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Super Smash Bros. for Wii U POTD Thread 17: Smash 3DS Discussion @ OT PLS

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Sakurai can do as he pleases with PotD. He doesn't have to keep making daily screenshots y'know?

Because asking why 2 weeks (4 weeks if we include Japan) after the release of the 3DS version we are still getting screens of essentially menus in the 3DS version is wrong right?

What exactly is the point of 3DS menu pics let alone 3DS pics now when the game is out and has been shown inside and out on the internet already for the last few weeks. The lead up being 3DS focused is understandable since that was the version releasing first but its release has come and gone. Heck i'd take WiiU menu pics at this point if it means actually seeing more of the WiiU version and maybe even learning more about it.



Pic of the day. Now here's a challenge… Find Stalfos!! (Difficulty Level 3) This is a close-up of a specific area in the Trophy Hoard, but the search will be more challenging if you zoom out. You can change the alignment of these trophies by holding down a direction on the +Control Pad while you're entering Trophy Hoard.

Its next to the octorok...I think. My eyes hurt now.


What made it worse is that people actually believe that fake article about Sakurai's father and Ganondorf. Good luck to people who are going to be there for next generation smash speculations because they are going to deal with it.

That was fake? I should have known since that was from 4chan and nowhere else.



Pic of the day. Now here's a challenge… Find Stalfos!! (Difficulty Level 3) This is a close-up of a specific area in the Trophy Hoard, but the search will be more challenging if you zoom out. You can change the alignment of these trophies by holding down a direction on the +Control Pad while you're entering Trophy Hoard.

Come on Samurai, i need more of the Wii U version...
Apparently from the latest Famitsu: the reason Ganon stays the way he is, is because during Melees development, Sakurai's father died, and so he designed Ganondorf as if it was his father in Smash. Slow, having a hard time walking, but something to fear. Because of this, he's really close to the character and he probably won't change him

Basically Ganondorf is Sakurai's father in Smash Bros and he's very attached to the character

Not sure if it's even true?

I would totes re-main Ganon if this were true.

I hear that Mewtwo in Smash Bros was actually based on Sakurai's cat, but after later realizing he didn't want to put his cat in such violent situations, Mewtwo was removed and Sakurai never plans on adding him back in.

Tough luck, Mewtwo fans!

Didn't you hear? Zero Suit Samus is based on his wife, because he wishes she had... Er nevermind.

That's wolfos. Lern2zelda

I started adding "lfos" onto the end of any Zelda enemy I didn't know the name of. I called the Wizzrobes "Wizalfos" for a while.

One for each color, for whatever reason.

I see two red ones. Big on middle left, and small one far right.


I gotta say, even on days when we get pretty boring pics, I much prefer the structure of POTD + Newcomer trailers than the Dojo. I'll always be able to rewatch the trailers because they're so awesome, and the POTD is a nice little side piece that doesn't usually give away every single piece of information about the game like the Dojo did.

Masked Man

I said wow
It's pretty obvious that "Sakurai mains Ganondorf!" is based on circumstantial evidence that people exaggerated about just because. I do think that if the translation on the Famitsu article is accurate, it would warrant a thread because many wonder why Ganondorf has been like he is for the past three games.

Yeah, the scary thing is that all that speculation gets spread around and then taken as "obvious fact." :/ My guess is that such an article doesn't exist in the first place.

I don't think most are expecting he said it. Rather, since he plays Ganondorf in the only video we had of him playing at the time, it was assumed. But thanks for the clarification, that's interesting to know. Did he say anything at all in the video that was interesting, or just basic reactions to the match?

But in a recent interview, he gets asked about his favorite characters, and makes a point to say that he plays everyone. Sounds like he's worried about what people might infer if he actually names his favorite character(s). :(

Nah, he was just basically reacting to the match and paying (empty) compliments to the girl playing with him.

