Pic of the day. Now here's a challenge Find Stalfos!! (Difficulty Level 3) This is a close-up of a specific area in the Trophy Hoard, but the search will be more challenging if you zoom out. You can change the alignment of these trophies by holding down a direction on the +Control Pad while you're entering Trophy Hoard.
The closer we get to the Wii U version's release without Sakurai revealing more stages or its exclusive modes, the more interesting this gets.
Use equipment.So, Sakurai, I think some help understanding Smash Run...
Use equipment.
All on Speed if you want to loot chests. All on attack if you want to wreck fools.
Spinning Blades LV4 rule. Good luck
Yeah, Sakurai created the same roster for both games (which I'm glad for since 3DS version is best version for me) so I think we'll do the same for stages. Calling 34 WiiU stages.Well, that's a... different PotD. Outdoing yesterday's was going to be an almost-impossible task, anyway.
The closer we get to the Wii U version's release without Sakurai revealing more stages or its exclusive modes, the more interesting this gets.
You know what I don't like?
I don't like that Little Mac sounds like a screaming Anime Samurai.
No. Get Takamaru in here and have him scream in Japanese. That's cool.
But Little Mac is an American hero. That's like Schwarzenegger with Japanese battle cries. No. Get some localization in here pronto!
But do fighters really explore on an expansive battlefield?
Yeah, Sakurai created the same roster for both games (which I'm glad for since 3DS version is best version for me) so I think we'll do the same for stages. Calling 34 WiiU stages.
I mean, while 3DS version is my main, I'd still hope to be proven wrong obviously since if theres not more stages in WiiU, well thats less stages to play period. But developing both games at the same time has probably caused stage setbacks for both versions. But still, as long as it doesn't share retro stages and theres no more shared stages to reveal, which I think is the case thats around 65 (? Don't feel like counting) stages total with around 45ish new ones between both versions which imo is pretty fantastic. You really can't think of the stage rosters as too seperate even if you play one version much more/only get one version. I think they just kinda go together.
I do hope next time Nintendo does create a sorta hybrid that way both versions can get the same stages too and no matter which version you pick, you'll get everything. But it is too soon to start speculating for a next gen smash lol.
I just really hope they port a couple 64/non Brawl Melee stages for WiiU/future Smash. I never even really Even got to play Flatzone 1 and probably ther stages that I've never even seen all because I didn't really really get inti it until Brawl. O_O Its sad to see those may be lost forever.
I was kinda thinking tha oo, but as soon as he started revealing WiiU stages at one a week he stopped again so still not too sure yet. I think it'll be close to 3DS's, less than 40, but hope to be proven wrong! Irhink at the moment we are around the 3DS's starting roster number right? Give or take two maybe? But maybe its just that its easier to port stages to WiiU and there will just be more retro stages. We also got two AC stages...hopefully there is quite a few more to go! Even if a rep doesn't get in, I still want a Rhythm Heaven Stage! And Duck Hunt stage please!Considering Fire Emblem and Kirby both have 2 stages on Wii U as opposed to 1 on 3DS, I'm guessing the Wii U version will have a few more stages.
I think the word you're looking for is unsettling.
Not really. It just means he's choosing to keep whatever is exclusive to the Wii U version secret for longer than we were expecting.
I'm not worried at all that there's no exclusive Wii U mode or something. That's impossible.
Maybe. I'm not worried about exclusive modes so much as stages and options
I just hope that's all it is. The 3DS version damaged my confidence as far as content density goes, and the silence keeps gnawing on my doubts.
I was kinda thinking tha oo, but as soon as he started revealing WiiU stages at one a week he stopped again so still not too sure yet. I think it'll be close to 3DS's, less than 40, but hope to be proven wrong! Irhink at the moment we are around the 3DS's starting roster number right? Give or take two maybe? But maybe its just that its easier to port stages to WiiU and there will just be more retro stages. We also got two AC stages...hopefully there is quite a few more to go! Even if a rep doesn't get in, I still want a Rhythm Heaven Stage! And Duck Hunt stage please!
Didn't Sakurai say that he was gonna talk less about Smash 4 compared to all the info he let out in the Dojo? Because maaan, he's taking that to heart with the Wii U version!
There has to be an item frequency setting in the Wii U version, though. There has to be.
I had a feeling something like this was back, but I tried everything but the D-pad. Typical.https://d3esbfg30x759i.cloudfront.net/ss/zlCfzSi0-JEd4tMNSX
Pic of the day. Now here's a challenge… Find Stalfos!! (Difficulty Level 3) This is a close-up of a specific area in the Trophy Hoard, but the search will be more challenging if you zoom out. You can change the alignment of these trophies by holding down a direction on the +Control Pad while you're entering Trophy Hoard.
