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Super Smash Bros. for Wii U POTD Thread 17: Smash 3DS Discussion @ OT PLS

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I thought they were going to reveal Ganondorf, ROB, AND Jigglypuff, it'd make sense since they're veterans, then Sakurai would finally reveal the 2 biggest surprises, Duck Hunt and Bowser Jr. or maybe they will be revealed in a trailer, alongside JIGGLYPUFF!
I thought they were going to reveal Ganondorf, ROB, AND Jigglypuff, it'd make sense since they're veterans, then Sakurai would finally reveal the 2 biggest surprises, Duck Hunt and Bowser Jr. or maybe they will be revealed in a trailer, alongside JIGGLYPUFF!

You make an interesting point in that...wasn't the latest trailer reveal from Sakurai "nearing the bottom of the bucket" of reveals?

Where's the bottom of the bucket?
I thought they were going to reveal Ganondorf, ROB, AND Jigglypuff, it'd make sense since they're veterans, then Sakurai would finally reveal the 2 biggest surprises, Duck Hunt and Bowser Jr. or maybe they will be revealed in a trailer, alongside JIGGLYPUFF!

Game and Watch is also left, leaving 2 more vets (Jiggly and Game and Watch) and 2 new comers.

So Jiggs and GW will probably be next, even though that breaks the vs mode unlock order slightly.


I thought they were going to reveal Ganondorf, ROB, AND Jigglypuff, it'd make sense since they're veterans, then Sakurai would finally reveal the 2 biggest surprises, Duck Hunt and Bowser Jr. or maybe they will be revealed in a trailer, alongside JIGGLYPUFF!
It seems they're being revealed in the order of their Smash match unlocks.

Ness - 10
Falco - 20
Wario - 30
Lucina - 40
Dark Pit - 50
Dr. Mario - 60
R.O.B. - 70
Ganondorf - 80
Mr. Game & Watch - 90
Bowser Jr. - 100
Duck Hunt - 110
Jigglypuff - 120

Dr. Buni

So much hype!! How many of you now believe the Smash World leak? This pic makes me a true believer, thank you Sakurai!!
If you mean that leak that list the final roster with 60+ characters, not only I don't believe, but I hope it is fake. I want a few extra characters, but that is a bit too much.

Plus, some of the characters they list are terrible
So much hype!! How many of you now believe the Smash World leak? This pic makes me a true believer, thank you Sakurai!!
Not really because the only thing we know for sure is there are announcer files for the Wii U version on the 3DS. We have zero clue how Smash World will actually work. My guess it that it will be its own mode. Master Orders and Crazy Orders are probably Boss Rushes.
You make an interesting point in that...wasn't the latest trailer reveal from Sakurai "nearing the bottom of the bucket" of reveals?

Where's the bottom of the bucket?
The Fire Emblem/Captain Falcon reveal was the one that was bearing the bottom of the barrel. We've had the Shulk trailer since then so it's possible that was the last one.


Ganondorf in Brawl


Ganondorf in SSB4

I'd forgotten how good the Brawl models were. The main improvement with 4 is definitely the lighting/shaders. They look amazing on the Wii U.


As in "Heathcliff"
I'm pretty sure that people here are familiar with 8 Player Smash and Yellow Team.

I really found it odd that they found the voice for 8 Players Smash, but NOT 5 to 7 Players Smash. I wonder if we are limited to 8 players only, or 4 players vs computers or 4 players and 4 amiibo.


So is there any basis at all to that "tower of smash" thing or was it just a /v/ text post? I keep see people talking about it but I don't remember there ever being any evidence at all.

When I saw the censorship the first thing came to my mind was "Master Porn" and "Crazy Porn"

Master Bation.
Sorry, I know that was awful.

Also the Wii U version of Ganon looks a lot more plasticy than the Brawl model. Hm.


He lost so much detail in his face.

Every other character got so much more personality... how did they manage to remove some from Ganondorf :x
The transition from beard to cheek looks a million times better/more natural in Brawl as well.

