculous that we're 4 games in and it still can't be used as a crawl.
Crawls are extensions of the crouching animations, and I think the Morph Ball crawl in Project M is jarring. Making it a dodge is the right call.


my favorite sound effect in this game is when you knock fox into the sky and you hear his death cry.

I fucking die every time.

It's hilarious, but Luigi's 'ouch' and Ness' 'no' outdo it as far as damage / death cries go.

And yet, someone OK'd the Donkey Kong, Diddy Kong, Dedede, and Bowser sound sets. What tragedies.

While the Kongs and Bowser currently retain their voicesets only by way of tradition, and could hypothetically change like Bowser's posture in a future game, I don't think Sakurai would stop voicing Dedede by choice.
Yeah, I mentioned it before but I was kind of disappointed we didn't get new Falcon samples. Then I heard Fox and changed my mind, Falcon sounds awesome already.

Also agree on Bowser and DK. Wish they would get proper voices.

I can understand that it might be a hassle to get a hold on Ryo Horikawa for new Falcon voice samples but for, say, the Mario cast, who they must have in the booth pretty frequently, it seems silly that they couldn't get new recordings.

Though, I mean, on the other hand it's a rather minor complaint that 99% of consumers don't care about, but combined with stuff like Brawl victory themes, it makes the game feel a bit less... fresh, in a way.

also I love nerd Fox

oh, also, while 4kids Dedede and Meta Knight voices are the dream, I'm pretty cool with their current ones, even if Dedede lost his best clip along with his old FS


I can understand that it might be a hassle to get a hold on Ryo Horikawa for new Falcon voice samples but for, say, the Mario cast, who they must have in the booth pretty frequently, it seems silly that they couldn't get new recordings.

Speaking of Ryo Horikawa, did Dunban get any new voice samples for Shulk's final smash in the Japanese version?


While the Kongs and Bowser currently retain their voicesets only by way of tradition, and could hypothetically change like Bowser's posture in a future game, I don't think Sakurai would stop voicing Dedede by choice.

But does he realize it sounds horrible? Someone should tell him
Dedede's brawl voice was perfect. On this game he has some weird filter or something on his voice that makes him sound like some kind of monster, while it Brawl his voice sounded more natural, like a large ruler should should.

And his hit sounds are pathetic this time around. No weight to any of the hammer hits, they sound like slaps

Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
Pikachu definitely sounds like he has new voice samples, and it's really cute too. Especially like the sound he makes when he does the Down Taunt.

Kirby does as well, but I guess it's because they needed his VA to do the new Copy Powers, so they went ahead and did new voice samples.

They're the only ones who got new voice samples who didn't get a new voice-actor, as far as I can tell, at least in the English version.
Pikachu definitely sounds like he has new voice samples, and it's really cute too. Especially like the sound he makes when he does the Down Taunt.

Kirby does as well, but I guess it's because they needed his VA to do the new Copy Powers, so they went ahead and did new voice samples.

They're the only ones who got new voice samples who didn't get a new voice-actor, as far as I can tell, at least in the English version.
Ness was entirely re recorded and dedede had his pitch lowered or a filter or something stuck on him.
Pikachu is the same, I think, but Lucario and Charizard were rerecorded.

I prefer Brawl Lucario personally, but Mr. Schemmel makes for an alright replacement.

Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
Pikachu is the same, I think, but Lucario and Charizard were rerecorded.

I prefer Brawl Lucario personally, but Mr. Schemmel makes for an alright replacement.

Well technically Schemmel was the original Lucario in the show.

And Charizard I don't think had his anime voice in Brawl either.


Pikachu definitely sounds like he has new voice samples, and it's really cute too. Especially like the sound he makes when he does the Down Taunt.

Kirby does as well, but I guess it's because they needed his VA to do the new Copy Powers, so they went ahead and did new voice samples.

They're the only ones who got new voice samples who didn't get a new voice-actor, as far as I can tell, at least in the English version.

I thought Pikachu sounded the same? I'll have to double check.

But despite the reused ones, I'm fine with most voices. Little Mac and male Wii Fit Trainer are bad, and the monster noises for Bowser, DK, Diddy, and yes, Deded, are bad, the rest are fine.

But man, Bowser has become so characterized that I can't believe they didn't use his (really good) Galaxy/post-Galaxy voice/voice samples. And DK's voice is so bad I never even use him mainly because of it (that terribad side B noise!!! Nightmarish!!). At least Diddy's is cute, even if it's the only game he's in where he gets generic chimp noises.

You know, I don't think DK is characterized well in Smash. I hate playing as him. I hate the way he looks. I hate the way he sounds.

But I love DK in the DKCR and DKCTF. He's so lovable in those. Wtf????


Glad to see I'm not the only one bothered with this. That's what defines Duck Hunt Dog!