To be fair, Brawl's content only had to cover from May 2007-January 2008 (plus two months post-release), while Smash 4 Wii U had to cover from June 2013-November 2014 (plus presumably some of December post-release).
Nice break down. Too soon to really really tell yet, we only have around 40 days left and Sakurai keeps posting alot of 3DS pics. The more stages for Kirby, FE, and AC looks promising but I'm not sure either way, if theres gonna be any difference in the end.We're at 25 Wii U Stages right now, versus 34 on the 3DS version.
Some other tidbits:
-Series with character reps not repped on the Wii U version that are repped on the 3DS: F-Zero, Yoshi, Game & Watch, Donkey Kong
-Series with less stages on the Wii U version (not counting the above): Mario (3), Zelda (1), Pokemon (1)
-Series with more stages on the Wii U version: Kirby, Fire Emblem, Animal Crossing
-Series with character reps not repped on the 3DS version that are repped on the 3DS: Wii Fit
-There's 7 unlockable 3DS stages (although 3 were officially shown off pre-release). So, if there's version parity in number and secret stages, expect to see only 2 more Wii U stages pre-release (or 5 more if 3 are shown off despite being secret again).
Pic of the day. Now here's a challenge Find Stalfos!! (Difficulty Level 3) This is a close-up of a specific area in the Trophy Hoard, but the search will be more challenging if you zoom out. You can change the alignment of these trophies by holding down a direction on the +Control Pad while you're entering Trophy Hoard.
...who's stalfos
there's an off-chance that I've seen the character but never knew the name
Skeleton enemy with a sword in The Legend of Zelda.
That's wolfos. Lern2zeldaI always, no exception, think of the wolf enemies when hearing that name
༼ ºل͟º ༽ teach him how to zeldo ༼ ºل͟º ༽That's wolfos. Lern2zelda
༼ ºل͟º ༽ teach him how to zeldo ༼ ºل͟º ༽
I think that Ganondorf story is fake. There's no source for it - just an anonymous post.
Speaking of Sakurai and Ganondorf, why do so many people think Ganondorf is Sakurai's main?
Sakurai played Ganondorf in this vid. Not too clear on if he actually says he "mains" Ganondorf or if he even mains anyone, or if he even plays Smash for fun after spending years developing it.
This explains why Lucas was cut. No one messes with Sakurai. I also cracked up at HE IS ENTERTAINER!Sakurai played Ganondorf in this vid. Not too clear on if he actually says he "mains" Ganondorf or if he even mains anyone, or if he even plays Smash for fun after spending years developing it.
To clarify, at no point in this video does Sakurai mention anything about maining Ganondorf--or anyone, for that matter. (Not saying that's what you insinuated, just clarifying since that seems to be a piece of false information people keep trying to spread.)
What's the point in showing off these minor 3DS features. Everyone who watches the POTD either owns the game or has no interest in the 3DS game.
From a marketing stand point it doesn't really make sense to me. Even random pictures of Wii U fighters that didn't contain any news at all would be better.
Sakurai can do as he pleases with PotD. He doesn't have to keep making daily screenshots y'know?Why are we still getting 3DS pictures -_-
The game has been out worldwide for nearly 2 weeks on the 3DS, there's literally nothing new he could show about the 3DS version that isn't already available on the net.
Show us some WiiU stages/modes/anything (I'd take WiiU menu pics at this point), i'm tired of seeing 3DS POTD when i can damm well just play the 3DS version already and have been for awhile now.
I don't think most are expecting he said it. Rather, since he plays Ganondorf in the only video we had of him playing at the time, it was assumed. But thanks for the clarification, that's interesting to know. Did he say anything at all in the video that was interesting, or just basic reactions to the match?To clarify, at no point in this video does Sakurai mention anything about maining Ganondorf--or anyone, for that matter. (Not saying that's what you insinuated, just clarifying since that seems to be a piece of false information people keep trying to spread.)
NintendoLife Sakurai interview said:You've spent a lot of time with this game - do you have a favourite character you always use, and can you explain why that is the case?
There’s no single character I use more than the others, I have to use them all equally.
To clarify, at no point in this video does Sakurai mention anything about maining Ganondorf--or anyone, for that matter. (Not saying that's what you insinuated, just clarifying since that seems to be a piece of false information people keep trying to spread.)