All of the detail in the skin is gone, the beard lost its shape completely, the eyes are dead, the lips disappeared entirely, and the hair looks like it's made of clumped plastic noodles. In comparison to Brawl, this is even worse than Wii U Link.
Brawl Dorf still the best looking Dorf in Smash. Too bad he sucks in Brawl, though SSB4 Dorf feels to be the strongest one. :p

They gave him an incredibly weak chin and his facial features are too large for his face. Makes him look almost child like, and actually a little sad.

That Brawl Ganondorf looks wicked.
They needed to not be afraid to use baked shadows. Part of Brawl's charm on his face are the striking contrast of his wrinkles which are baked into his texture. In Smash 4, they tried to emulate those wrinkles by normal mapping or modeling them, and you lose the contrast and the shadows. Even his hair in Brawl has almost like a gradient of color done entirely via the textured shadows.

He should have deep, dark wrinkles. They make him look old and powerful. Sunken in, yellowish eyes make him look inhuman and evil.

And the beard/hair to skin transition is just silly looking. Like pieces of yarn coming out of his skull.
If you mean that leak that list the final roster with 60+ characters, not only I don't believe, but I hope it is fake. I want a few extra characters, but that is a bit too much.

Plus, some of the characters they list are terrible
I have to agree with you about the character list. That's the only thing I'm very "eh" about.
Personally i still prefer the model based on OOT they used in Melee for Ganondorf. Its aged now, but the character looks way sleeker. The animations were also better in some aspects, the run he has in Brawl and 3DS looks so lame :/ (they reverted to the Melee anim for Project M i believe).



Personally i still prefer the model based on OOT they used in Melee for Ganondorf. Its aged now, but the character looks way sleeker. The animations were also better in some aspects, the run he has in Brawl and 3DS looks so lame :/ (they reverted to the Melee anim for Project M i believe).


Dat nose!!! It really make him look like a bad wizard...


Ganondorf in Brawl


Ganondorf in SSB4


I feel like BrawlDorf looks a million times better up close, but 4Dorf's features read better at a distance, since everyone is so animated in this game I like the change, you'll be able to read his expressions without pausing/zooming
I think this is a better attitude to have than "Fuck the 3DS version." Parity is what killed Ice Climbers.

Parity is more understandable. They didn't want the 3DS to be the "inferior version;" rather, they wanted it to be a smaller version of the Wii U game. More characters would cememt the 3DS version's status as the superior version out of the gate.


Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own
all the secret vets look so good in HD, the very first time ness is in HD, will be the only franchise aswell :(
SmashGAF actually praising Brawl's aesthetics? :O

Generally one of the last things I expected to see.
Though it makes sense that Ganondorf comes off looking better in the one that went for the more realistic look, stretching the use of realistic of course.
Still at least Wii U Dorf amuses me with his clay moulded face and plasticine hair, he's like an art project come to life, a golem if you will.


I don't really get why they need to censor the name of the modes. Like... what could that possibly spoil? Why does it matter that much?

Maybe it's Master Ridley and Crazy Ridley modes. That would explain the secrecy.

Though in the Japanese pick of the day it say's Master Side and Crazy Side. Completely uncensored. In that mined audio the announcer said "Master Order" and "Crazy Order" so that's probably what it is, what ever it is.

Has anyone noticed how much better DK's fur has been looking in the recent shots with ROB from the website? It's no tropical freeze but man have the graphics on him been improved since the debut.

Masked Man

I said wow
It says Tower of Smash. :O

Man, I really needed to buy other stuff next month, but Sakurai is gonna make me buy Smash WiiU isn't he? lol. Hope to learn more about this mode soon!
Now watch him not say a thing about it until after release. D:
Would be cool if it is a boss mode using various bosses from franchises, hopefully none reused from SSE tho.

Y'know, I just realized that they could make an easy pun out of "Tower of Smash" in Japanese: change the last character of "Smash" (大乱闘=dai-ran-tou) to the character for "tower" (塔=tou), and you get something that essentially means "Tower of Smash" and sounds the exact same: 大乱塔 (dai-ran-tou).

I guess I'm the only one who prefers the SSB4 closeup of 'dorf.