Same boat, here. Again, I'm hoping there's a patch that puts it in. I know he's not 8-Bit anymore, so maybe they wanted him to sound more realistic, but even when he's 8-Bit during his FS, it still sounds like paper flipping or something, not The Laugh.

Where did they find a Mallow trophy, by the way?
Anything 4Kids does is usually garbage, but I always did like Dedede's voice and would prefer it in Smash as well.

I'd especially prefer it to whatever the hell is going on with his voice in this game. His Brawl voice wasn't terrible, but here he sounds like a fucking hell demon.

Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
Same boat, here. Again, I'm hoping there's a patch that puts it in. I know he's not 8-Bit anymore, so maybe they wanted him to sound more realistic, but even when he's 8-Bit during his FS, it still sounds like paper flipping or something, not The Laugh.

Where did they find a Mallow trophy, by the way?

Mallo, as in the Pushmo character.


You know, I don't think DK is characterized well in Smash. I hate playing as him. I hate the way he looks. I hate the way he sounds.

But I love DK in the DKCR and DKCTF. He's so lovable in those. Wtf????

I could say the same for Samus.

Like Bowser, they're really divergent interpretations by this point - the Smash versions of the characters are still very much based on the SNES DKC games and Super Mario 64, and we're only now seeing a slight move towards reflecting more recent incarnations of the characters through things like Bowser's posture and palette. I hope the next game takes on more of the Returns characterisation - as you said, it's a much more endearing take on the character, as well as a much better design overall.
Anything 4Kids does is usually garbage, but I always did like Dedede's voice and would prefer it in Smash as well.

I'd especially prefer it to whatever the hell is going on with his voice in this game. His Brawl voice wasn't terrible, but here he sounds like a fucking hell demon.

Texan Dedede's tolerable, but I couldn't stand Spanish Meta Knight even as a kid and I do not want it touching Smash/Kirby. Ick.

I can deal with Sakurai Dedede just fine, though I do have to wonder what was the process in making the voice, haha.
Haha, sorry. Look, I actually really like Zero and think he and X make one of the most badass power duos of all time.

But as much as I like Zero, X is my favorite character of all time from pretty much anything ever, and X has been ignored and treated like shit by Capcom, Inafune, and Mega Man fans over the years, keeping the spotlight firmly on Zero - even in X's own series! I'm pretty sure X being relegated to a damn costume for Zero in MvC 3 was when us X fans hit rock-bottom. :p It's too bad, too, because X and Zero together make for a really interesting dynamic that's totally lost when you completely ignore one in favor of the other, even if you like Zero more.
I understand where you're coming from. I grew up with the X series, with the original MMX being the very first Mega Man game I ever played. Zero was and still is my favorite character, and I appreciated that Zero got to shine, but I agree. It was X's series and the story should have been focused on him. The way it turned out, X was just kind of there for the majority of it.

And yeah, the costume rubbed me the wrong way too. One of the most highly requested characters, with two opportunities to make it happen, and instead they're like, "What's that? You all want X? Well here you go! He's a skin for Zero. That'll be 4 bucks." What a gyp.
Apparently from the latest Famitsu: the reason Ganon stays the way he is, is because during Melees development, Sakurai's father died, and so he designed Ganondorf as if it was his father in Smash. Slow, having a hard time walking, but something to fear. Because of this, he's really close to the character and he probably won't change him

Basically Ganondorf is Sakurai's father in Smash Bros and he's very attached to the character

Not sure if it's even true?


Apparently from the latest Famitsu: the reason Ganon stays the way he is, is because during Melees development, Sakurai's father died, and so he designed Ganondorf as if it was his father in Smash. Slow, having a hard time walking, but something to fear. Because of this, he's really close to the character and he probably won't change him

Basically Ganondorf is Sakurai's father in Smash Bros and he's very attached to the character

Ganondorf is Sakurai's father? No wonder he's the most fun character to play as in the entire series.
EDIT: Wait, there's no source outside of 4chan? I ain't trusting it until MaskedMan can confirm then lol.

Azure J

Apparently from the latest Famitsu: the reason Ganon stays the way he is, is because during Melees development, Sakurai's father died, and so he designed Ganondorf as if it was his father in Smash. Slow, having a hard time walking, but something to fear. Because of this, he's really close to the character and he probably won't change him

Basically Ganondorf is Sakurai's father in Smash Bros and he's very attached to the character

Not sure if it's even true?

I don't even know what to think of this. :(
Apparently from the latest Famitsu: the reason Ganon stays the way he is, is because during Melees development, Sakurai's father died, and so he designed Ganondorf as if it was his father in Smash. Slow, having a hard time walking, but something to fear. Because of this, he's really close to the character and he probably won't change him

Basically Ganondorf is Sakurai's father in Smash Bros and he's very attached to the character

Not sure if it's even true?

The only source so far is 4chan which, uh, isn't very credible.
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