Also, interesting that he gave such a diplomatic answer to what ought be a really simple question. Then again, I'm sure he spends so much time with the game and the characters that he probably feels a certain level of attachment (or loathing lol) toward all of them.

What made it worse is that people actually believe that fake article about Sakurai's father and Ganondorf. Good luck to people who are going to be there for next generation smash speculations because they are going to deal with it.

Yeah, seeing people spreading misinformation like this frustrates me for a number of reasons, one of which being the fact that people will continue to believe and discuss this garbage for years to come: "Hey, what about that article...?"
You can never have too many Shyguy Trophies, they should take up the majority of the Yoshi series trophies with variations and gimmicks alone.
That being if Yoshi ever actually got much in the way of trophies.
You can never have too many Shyguy Trophies, they should take up the majority of the Yoshi series trophies with variations and gimmicks alone.
That being if Yoshi ever actually got much in the way of trophies.
The thing is that all of them except for one (so far in my game) are in the Mario section. I mean what the fuck, Yoshi and Shyguys appear in Mario games but they are from games completely different. Pisses me off so much.

Nintendo treating Yoshi as a Mario character is just wrong. His games are completely different. Why you do this Sakurai? This is your biggest offence as a fan of the Yoshi games.


Nintendo treating Yoshi as a Mario character is just wrong. His games are completely different. Why you do this Sakurai? This is your biggest offence as a fan of the Yoshi games.
Yes, preach brother/sister!

Yoshis placement on the roster is the biggest offense this game has committed to me (provided the Wii u gets a good deal of good single player content and such). He was fine where he was!
Nintendo treating Yoshi as a Mario character is just wrong. His games are completely different. Why you do this Sakurai? This is your biggest offence as a fan of the Yoshi games.
Yoshi is a Mario character in a way that Donkey Kong and Wario aren't. He still makes regular appearances in mainline Mario games. Yoshi games, for the most part, don't have their own set of enemies, using established Mario ones (and Bowser remains the main villain). The original Yoshi's Island, while it did give birth to the Yoshi series as a whole, is still considered to be a mainline Mario game by the Mario creators and mainline Mario pulls mechanics from it and references it regularly. The Yoshi series isn't completely distinct from the Mario series like Donkey Kong Country and Wario Ware are.

Yoshi is his own thing, yes, that's why he gets his own symbol, but he's still very much a part of the main Mario series.
Yoshi is a Mario character in a way that Donkey Kong and Wario aren't. He still makes regular appearances in mainline Mario games. Yoshi games, for the most part, don't have their own set of enemies, using established Mario ones (and Bowser remains the main villain). The original Yoshi's Island, while it did give birth to the Yoshi series as a whole, is still considered to be a mainline Mario game by the Mario creators and mainline Mario pulls mechanics from it and references it regularly. The Yoshi series isn't completely distinct from the Mario series like Donkey Kong Country and Wario Ware are.

Yoshi is his own thing, yes, that's why he gets his own symbol, but he's still very much a part of the main Mario series.
No, his games are different, and enemies are different too, you hardly ever see Shy Guys in a mainline game and theres so many other enemies uniqe to Yoshi. Yoshi appears in Mario games, even mainline Mario games, but he is not a Mario character. I don't care what anyone says. Yoshi's Island 1/2/3, Yoshi's Story, Wooly World, etc are all Yoshi games. The Yoshi games are very distinct from Mario games. I can't believe anyone is even arguing over this lol. Its like calling Kid Icarus a Metroid game just because Metroids appear in them, its not, Kid Icarus and Metroid are completely different games.
If you watch that Ganondorf video, he plays really badly. I'm sure it was more of a tongue-in-cheek thing than anything hinting at his favorite character.
No, his games are different, and enemies are different too, you hardly ever see Shy Guys in a mainline game and theres so many other enemies uniqe to Yoshi. Yoshi appears in Mario games, even mainline Mario games, but he is not a Mario character. I don't care what anyone says. Yoshi's Island 1/2/3, Yoshi's Story, Wooly World, etc are all Yoshi games. The Yoshi games are very distinct from Mario games. I can't believe anyone is even arguing over this lol. Its like calling Kid Icarus a Metroid game just because Metroids appear in them, its not, Kid Icarus and Metroid are completely different games.
Well if you don't care what anyone says, then there's no further discussion to be had.
wtf, how many shy-guy trophies are there? o_O

One for each color, for whatever reason.

