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Super Smash Bros. for Wii U POTD Thread 17: Smash 3DS Discussion @ OT PLS

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Smash 64 stages confirmed.
Any and every Smash 64 stage would be a great addition to the lineup here.

I know it was a limited selection, but it was nice to actually enjoy playing on every stage in the game. Smash 64 has a better list of stages than Smash 3DS.


Unconfirmed Member
Oh gosh , they showed so much and yet there's more. It's wonderful!

I haven't preordered yet in hopes that there'd be a bundle announced or some special offer, but nope! So where and what would you say is the best option? I was thinking of just going with the game and controller option, but there's no where doing that plus more, is there?


GUYS, I really think Doc Louis is a secret character! I know, I know, that'd be odd, but explain this:


I mean, look at that! What hidden character is it referencing? Mac and WFT are unlockable from the beginning, and none of the secret characters would fit this Event.

I'm pretty sure the hidden character is Dr. Mario to go with the healthy theme.
So did Nintendo upload a copy of today's direct, wanted to rewatch some parts of it.


And like I said in the other thread, really wondering what Smash Tour is all about and why it seems to have the exact same Suit mechanic from Itadaki/Fortune/Boom Street.


The Pac-Man stage isn't there, so it's not the full list.

For all we know, that's just the starting list.


I just don't like how so many stages are completely ruined by Mario Party type gimmicks. Maybe some people like this sort of thing, but I don't. The dual planes of play on the DK stage, which otherwise looked great. Yellow Devil on Mega Man's stage. Ridley on Pyrosphere (which appears to be even more invasive and disruptive than the Yellow Devil). The mom on Gamer.

It seems almost every stage has some gimmick or boss that "ruins" it.


GUYS, I really think Doc Louis is a secret character! I know, I know, that'd be odd, but explain this:


I mean, look at that! What hidden character is it referencing? Mac and WFT are unlockable from the beginning, and none of the secret characters would fit this Event.

Would be cool.
Especially if he has the bike.
Needs another f zero stage

I'm sure duck hunt dog will have a nes retro stage

I had doc louis on a prediction lol, he was already in doc Louis punch out, let him cook


Guys we're getting a Woolly World stage.

I don't think you guys understand how happy I am right now between that and the Miiverse stage
GUYS, I really think Doc Louis is a secret character! I know, I know, that'd be odd, but explain this:


I mean, look at that! What hidden character is it referencing? Mac and WFT are unlockable from the beginning, and none of the secret characters would fit this Event.

It's just an event photo. I'm pretty sure they'll all feature funny little pictures and references to different franchises (like suggesting these fighters are training, which explains the presence of a coach), and since Doc is already modeled in the game, it's not unlikely that he's included in a one-off picture. You've got a small selection shown in the video, so there's not much to go off of anyway, and I doubt they'd let something like that slip by on accident.

and that's ignoring how Doc Louis over any other potential character would just be insane


I can't tell you how happy I am that Palutena and Viridi will talk shit about fighters in Palutena's temple.

It's all I ever wanted, really.
Bringing a shit stage like 75m back for Wii U is the equivalent of Distant Planet being brought back in 3DS.

So it evens off.

Distant Planet is a million times better than 75m.

In 75m, the fight is pretty much always taking place on just the platform on the very top-right, so 80% of the stage is wasted.

Distant Planet is far from one of the best stages in Smash history, but 75m is in the same shitpile as Icicle Mountain (Melee), Rumble Falls, and New Pork City.

Shame there wasn't a good DK stage to bring back from Brawl, but the new one looks fucking amazing.


I don't think Mewtwo will be the only spring 2015 character added. I bet they'll announce a few others (Dixie, Chorus Kids?) in future directs.

This direct was awesome.

Neo Dark

There are plenty of stages without them...

OT, but aren't ice climbers now the only melee character who won't be in? They've surely got to be DLC?

Just checked Melee's roster. Apparently Ice Climbers, Pichu, Roy, and Young Link are the only ones that were in melee but not in the new smash.
Something I don't see many people talking about: "Engage the Enemy" remix shown during the Wii U half of the soundtrack promo bit <3

Edit: Also apparently Metal Face was shown? Didn't see that yet. Guess I lost.
I really wish you'd agreed to my avatar bet. I'd wanted to see you wear this:



Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
Less than a month. :<

I wonder when someone will get their hands on the game because now I really wanna know the Stage List.


I doubt that's all of the levels. They didn't show any of the unlockable characters on the character select screen either. Those are probably just the ones you start off with. For one, there is no new F-Zero stage in that picture, and I doubt the Wii U wouldn't at least get the F-Zero stage from the 3DS version.

On one hand, that new DK stage is a great new idea that I'm really looking forward to trying. The the other hand, it's probably the only new DK stage in the game and it's still not a regular stage. I'm worried we will never get another Jungle Japes or K/Congo Jungle.

Pac-Land isn't on screen so we know it's not the full list.
Not sure if that's Wooly World the first thing, I thought of was the Paper Mario stage.


There is a Wooly World theme, so I guess it could be it I just don't recall a Windmill shown anywhere in it.


Not sure if that's Wooly World the first thing, I thought of was the Paper Mario stage.


There is a Wooly World theme, so I guess it could be it I just don't recall a Windmill in it.

I thought the same thing at first, but the clouds are different, and the sky looks like a fabric background.


Kongo jungle is going to look so out of date lol

Honestly, I don't even mind 75m since they brought my favorite level from 64 back

I doubt it'd be a direct port; seeing how much better Castle Siege and Temple look. Though I guess they might want to keep it deliberately outdated to go with the pre-rendered aesthetic.


Maturity, bitches.
75m is one of the 8 player stages so that's likely why it was brought back. Could be fun with that many players.

Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
Damn, that Wrecking Crew Stage! That's always how I imagined a Dream Donkey Kong Arcade Stage looking, a realistic city construction site as opposed to a retro throwback.
Just checked Melee's roster. Apparently Ice Climbers, Pichu, Roy, and Young Link are the only ones that were in melee but not in the new smash.

Young Link is in; he's just Toon Link now. All the Zelda characters changed to more modern incarnations; Young Link and Toon Link just needed to be given distinct names from regular Link.

Ice Climbers are the only real Melee casualty. Roy and Pichu were both clones that played extremely similarly to the originals (and Roy has been eplaced by Lucina).
Two Mario Circuits? Also, I'm not sure if it's an oversight but it seems like NoE might of changed Palutena's Temple back to its original name instead of going with Skyworld.

Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
Like I said, Wooly World due to development time is probably based on an early version of the game, like the version we were shown back in 2013.
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