I prefer the SSB4 version, too! It's just colorful and cartoony enough to fit the aesthetic while still maintaining Ganondorf's evil villain charm.
Good catch. If The Great Cave Offensive didn't already kill that leak enough, the part about the Wii U version having all the characters unlocked from the get-go certainly does. Shame, but it's not surprising...

1.) Orbital Gate
2.) Great Cave Offensive
3.) This

3 strikes, he's out!
Noticed a bit of a trend here:

I was wondering if i was the only one who noticed this.
Doing the math, you can fit 52 (13 x 4) characters in the screen. The 3DS has space for 54 (9 x 6).
So that means you can fit 3 extra fighters in both screens and be fine. Pretty much ruins all leaks since they are predicting 4 or more IMO.

I have seen plenty of examples that could fit 4 to 5 more slots.

Plus they could always just resize it if necessary.
To be honest, I'm more surprised with Master Orders and Crazy Orders are in Solo section so it would make me even more curious to see what is main feature for Wii U.

Since we can see a long green banner in Smash U menu, which is more likely to be counterpoint to 3DS version's Smash Run.

Edited: I think it's possible that Master Orders and Crazy Orders might be related to Boss Battles.
Yeah, just realized its in Game & More so that means there is still one more WiiU mode that may or may not be Smash World. Atleast one of these, probably the orders, are single player so much for the 3DS being more sp focused. :/

I am quite excited to try a potential boss battle mode tho. Hope the other mode is a sp mode since I only play online and can't think of anything else they could do to make a big online mode,

Aywayz: Here is anither leak I have found on Smash Boards I thought I'd post for fun and glory. Its using the Japanese names so:

Hey Guys! I'm working on Smash Brothers on the Wii U and I have a huge leak to leak here!

Mewtwo, Impa, Wolf, Dr. Luigi, Isaac, and Splatoon is not getting in the game.
Smash World is an online mode where you choose an avatar of any character in Smash (no reply back in regards to whether mii are available) and choose between servers set in different countries. Upon entering the rooms, you'll be able to move around and ask people to fight. This can be done by either pressing the A button when being next to someone else, or by pressing X and scrolling through the list of players in the current room. I'm unsure of whether these control schemes change with different controllers, but it's how they are with the Wii U gamepad apparently.
Mark(?) is an assist trophy. Apparently has 2 genders. They cycle through different spells and sometimes will throw out a money bag looking item that heals whoever picks it up. Their hair color changes when certain conditions(?) are met when Reflet is present on the stage.
Slime is an assist trophy.
Sariya, Robin, and Blues will be character released for free in Christmas DLC pack.

So thats Morgan as AT and Tharja, Isaac, and Proto Man as characters if I got that right. I would like Tharja and Proto Man but likely another bad leak.


Please don't make us unlock a bunch of shit again with the Wii U version. I just want to play the full game with a Gamecube controller already.

Linking 3DS to Wii U should unlock all the characters.


Please don't make us unlock a bunch of shit again with the Wii U version. I just want to play the full game with a Gamecube controller already.

Linking 3DS to Wii U should unlock all the characters.

I actually hope it's the opposite. I like having a motivation to play through single player and unlocking characters is exciting. The 3DS was way too easy to unlock everyone. I kind of hope they make it a little bit harder.


There should really be a unlock mode for characters and custom moves. Characters I can do. But fuck random lottery nonsense for custom moves. Such a time waster to inflate play time on a game that will already see a lot of playtime.


So since this is likely the 'crazy orders' and 'master orders' and 'special orders' from the sound clip... and there's no sound clip for 'tower of smash'... do you think it means tower of smash isn't in at all... or does it possibly mean this 'special order's mode will be a downloadable mode on 3DS in the future?


I wouldn't mind unlocking the characters again, but I definitely don't want to unlock any custom moves. Pretty sure it's already confirmed those will transfer, thankfully.

Actually my ideal scenario would be the unlock conditions for all the characters which are already unlocked on the 3DS version can be transferred to the Wii U version, without actually unlocking the characters themselves. So in effect you just have to fight in the challenger battles to unlock the characters, not having to do anything else.
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