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Super Smash Bros. for Wii U POTD Thread 17: Smash 3DS Discussion @ OT PLS

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The only cut I can really see for the next Smash Bros is Robin in favor of a new magic avatar or hero(ine). And maybe even Mega Man because you know, Capcom problems.

Lucina will probably be a mainstay and get some modifications, Dr. Mario might go away again to hopefully make room for Paper Mario, Shulk and the Xenoblade Chronicles X character will be re-branded under a single logo like Fire Emblem, Ganondorf will have another new sword-based taunt, and Dark Pit will hopefully go back as a single alternate costume for Pit where he belongs.

And Falco will be cut leaving Fox as the sole rep for the "retro" franchise Star Fox. Wii U version on indefinite hold LMAO.
Reason why I went with 3DS intro first because most of us are currently playing with 3DS version so I'm going to start with it. :)


Lies, it's not 30 days, it's 44. :|


Unconfirmed Member
Not the biggest fan of Project M, but god damn that HD Hyrule Castle stage is *nice*. I'd really like to see a remake of that stage much like that in Smash Wii U.

Ocarina of Time Zelda and Ganondorf look terrible, though. It's not PM's fault; it's just amazing how far those character designs have come and how much better they've gotten since the Ocarina days. Especially Zelda.

I feel the complete opposite. Melee/OoT Ganondorf looks so much better than the ugly TP/Brawl version. Zelda doesn't even look that different to me though.


The only cut I can really see for the next Smash Bros is Robin in favor of a new magic avatar or hero(ine). And maybe even Mega Man because you know, Capcom problems.

It's difficult to say what will happen with the third party characters, but I don't think Robin being cut is all that likely. Even if the next FE game has a different avatar, I think it'd be more probable for them to be an alt of Robin, as with Alph, if they're included at all. In general, I can't really see legacy movesets being included; unless Sakurai actually leaves the series.

I feel the complete opposite. Melee/OoT Ganondorf looks so much better than the ugly TP/Brawl version. Zelda doesn't even look that different to me though.

It's not a problem with the design itself, but with the model. Project M's OoT Ganondorf is just an ugly rendition of the design.


Robin is the safest FE veteran not named Marth at this point. By far the most unique and distinctive play-style of the lot. Besides, there's a new generation of players who associate FE far more with him and Lucina, than Ike and Marth. That said, I doubt Lucina's returning for the next game. I imagine she'll be dummied out for whoever the Lord is for the next game. Who is hopefully a lady as well to bring the FE gender ratio up to snuff.


I don't see either Dark Pit or Lucina getting cut. You could have a well-trained intern throw them in an under a day as long as you had the art assets made.
Robin is the safest FE veteran not named Marth at this point. By far the most unique and distinctive play-style of the lot. Besides, there's a new generation of players who associate FE far more with him and Lucina, than Ike and Marth. That said, I doubt Lucina's returning for the next game. I imagine she'll be dummied out for whoever the Lord is for the next game. Who is hopefully a lady as well to bring the FE gender ratio up to snuff.

Robin to get dropped for Anna in the next game

I prefer Melee Ganondorf but vastly prefer Brawl/SSB4 Zelda. The difference is night and day.

I vastly prefer both OoT Gdawg and Zelda over their Twilight Princess' versions. I'm sad that they didn't even give us said costumes in Brawl/SSB4, but it'd be perfect for a DLC pack.

Masked Man

I said wow
Anyone see this comparison of Onett in Brawl and Smash 4?


I had not seen that, but I'm glad I did! I was initially pretty disappointed by the ostensibly few graphical updates made to Onett, but seeing this comparison makes it really apparent that the team genuinely put in a good amount of work to polish the stage. It would have been nice to see something truly remastered for HD, but I can live with this.

So a Nintendo-uploaded video of the Super Smash Club event in Toronto has a remix of the Pokemon D/P Wild Battle Theme I'm not familiar with. I'm guessing we'll see it in the Wii U version?

Oooh, nice find! And this has to be Koji Hayama's work, considering that he used similar samples in his work on Brawl.

Lucas' upsmash, downsmash, nair, dair and bair completely justified the character's inclusion imo.


Don't forget about his FTilt! #FreeLucas


I'm just so gutted that Lucas got the boot, man. Not to mention he took all Mother 3 related content with him. That cuts me deep. I can only hope he makes a return as DLC but I don't wanna get my hopes up for that :(

I feel your pain, brother. All we got was a King P Statue... ;____;


Remember during the smash direct when Sakurai said that you could play stock battles with friends and a bunch of people immediately assumed that you couldn't do stock matches in For Glory and reacted as such? Great times.

Pic of the day. Here's what's happening behind the scenes in one of the secret fighter's shooting moves. The object being held is called an NES Zapper. This is an accessory which was released for the NES outside of Japan. Now, this image is edited, but it's a scene from the secret fighter's reveal video.

Pic of the day. Here's what's happening behind the scenes in one of the secret fighter's shooting moves. The object being held is called an NES Zapper. This is an accessory which was released for the NES outside of Japan. Now, this image is edited, but it's a scene from the secret fighter's reveal video.

Ah awesome! Secret character reveal videos for secret characters confirmed!


As in "Heathcliff"

Pic of the day. Here's what's happening behind the scenes in one of the secret fighter's shooting moves. The object being held is called an NES Zapper. This is an accessory which was released for the NES outside of Japan. Now, this image is edited, but it's a scene from the secret fighter's reveal video.


Jay RaR

Not a menu, thank Arceus!

Is the DHD reveal trailer gonna be in the direct? I mean, he's not exclusive to the Wii U version after all...
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