That is insane and lazy work. Did they came up with eight (?) unique trophy descriptions?

One for each of the types in Smash Run (Red, Blue, Green and Yellow), one for Mario Kart since they drive down Rainbow Road, and a Fly Guy from Yoshi's Island.
The 4 different colored Shy Guys also drop different stat boosts, and have their own trophy descriptions.

It's about as "lazy" as having green/red koopas or other enemies that have multiple variations.

Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
I honestly would not be upset if Sakurai put Yoshi back into the Mario series.

I still want to see a stage with Nep-enut, and a Pach.E.Derm AT though.
The latest issue of GameInformer arrived. Sakurai is doing a column in each issue for a few months, starting with this one. It's pretty cool to see.


Maturity, bitches.
Sooo....whats all this talk about agnes? Been out of the loop with the internet lately.

Some guy and his friend made a crappy fake pic and sent it to someone else on KnowYourMeme as a legit leak. It was pretty bad and full of mistakes but he kept on insisting it was real. Apparently the "leaker" was getting rather annoyed by all the negative feedback, but what really pushed them over the edge apparently was when a fake image I made was sent to them proving that anyone can make a fake image. Cue a massive meltdown.

The supposed real leak

My response

Body was obviously from this art:

Pretty sure the face was from this art

It was pretty easy to use the Liquify tool to change her expression and the angle she was looking at.
Why would you even make a fake over such an absurd character choice anyway...

Something something tears shed about Duck Hunt.

Sakurai once again confirms via GameInformer that Ice Climbers worked on Wii U, but no matter how hard they tried, they couldn't get Ice Climbers to work without using a ton of machine power, so they dropped them. It's a shame, but I've (mostly) gotten over it.


I'm still waiting for an announcement on Miiverse from Sakurai explaining that the Wii U version will have a few exclusive characters.

One of them would be Ice Climbers, of course.
From the Gamefreak interview thread. Thought I'd share.

GI: I’ve been playing a ton of Smash Bros. lately, as I’m sure everybody has. How involved are you are in the selection of the Pokémon who make it in the game? How did Greninja get into the game?

GF: Even since the very first Smash Bros., it’s been Mr. Sakurai coming to us with ideas saying, “If we put this Pokemon in this game – in Smash Bros. – we’d be able to show it off in a really cool way and do something really cool with it.” The origin comes from Mr. Sakurai. We typically go with what he wants to do because he’s really thinking of not just showing off the character in a cool way, but making sure it makes sense and works really well from a gameplay perspective. We leave it up to him.

Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
I swear there was an interview with Sakurai earlier in Smash 4's development, like around E3 2013, when he mentioned The Pokemon Company DID have a strong role in influencing his choices.

I mean, all the Pokemon (even Jigglypuff at a time) are big, main-character mascots. I really wonder if, say, Sakurai asked for Jynx, would they let him?
honestly, if the Pokemon company was really as tight with Pokemon as we originally assumed, I don't think Jigglypuff would still be around.

Also think about how loose they were with adding Pichu on short notice and making him a joke character.

A tight leash company (like Sega for example) wouldn't keep around an old mascot that's since been replaced or allowed one of their characters to be a last minute joke addition.

Jiggly really is the odd Pokemon out though. The others are all huge mascots used in marketing and all over the place. Jigglypuff hasn't been used in any capacity in like a decade. She's quickly adopting Captain Falcon and Ness's secret to longevity, in being more famous for Smash than their own series.
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